Chapter 1098, the promise of 20 years

Ryan's personality was also similar to Qing Yafeng's. He did not talk much and usually looked cold and indifferent, but he would not do so in front of people he was familiar with.

He was more familiar with Luo Xichen. Although Luo Xichen had not been back for long, the two of them had a lot in common, so they got close quickly. The little guy had won Luo Xichen's heart.

"Uncle Chen, let's go play chess together! " Ryan looked up at Luo Xichen and smiled at him for the first time.

"Alright, I'll accompany you. " Luo Xichen smiled and took his hand to fetch a chess board. One of them sat down and the other lay on the table. The two of them started playing chess with each other.

Ryan was still too young. A child his age would not understand these games, but he knew how to play. He would not let the adults feel like they were playing house with a child.

It was mainly because of his high iq. He learned everything Qing Yafeng taught him and learned very quickly.

Luo Xichen played with him as his eyes fell on his face. He looked at his delicate little face and smiled. "Ryan, do you want to add some stakes? " He asked suddenly

Beside him, Qing Yafeng and Ryan turned their heads at the same time and looked at him in surprise.

"You are an adult playing with a child and you have the nerve to call it a bet? " Qing Yafeng said sarcastically.

"No matter what the situation is, it will be more interesting if you add stakes, won't it? " Luo Xichen was not ashamed at all. He looked at Ryan with a smile.

"If you win, you will let your daughter stay in my house for three months? " Qing Yafeng glanced at the baby who was sitting with Tong Xiyao and eating the cake on the plate. He smiled and teased.

This was already a very big bet for someone like Luo Xichen who was a serious lover of girls. If the baby really went to his house, Qing Yafeng believed that Luo xichen would definitely come to his house three times a day. He might not be able to sleep at night.

He thought that Luo xichen would go crazy after hearing this suggestion. However, he just smiled and said slowly, "If I lose, Ryan will stay in my house 20 years later? "

"NYMPHOMANIAC! " Qing Yafeng could not help but twitch his lips. He stood up speechlessly and went to the baby.

The baby was being served by Tong Xiyao as she ate the cake. Occasionally, she would add some drinks and fruits to the cake. There was white cream on the corner of her lips and the tip of her nose. She looked funny and cute.

"Aunt Yao, where did Mommy and brother go? " The baby turned her face and asked sweetly as she tasted the grapes that Tong Xiyao had brought to her mouth.

"Mommy and brother are still barbecuing in the garden behind. " Tong Xiyao wiped the cream from her nose and mouth and smiled as she handed her a small cut apple.

The baby was small, sweet, and sweet. Occasionally, she would say something that would melt people's hearts. Almost everyone who saw her liked her. Tong Xiyao also liked the little girl very much. Even her own son did not receive the same treatment All of it was used on her.

Qing Yafeng turned his head and glanced at the two of them. He picked up the baby and placed her on his lap. He pinched her face and rubbed it. The more he rubbed, the more energetic he became. Finally, the baby could not help but say, "uncle Yafeng, you like me very much? "

"I've been seen through by you. " Qing Yafeng was amused by her expression. He smiled and kissed her face. He carried her and placed her beside Ryan. His expression did not change as he spoke "Go play with Ryan. Just leave the rumors to uncle. "