Chapter 1100: The showdown between the Luo family and the Qing family

Luo Xichen's lips twitched as he stared at Noah for a long while. "Noah, how about we bring another little sister over for our next vacation? "

Sha Zhixing choked on his words and looked at him strangely.

Luo Xichen looked to the side and whistled as if nothing had happened. His attention fell on Noah's face again. "HMM? "

"I only want my little sister, " Noah said coolly. He walked to the side and poured himself a drink. He did not seem to have any intention of leaving.

Luo Xichen was a little troubled. He continued, "my sister is fighting with Eun. Can you help her? "

Noah finally had a reaction.

His hand that was holding the drink paused. He was a little surprised by Noah's words.

"Go. We can't let the Luo family lose to the Qing family, understand? " Luo xichen smiled and nudged Noah.

Noah jogged towards the House. Before he left, he said, "just tell me if you don't want me to stay here. "

Luo Xichen was not ashamed at all. He watched the little figure leave and walked to Sha Zhixing's side.

He put his hand around her slender waist and played with her soft waist. He rested his Chin on her thin shoulder and kissed her lips Then, he said in a pleasant tone, "Yafeng has chosen a good place. "

"You can be a neighbor if you are closer? " Sha Zhixing pushed him, displeased with his actions.

"Zhixing, go sit next to me. " Luo Xichen pressed her hand down, took the things from her hand, put them on the shelf, and dragged her to the parasol next to him.

There was a long table under the parasol, with a lot of food prepared for the dinner of the two families. Luo Xichen pulled Sha Zhixing over and sat her down, then poured a glass of red wine for the two of them.

He handed her one of the glasses and clinked glasses with her. He took a SIP and looked at the time on his watch. "Zhixing, why don't we go to the lounge? "

After saying that, he didn't care whether Sha Zhixing was willing or not. He dragged her to the lounge.

In the Front Hall, the baby, Ryan, and Noah were still playing chess.

Noah acted as the little military advisor and sat behind the baby, giving commands to the baby from time to time. The children represented the Luo family and the Qing family in a fierce battle.

Halfway through the game, the baby suddenly said, "little en, let's play a guess? "

Her voice was sweet, and the smile on her face was sweet. She had a clever look on her face.

Ryan's lips twitched slightly under her call, and he said, "guess who will win? "

"How boring is that? " The baby looked at Qing Yafeng and Tong Xiyao, who were long gone by the pool, and said with a smile, "guess where Uncle Yafeng and your mommy are now? "

"Let's change the question! " Ryan was not very interested in her words. He did not need to think to know where his daddy and mommy were.

"Then what do you guess? ''Thee baby asked.

Ryan thought for a moment and said, "guess if we can carry out the lunch smoothly? "

The baby did not understand what he was trying to imply. How simple was this question It was just a meal. How could it not go smoothly?

The baby agreed readily.

The two of them started the chess game again.

With Noah as the military advisor, it was already one o'clock when the game was over.

The garden was empty. No one came to ask the three children to eat.

The baby held Noah's hand in one hand and Eun's hand in the other. They walked through the garden, but they did not even see Luo Xichen and Sha Zhixing. Qing Yafeng and Tong Xiyao were nowhere to be found... ...