Chapter 1102

A bottle of wine. Half of it was drunk by a few people, and the other half was spilled when they clinked their glasses.

But the child was still so young. A small half of it would be magnified by a few people.

The three of them had never tasted wine before. They did not know what the taste of the wine was, nor did they see any familiar words on the bottle. There were too many good things stored in that room, so Ryan could not guess what this belonged to He only knew that Qing Yafeng was very reluctant to drink.

The baby drank until his head was dizzy, and his face was as red as a ripe apple. His head was soft as he leaned against little friend en en. His small hand touched his forehead, and his voice was weak. "En, en, I think I'm sick. My head is so heavy. "

"I think I'm sick too. " Young Ryan leaned against the back of the chair, and his head was so heavy that it almost hit the table.

"Then what should we do? Mommy will be worried when she sees us. " Even at this time, the baby was considerate enough to consider Sha Zhixing's feelings when she saw him like this.

"Don't worry, the baby is so healthy. He will definitely recover soon. " En En patted her shoulder to comfort her.

The baby was silent for a few seconds after his words, and his voice suddenly sounded like he was crying. "But I feel like I'm going to die... "


Noah was lying on the table, his little face red. His situation was not much better than the two of them. After lying on his stomach for a long time, he fell asleep.

The baby and Ryan fell asleep after a while.

When the adults appeared, they saw a scene of wolves on the table. One of the three children was lying on his stomach, one was lying horizontally, and the other was sitting on his back.

The three of them were all asleep.

Qing Yafeng smelled the whiskey in the air, and his expression was a little twisted.

He didn't need to guess to know that it was Ryan who had led the charge.


Sha Zhixing and Tong xiyao panicked. The kids had never touched alcohol before. It would hurt their stomachs if they drank so little. They walked over and helped the kids up in a panic.

"En, en, can you hear Mommy's voice? " Tong Xiyao pushed Ryan and asked gently.

"Xichen, come and help! " Sha Zhixing called out to Luo Xichen behind her.

Luo Xichen was dumbfounded. He had seen a lot of strange things, but he had never seen anything like this before. He wasn't worried. Instead, he felt that it was a little fun.

"I'll go make the hangover soup! " Tong Xiyao handed little Ryan to Qing Yafeng and turned to go to the kitchen.

Qing Yafeng hugged the little guy stiffly and stared at his red face with mixed feelings.

He really knows how to play host!

Luo Xichen held a child in one hand and looked at the wine on the grass. Suddenly, he smiled happily. "It's more than 200,000 US dollars. With this irrigation, the grass should be growing crazily in a few days, right? "

"GET LOST! " Qing Yafeng's lips twitched. He could not help but pinch little EUN's cheeks.

Eun was very young. Although her personality was similar to his, she had not fully grown yet. She was as delicate as a little girl. Her skin was also fair and tender. Just looking at her made Qing Yafeng want to pinch her.

The few of them waited at the dining table for a while. Tong xiyao carried some sobering soup and fed the three children. Then, she carried the children to their rooms to rest.

Sha Zhixing sat in front of Noah's bed and stared at her sleeping face. She could not help but glance at Luo Xichen behind her.

Luo Xichen touched his nose innocently and said slowly, "actually, it's not bad to train since you were young. "

Sha Zhixing was speechless