Chapter 1104 the Prince and the Knight

The baby and Ryan were arranged in the same room. Before going to bed, the two little guys sat side by side at the head of the bed, leisurely swaying their short legs while chatting.

The baby held two beautiful dolls in his hands and was admiring them by himself.

Pointing at the two dolls in his hands, the baby asked with a smile, "this is the princess of the Kingdom of Louisby, and this is her prince. Is He beautiful? Grandma gave him to me. "

The young master of the Qing family, who usually didn't care about such things, was touched by these things for the first time. Although he wasn't really interested, he still nodded his head in cooperation.

He did not play with these things. What he played with were all advanced toys developed by Yafeng himself.

The baby stared at the two dolls for a long time. His beautiful big eyes rolled for a moment and suddenly said, "when you grow up, En-en, can you be my prince too? "

EN-EN was actually not interested in princes at all. He liked the word knight more. Riding a horse and holding a long sword, how handsome!

"Be a knight. A Knight can protect the baby, " en-en said after thinking for a while.

The baby tilted his head and thought for a while. He felt that it was not bad, so he giggled. He took the doll and gently rubbed it on his face. Then, he reached out his small hand and hooked it with his hand. "It's a deal then. "

En En smiled and nodded. The two little ones laughed and fell on the bed.

Outside the corridor, Sha Zhixing did not know if the baby was used to being here. She came to the room of the two children while Luo Xichen was still downstairs chatting with Qing Yafeng.

When she pushed the door open, the two children had fallen asleep side by side. Their heads were resting on their heads and their faces were close to each other. They looked very intimate.

Sha Zhixing watched the scene quietly with a faint smile on her face.

The baby was actually very familiar with the bed. Sha Zhixing thought that she would not be able to fall asleep when she got here. She did not expect that Sha Zhixing would fall asleep without even needing her to accompany her.

Even Sha Zhixing could not help but marvel at the charm of the baby.

It was half past ten when Luo Xichen came up from upstairs. It was neither early nor late. He saw Sha Zhixing standing outside the door of the two children. He walked over and stood behind her. He glanced inside and saw that the baby was sleeping peacefully He could not help but frown again.

Isn't this little girl a little too unreserved?

Luo xichen frowned slightly and looked at the baby with disapproval.

Sha Zhixing did not need to guess what he was thinking. She nudged him with her elbow and said, "both of you are still immature. Don't think too much. "

"Didn't we develop like this? " Luo Xichen replied without changing his expression. He picked her up and walked towards their room.

The Qing family's villa was designed very shrewdly. Qing Yafeng was like a Fox that had only cultivated for a thousand years. He was very wise in the design of his own room. It was far away from the children's room and also far from the guest room. There were two doors through which they could go He had eliminated all external interference. No one would be able to sabotage him in secret.

Luo Xichen looked in the direction of his room as he walked. He secretly decided that he had to go back and imitate him.

He had only one child at home and he was already so well-prepared. He already had two at home. What if he gave birth to one or two more children in the future and ran back to the master bedroom every few minutes?

Luo Xichen carried Sha Zhixing through the corridors and came to their room.

Pushing her onto the bed, Luo xichen suddenly said, "Zhixing, have you thought about having another child? "