Chapter 1120 a family of three bubble bath

Luo Xichen's back stiffened. He turned his head and fixed his gaze on her smiling face. He picked her up in one swift motion.

"Did you not come out to play much in the past? " Luo Xichen asked dotingly as he pinched the tip of her nose.

"But not with Daddy. " The baby pursed his lips. His voice sounded a little wronged. "Like now, with Daddy, mommy, and brother, it's better for the four of us to be together. "

Luo Xichen was slightly moved by her words.

The baby turned his head and looked at him. He smiled sweetly at him and smacked him hard on the face.

Then, he suddenly said, "yes, yes. Aunt Yao Yao and uncle Yafeng are working hard to make a little sister for him. It would be better if our family could have a little sister too. "

Sha Zhixing choked on her words and almost twisted her high heels.

Luo Xichen pursed his thin lips and looked at her leisurely. He teased, "Zhixing, what do you think of my suggestion? "

"Let's go back early! " Sha Zhixing did not want to hurt her baby. She went to the car door, opened it, and got into the car.

Noah got into the car. He sat in the back seat and called Ken Nisi to ask about Luo RONGCI.

"sixth uncle, have you settled the matter that my baby and I asked you to help us with? "

"Yes, I've settled it. It's just that the other party was lucky. " Ken Nisi was a little frustrated when he thought of the car accident that Luo Rongci did not even hurt a hair on his head.

"Alright, it's alright. We'll try again next time. " Noah had guessed Luo RONGCI's situation from his tone. He comforted him and hung up the phone.

Just as he was about to put away his phone, the car door was suddenly pulled open and Luo Xichen appeared by the door.

"What did you do? ''LuooXichenn handed the driver's seat toShaaZhixingg.Hee carried the baby into the car and raised his eyebrows.

"Ha... Haha... Daddy, you heard wrong... " Noah laughed dryly. He was about to deny it when the baby's childish voice interrupted him. "Daddy, we broke Luo RONGCI'S BRAKES! "

The little guy was very frank and he sounded very proud.

Luo Xichen was silent for a long time after she said that. Noah thought that he would find them troublesome, but he patted them on the shoulder and said, "well done! "

Although his words were expressionless, his tone was calm and even a little helpless.

The baby and Noah looked at him suspiciously, Their Eyes Wide Open. "Daddy, did we do something wrong? "

"No, it's just that daddy still has a lot of things to figure out. I don't want anything to happen to him so soon. " Luo Xichen rubbed the heads of the two children and said, "if you want to do something like this in the future, remember to find someone else to help you. Don't do it yourself, okay? "

The baby and Noah did not quite understand, but they could guess that he was afraid that they would get hurt. They nodded obediently.

The four of them drove back to the castle. Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen each took care of one child after they entered the house and helped the two of them prepare for bed.

The baby was probably tired from playing. He was very well-behaved tonight. He let Sha Zhixing massage him as he sat in the bathtub, and his head drooped as he dozed off.

Sha Zhixing quickly washed her face and carried her to bed. She put her to bed and then went to Noah's room.

There were only four people in the house at night. The door was open when Sha Zhixing went in, and Noah's childish laughter could be heard from the bathroom.

Sha Zhixing did not think too much about it. She just thought that Luo Xichen was bathing him outside the bathtub, so she pushed the door open and went in.

However, what she saw after she went in was the father and son sitting in the bathtub full of bubbles and laughing

"Mommy, do you want to come? " Noah asked politely when he saw her.

Sha Zhixing was speechless