Chapter 1122 husband and wife affairs

"What are you talking about in front of the Child? " Sha Zhixing scolded as she turned her head and glared at Noah.

"Isn't it? " Luo Xichen looked out of the window as if nothing had happened. He even whistled happily.

"Why? " Noah asked with a smile as he looked at Noah with his big eyes wide open. He was full of curiosity.

Luo Xichen turned his head slightly and looked at Noah from the corner of his eyes. "This is a husband and wife affair. The child should do something for the child. "

Noah did not seem to understand. He smiled at the two of them and wanted to ask more questions. However, Luo Xichen pressed him down on the bed, pulled the blanket over him and covered him.

"Rest early. Sister should be asleep already. " Luo Xichen's gaze fell on Noah's face as he sat beside Noah's bed and urged him.

Noah pursed his lips and looked a little innocent.

WHO said that he would ask questions if he did not understand?

He still wanted to know!

"HE'S ASLEEP! " Luo Xichen could guess what was going on in Noah's head and urged him again.

Noah was a little reluctant, but he obediently closed his eyes as he was told.

However, he opened his eyes again a few minutes later.

He looked at Sha Zhixing who was standing by the bed and then looked at Luo Xichen. Noah's face broke into a smile again. "Are Daddy and Mommy going to accompany me tonight? "

"You're overthinking it. " Luo Xichen mercilessly poured cold water on him. "I'm just going to sleep with you. "

"That's not bad. " Noah was very content. He looked at the two of them again with a smile and closed his eyes.

He was more sensible. He was also his older brother. He did not need Sha Zhixing to accompany him when he slept. When he was very young, he would fall off the bed when he fell asleep. Sha Zhixing did not trust him and would stay with him.

Then, he put a guardrail on the bed for the two children. Usually, he would leave after the two children fell asleep.

She was alone and could not take care of the two children at all. Although the baby and Noah were young, they knew each other and would not deliberately pester her.

But now, not only was she with him, but Luo Xichen was also with him. He had both his daddy and mommy. The feeling was very different from before.

Noah quickly fell asleep with a faint smile on his face.

Sha Zhixing and Luo Xichen sat by his bed with him. Both of their eyes were on Noah's face.

Sha Zhixing turned to Luo Xichen and suddenly asked, "is there any news about he simu? "

"There are people stationed at the airport and on the way out of the city. She can't get out. She should still be in the city. It's only a matter of time before we find her, " Luo Xichen explained.

Sha Zhixing did not ask further.

She would not interfere with his business normally. However, this matter involved the safety of the child. She was worried that the child would not be safe if they did not find her.

"Don't worry too much. Nothing will happen to Noah and the baby again. TRUST ME! " Luo Xichen could guess what she was thinking. He wrapped her hand in his palm and comforted her gently "There are many people secretly stationed near the castle and the Luo family, as well as the two children. "

Sha Zhixing relaxed a little after he said that.

"The child is asleep. " Luo xichen turned to look at Noah, and took her hand and walked out.

They were both very light-footed, afraid that they would wake the child.

When they returned to their room, Sha Zhixing found a pair of pajamas. Just as she was about to go to the bathroom, Luo Xichen suddenly said in a mocking voice, "what did you promise Noah? "

Sha Zhixing was speechless