Chapter 1124 the smug family

Sha Zhixing took two mouthfuls of Porridge and looked at Luo Xichen. She saw that he was looking at her calmly and asked casually, "are you up early? "

"I'm fine. " Luo Xichen's voice was mixed with a smile.

Sha Zhixing could guess that the servants in the castle did not live here and the baby and Noah often got up early. Luo Xichen must have gotten up early because he was afraid that no one would look after the baby when he got up.

"Mommy, can brother and I accompany you to the company with Daddy later? " The baby finished all the food in his bowl and pushed away the empty bowl. He looked at Sha Zhixing with a smile.

"No, Mommy will arrange for a teacher to teach you guys later. Grandma and grandma will still come to accompany you guys. " Sha Zhixing rejected her without even thinking.

"Mommy, you can go to the COMPANY FOR CLASS TOO! Shi Shi is better than any teacher. " The baby stood up, shook her arm, and started to persuade her.

"Uncle Qino isn't there every day. Besides, he has his own things to do. " Sha Zhixing was unmoved.

"He will go. If he knows that we are there, he will definitely go. " The baby continued to use his Kung Fu.

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at her. "where did you learn your Kung Fu from? "

"My brother and I have never been there. It's all passed down from our parents. " The baby raised his little face proudly.

Sha Zhixing was silent.

Luo Xichen pursed his lips and smiled.

The little girl did not say anything wrong.

"Mommy, just promise us, okay? " The baby continued to shake her arm.

Sha Zhixing considered that Luo Rongci, the dangerous person, was still in the company and did not want the child to go. However, she would not be more worried if she kept them at home and the company was far away.

After weighing the pros and cons, Sha Zhixing finally nodded.

There were so many people in the company. As long as the child did not run around, there should not be too many problems. She could still take care of the two of them, which made her feel more at ease.

After this discussion, the baby and Noah had appeared in the company for an unknown number of times in the past few days.

When they arrived at the company building, they bumped into Luo rongci outside the building.

The baby and Noah looked at him up and down. They wanted to see if he had any minor injuries, but they did not see any wounds at all.

The baby and Noah were a little disappointed. One of them held Sha Zhixing's hand and the other held Luo Xichen's hand as they went into the building.

"Baby, when you get to the company, you can either follow daddy and mommy or uncle Qino. You can't run around on your own, understand? " Sha Zhixing looked at Luo Rongci from the corner of her eyes and reminded him seriously.

"Mommy, don't worry. Brother and I will be good. " The baby smiled sweetly at her and comforted her in a baby voice.

Sha Zhixing felt a little relieved when she remembered that Luo Xichen had secretly arranged many bodyguards for her children.

They went upstairs. Luo Xichen went back to his office first. Sha Zhixing called Shi Qinuo and asked if he would come today. She got a positive answer and went to his office with her two children to wait for him.

Shi Qinuo arrived half an hour later. Since he had little to do, he took over to take care of the children for her.

Baby Noah stayed in the same office with him. The two children were lying on the SOFA around him. They were rolling their black eyes and thinking about how to make Luo Rongci look bad.

Finally, they all looked at Shi Qinuo.