Chapter 1134 revenge

Luo Yi and Sha Zhixing stayed in the room with Luo Yi for a while, then went downstairs.

The two of them did not go home often, and Luo Yi was not in good health, so he could not leave for the next few days.

After sitting downstairs for a while, Sha Zhixing wanted to go to the mall to buy some things and decorate the room for the two of them and the child.

Luo Xichen was fine, so he happened to stay with her.

The two of them did not trust Luo Rongci now. When he was at home, he usually did not dare to leave the child alone in the Luo family. Even when Luo Xichen was out shopping, he was very protective and took the four of them away.

The baby and Noah were very happy. As long as the four of them went out together, the two children seemed to be a little excited. When they arrived at a large shopping mall in the city, they held hands and started shopping. After a few steps, they seemed to feel that something was wrong They stepped back and held Luo Xichen's hand.

The two children had different identities. They had come into contact with jue Ye's group since they were young. Even though they were still young, they still had a sense of self-protection. They knew that it was better to stay with adults outside.

"Daddy, let's go to the DOLLHOUSE, shall we? " There were a lot of things in the mall. The baby liked all kinds of dolls and dolls. His eyes lit up when he saw a shop.

"okay. " Luo Xichen almost did not refuse her request. He glanced at Sha Zhixing behind him, pointed inside, and went in with the baby.

Sha Zhixing came to buy the furnishings in the room today. She did not go in with the others. She just stood outside the door and looked around.

The baby was having a good time. When he went in, he hugged one toy and another. He dragged a big doll and chased after Noah, playing and playing in the shop. Laughter could be heard from time to time.

Sha Zhixing quietly looked at the two children outside, her red lips slightly raised.

The baby ran for a while and was probably a little hot. When he saw her outside, he bumped into her arms and hugged her thighs.

"Mommy, let's buy this and give it to great-grandfather, okay? " She raised the doll in her hand and asked with a smile.

"It's up to you. " Sha Zhixing squatted down and looked at her sweaty forehead. She frowned and took out a tissue to wipe her forehead.

The baby turned his head and kissed her on the cheek. He said sweetly, "Mommy, I'm thirsty. "

"Stay here with daddy and brother. Mommy will get you some water. Remember not to leave Daddy's sight. " Sha Zhixing rubbed her head and led her to Luo Xichen. She turned around and left the shop.

This was a shopping mall. There was no supermarket here. Sha Zhixing left the doll shop and went downstairs.

The area was crowded with shopping malls. There was no supermarket in the area. Sha Zhixing walked for a while but did not see a single one.

She looked around and continued walking.

A car passed by on the opposite side of the street. When it passed her, it suddenly stopped.

He simu sat in the car and glanced at her silhouette from the corner of her eyes. Her eyes were dark at first, but they were soon covered by hatred.

Because of her, she lost Luo Xichen. It was also because of her that the image that she had built up for many years was destroyed. Including the sorry state she was in now, it was all because of Sha Zhixing!

During the time when the he family was in ruins, he simu had been hiding outside. The only impulse in her mind was revenge!

She and the he family were in such a dire situation. Sha Zhixing would not have an easy time either!