Chapter 1132 distribution of property

Not long after Sha Zhixing returned to Rong Xi, Luo Enqi suddenly came downstairs. He said that the old man was not feeling well today, so he did not explain much. He just asked her and Luo Xichen to take the children home tonight.

Sha Zhixing was worried, so she went over with the two children in the afternoon.

Luo Yi was old, but his body had always been fine. It was just that some old people were prone to diseases, such as blood pressure, but the problem was not serious.

After Sha Zhixing arrived, she directly went to his room.

The baby and Noah were especially obedient. On the way here, they even took out the money in their small pockets to buy flowers for Luo Yi and some fruits for Luo Yi. The two four-year-old little guys were still looking good when visiting patients.

After entering Luo Yi's room, the two of them walked in front of Sha Zhixing and surrounded his bed from left and right. "Great-grandfather, we're here to see you! Where does it hurt? LET US HELP YOU WHISTLE! "

The two little guys surrounded the head of the bed. Their voices were sweet, and the smiles on their faces were also sweet. It made Luo Yi smile so much that he hugged one of them and laughed.

"GRANDPA, what's going on? " Sha Zhixing walked over to them and sat down beside Luo Yi's bed.

"Nothing. I just drank a little wine and my blood pressure has gotten worse, " Luo Yi explained casually. He looked outside the door and did not see Luo Xichen. He could not help but feel a little disappointed.

Sha Zhixing followed Luo Yi's line of sight and looked behind him. She observed Luo Yi's expression and guessed what he was thinking. She smiled and explained "GRANDPA, I came here after I heard from dad. Xichen doesn't know yet. I'll give him a call later. "

Luo Yi nodded and kissed the two children's cheeks. He chatted with them lovingly for a while and suddenly took out a stack of documents from the drawer.

Sha Zhixing followed his movements and saw the enlarged words "inheritance" on the top page.

Luo Yi took out the documents and carefully smoothed out the paper before handing it to Sha Zhixing. "Zhixing, these are for the two children. You keep this. "

Sha Zhixing fixed her eyes on the words on the paper. Her hand trembled as she held the documents. This was an inheritance distribution document. Rong Xi had been decided by Luo Xichen a long time ago regarding the distribution of assets under Luo Yi's name The other assets in his hands were divided into three portions. Sha Zhixing had 30% , and the baby and Noah each had 35% .

All the assets were left to the family of four. Luo RONGCI's name was not mentioned in the document.

"Grandfather... " Sha Zhixing looked at him in shock. Her palms were a little cold.

"Keep It. Take good care of it. This is the only thing grandfather left for you. " Luo Yi closed his eyes slightly and pushed the document to her.

"Grandfather, why are you getting these done so early? You are so healthy. You will grow in the future. "

Sha Zhixing didn't want it at all. This feeling was as if she was going to send him away. She didn't like it, or... ... His condition was very serious ? ?

Her heart suddenly tightened, and she asked tentatively, "Grandpa, is there something you're not telling me? "

"What could be wrong? GRANDPA likes to prepare ahead of time for everything. Little girl, think too much. " Luo Yi waved his hand indifferently and continued to tease the baby and Noah. "Baby, spend more time with great-grandfather tonight, okay? "

"Okay! " Xing Bao and Noah nodded like obedient babies. One of them peeled the fruit while the other poured water for him.

Sha Zhixing's eyes were fixed on the document, lost in thought.

Why did he prepare all this so early?

Why wasn't Luo RONGCI inside?