Chapter 1139: Seduction

Sha Zhixing left jue Ye's private island and went straight back to the Luo family.

It took her some time to get to the city by bus. It was seven o'clock when she arrived. Everyone in the Luo family had woken up.

They were all surprised to see her at this time.

Under normal circumstances, she and Luo Xichen would not have come back without prior notice, and they would not have appeared in this place so early.

Luo Rongci was also surprised to see her. He narrowed his eyes and sized her up for a while before he asked, "why are you back so early? "

"after I woke up, I was worried about grandfather's health and couldn't sleep, so I came over to take a look. " Sha Zhixing glanced at Luo Yi who was not far away and walked towards him in a few steps.

The old man's eyes had been wide open ever since she appeared, and the way he looked at her was unusually strange.

Sha Zhixing sat down beside him as if nothing had happened. As usual when the two of them met, she giggled and joked with him, "grandfather, I came to see you so early in the morning, and you're giving me this expression? "

"What are you talking about, girl? " Luo Yi knocked her head and poured her some hot water. "Why wouldn't GRANDPA be happy to see you? Just rest at home when you're free in the future. What are you doing so early in the morning? "

Sha Zhixing smiled and turned around to greet Wen Lan and Luo Enqi. "Dad, mom, I've been here since this morning. "

"where's Xichen and the two kids? " Wen Lan felt that something was wrong when she saw Sha Zhixing appear alone, but there was nothing wrong with Sha Zhixing's reason.

The old man had been sick once before, and everyone had been scared. Sha Zhixing and Luo Yi had always been on good terms, so it was normal for them to care about him.

"Xichen was very busy last night. He had just fallen asleep in the morning, so he didn't come over with us. The baby and Noah are at home with the others, " Sha Zhixing explained calmly.

"I see. " Wen Lan sighed and said, "why don't we ask Xichen and the two kids to come over later? "

Sha Zhixing's gaze was a little confused after her words, but she quickly covered it up. Her expression was still calm. "He just fell asleep not too long ago. Let him rest a little more. "

"That's good, that's good. " Wen Lan did not know what the two of them had been busy with last night, but she was very happy that Sha Zhixing was so considerate towards Luo Xichen, so she did not say much.

Luo Rongci stood at the side and listened to the two of them quietly. His gaze fell on Sha Zhixing and stared at her for a long time. His eyes were as dark as ink.

He did not remember anything else that she said. He only caught the sentence that Luo xichen would not come today!

Sha Zhixing glanced at his reaction from the corner of her eyes. The corners of her lips curled up without a trace. She suddenly stood up and walked out as if nothing had happened.

A single sentence floated over from behind her, "grandfather, father, mother, I'm going to take a walk nearby. I'll come back later. "

After informing her family, she turned around and walked out of the Luo family's main gate. When she left, her gaze silently drifted towards Luo Rongci's direction once more before she left.

Luo RONGCI quietly watched her back, his gaze darkening.

After Sha Zhixing left the Luo family, she went to the side of the alley where she had almost been kidnapped the last time. There were fewer people there, and the air was fresh, so it was not strange for her to go there for a walk.

She walked very slowly, and from the corner of her eye, she looked around silently until a familiar sound of footsteps rang out as she had expected.

Sha Zhixing heard it, and she could tell who was behind her, but she pretended not to hear it and continued walking on her own path.

Actually, she had chosen such a small place for a walk on purpose, so as to deliberately draw out... ... Him ! !