Chapter 1141: Searching Frantically

Luo Xichen took out his phone and looked at the time. His eyes narrowed slightly.

It had only been three hours since they last had sex. He had been so tired after the whole night. Sha Zhixing must be even more tired. She shouldn't have woken up so early.

Luo Xichen's heart tightened. He thought of the three words that she had suddenly said last night. He lowered his eyes and thought for a moment. Then, he suddenly strode downstairs.

The tall figure was anxiously shuttling back and forth in every corner. Luo Xichen's cold face was as dark as the weather before a storm. The Cold Air All over his body made the air pressure around him lower.

After searching all the corners, he suddenly punched the front door of the villa.

"Daddy, are you looking for Mommy? " Suddenly, a young voice sounded.

The baby and Noah stood beside him and looked at him in confusion.

"Have you seen Mommy this morning? " Luo Xichen asked in a hoarse voice as he grabbed the arms of the two children.

Noah shook his head. "We're looking for mommy too. "

The baby yawned and said in a baby voice, "before I woke up this morning, I seemed to dream that mommy was sitting in front of my bed and kissed me and my brother. "

"And then? " Luo Xichen's face darkened and he tightened his grip on her arm.

"and then she left. " The baby racked his brain to recall the dream-like situation in his mind.

Luo Xichen lowered his eyes and thought for a moment. He let go of her arm, turned around and walked to the side to make a call to Sha Zhixing.

There was no answer on the other end of the phone, but he did not hang up either.

Luo Xichen then made a few more calls.

However, the situation was still the same.

Just as Luo Xichen was about to make another call, Wen lan suddenly called.

"Xichen, are you awake? "

"What's the matter? " Luo Xichen's voice was cold.

"Is Zhixing back? " Wen Lan asked anxiously.

"Zhixing? " Luo Xichen was a little surprised by her words. "Mom, what do you mean? ''

"Is Zhixing by your side? " She went home early this morning. She said that she was worried about her grandfather's condition, so she went out for a walk after sitting at home for a while. She said that she would be back soon, but she had been gone for so long. She didn't pick up her phone. Is She not back yet?"Wen Lan told him about Sha Zhixing's return to the Luo family "What happened? " Luo Xichen asked in confusion.

Luo Xichen listened to her quietly, his face getting darker and darker.

The two of them had just gone to bed early this morning, but she had run home after he had fallen asleep. This behavior was very strange in itself, and it was even more strange that she had not told him anything!

Luo Xichen was thinking about her motive for doing this. He was silent for a while, then suddenly asked, "mom, is Rong Ci at home? ''

"Rong Ci seems to have gone out to do some work earlier. " Wen Lan was a little puzzled by his sudden question. She wanted to ask him about it, but Luo Xichen hung up the phone and turned to run out of jue Ye.

Zhixing had disappeared, and so had Rong Ci. It was not even time for work yet, and the two of them had disappeared so early together. It could only mean one thing -- they were together!

"Daddy, where are you going? " The baby and Noah's childish voices came from behind.

Luo xichen's footsteps paused under the voices of the two children. He turned his head and looked at the two anxious little ones, and his face softened a little "Daddy, go find mommy. Be Good and wait for daddy in Jue Ye. Remember, you can't leave here by yourself. If you have nothing to do, go and inform the other people in Jue ye to help look for him! "

���� Digression

The main text was finished in the next few days. The digression was not for Zhixing and Xi Chen. Those who had not seen enough of it would forward the new article. The main characters of the new article would appear, and the content would be even more interesting and rich. The title of the new book was "dangerous trial marriage: A wealthy family pampers their wife at a sky-high price. " The pen name was he Qingxia. In the future, when reading 7th novel, they would search for the pen name he Qingxia.