Chapter 1149 was exposed

Sha Zhixing looked at him and was a little scared. She opened the door and wanted to walk out, but Luo Rongci suddenly pulled her back.

"Luo Rongci, what are you doing? " Sha Zhixing struggled and kicked him with the tip of her foot.

Luo RONGCI cut her hands behind her back and held her wrists with one hand. He pushed her against the wall behind him and pressed his face against her. Slowly, he said, "what if we have a relationship? "

Sha Zhixing's face turned pale after he said that. She looked at him in horror and was stunned for a few seconds. She struggled even more fiercely in his arms.

She twisted her body very hard, trying her best to break free from his restraint. Until a cracking sound was heard between the two of them.

The muffled sound made Sha Zhixing stunned for a moment. After she came back to her senses, her eyes froze on the ground.

She stared at the white phone and bent down to pick it up. However, Luo Rongci picked up the phone faster than her.

"That's mine. Give it back to me! " She stretched out her hand, wanting to reach for it, but Luo Rongci raised his hand to avoid her action.

"Luo Rongci, what right do you have to pry into other people's privacy like this? Give me back my phone! " Sha Zhixing stood on her tiptoes, wanting to reach for it again, but Luo Rongci took a few steps back, avoiding her action.

Turning his head, he looked at her from the corner of his eyes. Seeing her nervous expression, Luo Rongci raised his phone, and his fingertips tapped on it, opening the phone records and text messages.

It was empty inside, there was nothing.

Sha Zhixing watched his action without batting an eyelid, and the corners of her lips curved upwards without a trace.

Fortunately, she destroyed the evidence quickly.

She was a little glad, but Luo RONGCI's next move made her expression change.

After Luo Rongci checked her phone records, he opened the lid of her phone. When he saw the surveillance chip inside, his face immediately turned black.

"This has always been installed in my phone. Xi Chen was afraid that I wouldn't be safe when I was outside, so he always installed these on my and the child's phones, " Sha Zhixing glanced at him carefully and explained calmly.

Luo rongci narrowed his eyes in thought. He did not know if he believed her words.

After a few minutes of silence, a hand suddenly grabbed Sha Zhixing's arm and led her to a room in the castle.

"where are you taking me? " Sha Zhixing followed behind him, staggering.

Luo RONGCI did not return. He just dragged her forward and came to a room with various instruments. He took her in.

Sha Zhixing's face turned pale when she saw an infrared sensor on the table. She secretly touched the spot where the chip was implanted on her arm.

Absolute night had many advanced things, so Sha Zhixing knew about these things. She knew at a glance that this device could detect whether there was a tracking chip nearby!

Luo RONGCI brought her here to check if she had any other micro-devices that could be tracked!

"My stomach hurts, I want to go to the bathroom. " Sha Zhixing's heart tightened. She twitched her wrist, trying to break free from his grip, but Luo Rongci only glanced at her indifferently and dragged her to the side of the device.

The infrared ray swept over Sha Zhixing's body, and the system's electronic automatic broadcast rang, "tracking chip Angel III... Tracking Chip Angel III... "

Luo RONGCI's originally dark face became even colder after the instrument's accurate detection results, like the weather before a storm. He pulled her hand back.