Why did Chapter 1151 do this

Sha Zhixing silently observed his reaction, her red lips curling upwards without a trace.

Luo Rongci stopped where he was, his face cold and gloomy, as if he was deep in thought.

After about four to five minutes of silence, his gaze suddenly turned towards Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing's back stiffened under his gaze, and her nerves tensed up a little.

"You purposely brought the tracking chip with you, didn't you? " Luo Rongci walked towards her step by step, his gaze sharp.

Sha Zhixing took a few steps back, not replying.

However, her silence was undoubtedly a tacit agreement to Luo Rongci.

If she had only installed a listening device in her phone, perhaps he would not have suspected so much. However, with that, and even with the tracking chip on her, he had to think too much!

When he had just taken out the tracking chip from her arm, the wound on her arm was clearly new!

This meant that the chip had only been implanted not long ago!

Her actions were clearly leading the way for Luo Xichen!

Sha Zhixing's reason was purely to deny it. With the wound, even if she made up some other excuse for the wound, with Luo Rongci's vigilance, he might not believe it.

However, she was not afraid of anything now. Luo Xichen had found her. Her goal had been achieved!

After taking a deep breath, Sha Zhixing raised her head slightly and looked at his face expressionlessly. She did not deny it. "You guessed right. "

"Why did you do that? " Luo RONGCI's eyes reflected a trace of hostility. His hand suddenly grabbed her arm forcefully.

Sha Zhixing was in pain, but she did not push his hand away. She frowned and looked at him coldly. Instead of answering, she asked, "why did you do that to Xichen? "

Her words made Luo RONGCI's face turn even colder. The coldness in his eyes was as if he wanted to kill someone.

She knew about what had happened between Luo Xichen and him!

She actually knew!

"Did you go back to the Luo family this morning on purpose? " Luo Rongci said through gritted teeth.

"So what? " Sha Zhixing admitted frankly since he had guessed everything.

"Are you trying to set me up by going out for a walk? " Luo RONGCI's eyes were bloodshot and gloomy, as if a storm was about to break out.

"Are you here all for Luo Xichen? " He almost shouted the last sentence out loud.

He had never been fierce to her. No matter how fierce he was to others, he had never been fierce to her ever since he was young.

In Luo Rongci's eyes, Sha Zhixing was the little angel who could melt the whole world with a smile when she was young. Every smile she gave was warm and heartwarming. She had helped him get through the most difficult and painful period after his leg was crippled She was also the one who gave him a second life.

Sha Zhixing meant a lot to Luo RONGCI. Therefore, no matter how much he tried to frame the Luo family and Luo Xichen, he would never hurt her. He had even helped her block the disasters that he simu wanted to create a few times.

He had treated her like this, but what about her?

He had set him up for a Luo Xichen!

Luo RONGCI's heart broke when he realized what she had done. He tightened his grip on her arm.

Sha Zhixing frowned in pain, but she did not make a sound.

She slowly raised her head and met his eyes fearlessly "Do you know what kind of position you hold in Xichen's heart "If I had to rank the most important person in Xichen's heart, I would have been on par with you four years ago. However, it was this kind of brother that he had always believed in, who had stabbed him in the back and almost killed him in the sea. He had barely managed to survive and had to endure four years of inhuman torture. What did Xichen do wrong to make you treat him like this? "