Chapter 1166

Greece, Aegean Sea.

Located on an island in the Aegean Sea, a manor house with a strong classical Chinese charm stood out from the rest in a place like Greece. The Soft White Outer Wall had a touch of romance, warmth, mystery, and uniqueness.

The people living around the house did not know the owner of the house. Other than a few people who had seen him once when he moved in, they usually did not meet him.

On the balcony by the window, a figure slowly walked out. The exquisite baby face reflected the sunlight, so beautiful that it looked like a person who had walked out of a painting. His clear eyes were so pure that they were not stained with dust. It was very beautiful, but it was too beautiful to be true. There was no spirit in it.

In the small villa, a strong smell of coffee wafted out from a certain room. It was like the most mellow wine. When one smelled it, they could not bear to move it away.

However, the figure standing by the balcony seemed to have lost his sense of smell. He did not react to the strong fragrance at all. His eyes were only looking at the scenery of the manor in a daze, as if he was thinking about something.

Not long after, the door of the room was gently pushed open, and a hoarse magnetic voice immediately followed.

"I just brewed coffee and paired it with TIRAMISU. This master rarely makes a move. Do you want to try it? ''LuooRongcii wore a casual shirt and walked out of the room with a smile.Hee walked straight towards the woman on the balcony.

Sha Zhixing was still leisurely looking at the manor, her absent-minded gaze had no focus at all.

"Zhixing... " coming to her side, Luo Rongci turned his head and called her softly.

Sha Zhixing slowly turned around, without even looking at the man beside her, she turned her head and walked into the room.

Luo rongci sighed lightly and followed her into the room with the western point. Sitting beside her, he picked up a small spoon, scooped up a small piece of cake, and brought it to her lips. His voice was gentle, "you haven't eaten breakfast, you'll starve yourself. "

Sha Zhixing just looked at him indifferently. She stared at him for a few seconds, then moved her gaze away. She pursed her red lips and did not speak.

"Are you punishing me? " Luo rongci sighed lightly and stuffed the cake into her mouth.

Sha Zhixing did not refuse, nor did she say anything. After putting the cake into her mouth, she swallowed it without even chewing.

"This will make you choke. Drink something to go with it. " Luo RONGCI's hand gently stroked her back. He picked up the coffee beside him and brought it to her lips.

Sha Zhixing looked at the coffee in a daze. Her hand suddenly slapped the Cup away.

The hot coffee splashed on the back of Luo RONGCI's hand. A burning pain came from his skin. Luo RONGCI frowned.

She wanted to say something, but before she could say anything, Sha Zhixing lay down on the table and dry vomited.

"cough... cough... " a painful cough followed ...

She seemed to be in a bad mood. Luo Rongci was in pain from looking at her.

After a few minutes, the gentle man finally couldn't stand it anymore. He growled at her in a low voice, "how long do you have to keep this up with me? "

Sha Zhixing's back stiffened for a moment, and her sad eyes came back to her senses after he said that. She slowly raised her head and fixed her eyes on his face. For the first time in a month, she said, "how long are you going to keep me here? "

Luo Rongci fell silent after she said that.

This was the first time she had talked to him in the month since the two of them came here. However, when she said that, Luo RONGCI's face turned a little ugly.