Chapter 1169: Waiting for your return

Noah was wearing a black Tuxedo with a white shirt underneath. It looked exactly the same as Luo Xichen's. He was dressed as a father and son, looking very handsome.

All the people from Jue Ye had come today. They had been waiting backstage with the two children since they arrived at the venue.

Qing Yafeng's support for the press conference had brought all the top artists under the Qing family to the venue. The press conference had been hyped up even before it had started.

? ?

Luo Xichen stood at the back of the crowd. His eyes fell on the baby and Noah's faces quietly. He looked at the two beautiful little guys with a dim gaze.

He did not believe that something had happened to Zhi Xing. He did not think that Luo RONGCI would be smart enough to do something that would destroy him as well. However, he had been to that island many times and had been looking for the two of them for the past month There was still no news about Sha Zhixing.

The baby, who was being tidied up by Tong Xiyao's soft and long hair, glanced at him from the corner of his eyes. He was sensitive enough to catch his expression. The little figure came to his side.

"Daddy! " The baby called out to him in a baby voice and gently pulled his hand.

Luo Xichen came back to his senses and looked down at her tender face. He looked at her beautiful doll-like face and bent down to pick her up. He pinched her face and asked, "what's wrong? "

The baby looked up at him with eyes that were brighter than stars. Her Pink Lips curved and she said, "don't be unhappy, don't frown, don't be absent-minded, or mommy will be unhappy when she sees you! "

Her voice was sweet. She was smiling when she said this, but her expression was very serious.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched a little and he laughed out loud.

The baby smiled and held his handsome face with both hands. Her Pink Lips smacked his face heavily and she only let go of him after drooling a little.

Luo Xichen did not feel embarrassed at all. He lifted the Hem of her skirt and wiped the drool off his face. Even his eyes were smiling.

The baby was right. Even a four-year-old child would understand. How could he not understand?

Since he believed that she was here, what he needed to do was to find her!

The Jewelry Exhibition was to be held in a few minutes.

There were a total of 46 sets of works in the exhibition. The first 45 sets were all displayed by the models. The last set was left for Luo Xichen and the two children.

After Sha Zhixing's works became famous, they would cause a great sensation at almost every press conference. It was the same this time.

When the first work was carried out by the model, it had successfully attracted all the cameras at the scene. The sound of the shutter clicking could be heard continuously, and the atmosphere was very lively.

The work was still being displayed, and the climax was set off wave after wave.

C City Airport.

A slender figure alighted from the plane and followed the crowd as they walked in the VIP channel. Her beautiful face immediately caused quite a stir in the airport after her appearance.

This face was familiar to almost everyone in the design world. To the public, it was not unfamiliar after the wedding of the century that had caused a sensation at home and abroad a few years ago.

The gazes of the people around her immediately fell on her after she appeared. From time to time, they would look at her, and from time to time, they would look at the large-screen television in a certain direction of the airport.

On the screen television, the live broadcast was of Rong Xi's latest Jewelry Exhibition... ...