Chapter 1176

Hai Yue's hands were still crawling all over his body. After she got into his clothes, she touched him here and there. She seemed to dislike that his body was too strong and could not help but poke him.

Shi Qinuo's face was almost as black as the bottom of a pot.

What did this wretched girl think he was?

"Get up! " With a cold face, he spat out another sentence.

Hai Yue ignored him. She buried her face in his neck and rubbed against it. She took a deep breath of his scent. With the two of them in such a strange position, she hugged him tightly and slept in his arms.

From time to time, she would say, "next time you tease me, be careful... be careful that I don't let Hai Luo ruin your Mo family! "

The corner of Shi Qinuo's lips twitched. He looked at her drunken face and pushed her away expressionlessly. "Do you need me to send you to Mo Yichen to take revenge? "

Hai Yue buried herself in his arms. Her beautiful eyes were closed, and her long eyelashes fluttered as she breathed. Her arms wrapped around him tightly, but she ignored him.

Shi Qinuo was a little disgusted by her actions. He had never been so intimate with a woman before. Even if he was so close to Sha Zhixing, the two of them would only hug each other. Sha Zhixing would not be as drunk as she was Hugging a man and acting shamelessly.

This was the Sha Zhixing in Shi Qinuo's eyes.

What he did not know was that Sha Zhixing had done worse than this when she was drunk in front of Luo Xichen.

At the party, Luo Xichen's family of four sat side by side. The younger two were pushed aside by Luo Xichen while he himself sat next to Sha Zhixing. He held her shoulder with one hand and enjoyed the food that she fed him He stared at Shi Qinuo and Hai Yue calmly.

Sha Zhixing and the two children were also looking at them. The four of them looked at the same time as if they were watching a show.

The baby's eyes were fixed on Hai Yue's hand that was in Shi Qinuo's clothes. He couldn't help but exclaim, "Auntie Hai Yue is so warm! "

She had never seen Mommy and daddy like this!

"Who can melt your uncle Qinuo if he isn't warm? " Luo Xichen said without changing his expression.

The baby didn't understand what he said. How could one person melt another?

Tilting his small head, he thought for a while but couldn't figure it out. His attention was once again focused on Shi Qinuo and Hai Yue.

Shi Qinuo only looked at Hai Yue expressionlessly. There was no extra expression on his face.

Hai Yue seemed to have drunk a little too much. She leaned on his body for a while and seemed to feel a little uncomfortable. Her head kept rubbing against his chest.

Shi Qinuo's face suddenly changed color under her action. He twisted one of her arms and wanted to throw her out. However, Hai Yue pressed down on his arm and placed his hand between their bodies.

Her hands were small, White, and small. They were like the hands of a rich young lady. It was as if she had never touched water before. When she wrapped Shi Qinuo's hands, they looked very out of place.

Shi Qinuo looked at her with a headache. The veins on his forehead were faintly moving.

Sha Zhixing's lips could not help but twitch a few times as she watched from the side. She remembered that she had never let Shi Qinuo's emotions fluctuate too much when she was with him. A faint smile appeared on her face.

"Wife, red wine! " Luo Xichen's voice suddenly rang out. His face was not red or out of breath when he said this. He was even more shameless than a child.

Why was he staring at other men so lovingly?