Chapter 1180, how was the hug

How would an iceberg collide with a volcano?

The answer was that the two were incompatible!

Shi Qinuo collected his thoughts and brought her into the room.

Hai Yue's room was beautifully designed. The strong side of the window had a half-moon-shaped decoration. She hung many small potted plants along the curve of the moon. It was green and full of vitality.

Her Room was decorated like her person. It was very lively and pleasing to the eye.

The bed was a little small. Although Hai Yue was a rich lady, she would never flaunt her wealth like many socialites.

All of her designs were tailored to her own style. She had a lot of personality, including her usual clothes. She didn't mind anyone's taste.

The bed was for one person to sleep on. She had arranged for it to be small.

This was the first time Shi Qinuo had entered her small world. Other than the few large open doors, he was quite satisfied with everything inside her.

This surprised him a little. It also allowed him to see that she was different from the rest. She wasn't delicate or pretentious. She was just quietly being herself.

When they came to the bedside, Shi qinuo placed her on the bed and helped her cover herself. He wanted to stand up and leave, but Hai Yue's arms that were still wrapped around him refused to let go of him.

As if she was lusting after the warmth of his body, the dazed Hai Yue's body twisted left and right. She could not find the heat source she wanted, and her eyes suddenly opened.

Her eyes were very bright. Even though she looked a little dazed after drinking, they were still sparkling.

She looked at him in a daze. She seemed a little confused.

Shi Qinuo did not expect her to suddenly wake up. He was stunned and turned his head. His gaze fell on her arms that were still wrapped around his body. He gestured for her to let go of his arms with his eyes.

Hai Yue's expression was a little dull. She just looked at him in a daze and did not react at all.

"Are you comfortable in your embrace? " Shi Qinuo's thin lips moved twice, mocking her indifferently.

After his words, Hai Yue's eyelashes trembled slightly. It was as if she heard what he said, but it was also as if she did not hear it.

"Let go! " Shi Qinuo did not have much patience to accompany a drunk woman to mess around here. He pressed her hand down and tried to pull her hand away.

However, just as he made his move, Hai Yue suddenly used his support to stand up.

Shi Qinuo bent his waist. This action made the two of them get closer and closer.

Shi Qinuo was slightly startled. He watched as her exquisite face got closer and closer to his vision. His expression froze for a few seconds.

The two of them were very close. He could even feel her breath.

It carried a hint of alcohol and a hint of a fruity fragrance.

The two of them stared at each other for a long time. Just when Shi Qinuo was puzzled about her purpose of getting up, she suddenly let go of his arm that was holding him. Then, she punched his stomach and muttered, "Mo Yichen, I told you to make fun of me! "

Her fist was very strong and it felt like she was venting her anger. Shi Qinuo felt a pain in his stomach and he groaned. He wanted to pinch her and stuff her under the bed.

How many times had he suffered for Mo Yichen tonight?

Shi Qinuo was innocent and he didn't understand why he had brought this hot potato to him?

Hai Yue seemed to be satisfied after punching him. She rested her head on his shoulder and continued to sleep on his body.

Shi Qinuo looked at her as if nothing had happened. The blue veins on his forehead appeared again