Chapter 1171: The ending of the Star Chapter of Xi Chen and Zhixing

A figure slowly walked into the room, surrounded by a few bodyguards.

She was dressed in a white dress, had long hair that was as soft as seaweed, had a face that was as exquisite as the one in the picture, and her facial features were still dazzling without any modification. The moment the woman appeared, she caused a huge sensation in the audience.

Almost no one in the audience was unfamiliar with this face.

Sha Zhixing!

Luo Xichen's body froze for a moment. His eyes met hers in mid-air from a distance of dozens of meters away. He watched quietly as she walked towards the stage. The blood in his body instantly boiled.

His expression froze for a few seconds, and his thin lips curved slightly.

Sha Zhixing slowly walked towards him under the spotlight. Her eyes were fixed on his face, and her red lips had a faint smile on them.

The two of them stared at each other. Time and space flowed, and the scene seemed to freeze in that instant. The people around them automatically became the background.

Everyone was stunned for a few seconds after Luo xichen's sudden appearance. When they came back to their senses, the cameras in their hands were all pointed at her. The shutter was pressed, and screams and discussions could be heard everywhere.

The atmosphere was boiling.

The baby and Noah, who were standing beside Luo Xichen, were excited. The little figure ran off the stage and ran towards her excitedly.

"Mommy" ran to her side. The baby and Noah hugged her legs on both sides and called out to her in a baby voice The two little ones who had not shed a single tear since she left suddenly buried their faces in her body and cried.

Sha Zhixing looked away from Luo Xichen and patted the backs of the two children. She held the baby and Noah's hands and walked up to the stage.

Luo Xichen's eyes followed her as she walked up to the stage. He saw her smiling and waving to the audience. He saw her come to his side and take the microphone from his hand. He did not move his eyes away from her ever since she appeared.

Sha Zhixing glanced at the faces of the audience and slowly began her speech. "Hello, everyone. I am the designer of this press conference, Sha Zhixing! "

Her voice was as clear and pleasant as ever. The applause in the audience was thunderous and did not die down for a long time.

Luo Xichen stood beside her and did not care about the crowd. After she finished her speech, he suddenly stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly in his arms.

His embrace was very strong. His arms tightened around her tightly, as if he was trying to merge her into his blood. His heart beat very fast, thump thump thump, and the rhythm was out of order.

Sha Zhixing could clearly feel his excitement. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his neck. "Xichen, I'm back! " She murmured

Luo xichen nodded, and the smile on his face grew wider. Suddenly, he grabbed her hand and ran out of the arena.

He ran very fast. He ignored the strange looks from the audience and the flashing cameras. He walked out of the arena, as if he was in a hurry to vent his anger.

"where are daddy and mommy going? " The baby's childish voice came from behind. It was very curious, but it was also very calm. It did not seem to find anything strange.

"Guess? " Noah asked curiously.

"To do things between husband and wife? " The baby giggled. Her voice was filled with the childlike innocence of a child.

The group of people in the nightless arena also laughed after her words.

It did not matter if it was true or what the child said. As long as Sha Zhixing was back... ...

���� Closing remarks

Dear friends, this is the end of the story of Zhixing and Xi Chen. I would like to thank all the girls for their support. I was going to write some more later, but after some consideration, I still think it's more appropriate to end this chapter.

Qi Qi's pen name had been hacked before, which had caused some problems, so the new pen name was changed to he Qingxia. In the future, everyone could search for "He Qingxia" in Qi Qi's book.

Those who still wanted to read the story of Zhixing and Xi Chen could read the new article. In the new article, there would be a happy life for the four of them, and there would also be stories of other characters in the article. The new article's name: dangerous trial marriage, a rich family pampering their wife at a sky-high price. Author's name: He Qingxia

The introduction to the new Article: He pinched her Chin and said in a frivolous tone, "the best! " "SCUM! " Her cheeks were flushed red as she gritted her teeth and scolded him. When she met Qing Yafeng, Tong Xiyao's image had been shattered over the past few days. She had slept with her boss, kissed her boss forcefully, and forced herself on him... ...

The complete introduction could be seen in the comments section. If it was updated, there would still be 10,000 words at the end of the article every day. Those who were close to her could collect it without worry.

The new article would start tomorrow. Shi Qinuo's and Mu Siyan's were temporarily pending.

More news can also be followed in two groups, group numbers: 153719867,331081354, Qiqi Sina Weibo: He Qingxia, all kinds of hook-ups are welcome