Chapter 1210, a tryst

Hai Yue Hummed softly, turned her head and suddenly started singing again, "When-you-touch-me-I-can-touch-you, To-find-out-the-dream-is-true, I-love-to-be-loved-by-you, by-you... "

She was singing a classic English song, "love-to-be-loved-by-you" . She sang it so well that not a single note was complete. The ending note kept repeating, and her line, "by-you" , kept echoing in the car The last note was a little high by her.

Initially, Shi Qinuo thought that under such circumstances, he would be angry. He liked to be quiet. Hai Yue was pure-hearted and had a grudge against him. The noise was also deliberately made. However, at this moment, he only looked at her leisurely. When she sang until her throat was a little sore.. Only then did three words slowly float out. "It's so ugly. "

"Who told you to listen to it? " Hai Yue threw a disdainful sentence at him. She even whistled happily and continued to drive towards the direction of the island.

Shi Qinuo's face was a little distorted after she whistled. His hands were ready to slap her to death.

However, seeing that she seemed to be in a good mood, his expression eased up a little.

After the incident at the swimming pool, he was initially worried that her heart would be hurt. But now it seemed that he was worrying too much.

Hai Yue did not even look at him from the beginning to the end. After driving to the pier, she boarded the ferry in front of him and the two of them headed in the direction of the island.

When they came back, it was already past ten o'clock. Other than those on duty in absolute night, there was no one else on the roads.

The two of them walked on the garden path side by side. Hai Yue was still wearing Shi Qinuo's coat. The fragrance of flowers filled the air, and the moonlight poured down. It felt like a tryst.

Hai Yue suddenly thought of something strange. "The moon is at the top of the willow tree. We'll meet after dusk. ".

Looking at the situation between the two of them, it seemed that they were really similar.

Realizing this, Hai Yue was a little drunk on the spot.

"thank you for tonight, and thank you for your clothes. " Taking off her coat, Hai Yue stuffed it into his arms, and her petite figure dashed towards her own villa.

Shi Qinuo stood where he was, quietly watching her fleeing back, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

"Did you have a good time out? " A magnetic voice suddenly came from behind him, and there was a strong sense of mockery in his voice.

Luo Xichen stood a few meters away from him, the corners of his lips slightly raised, and his eyes were full of smiles.

Sha Zhixing was standing beside him. She had probably just returned not long ago. She held his arm affectionately and said with a smile, "it's a beautiful night tonight. It's perfect for a walk. Xichen, what do you think? "

Luo xichen nodded very cooperatively.

Shi Qinuo's lips twitched. He knew that Sha Zhixing was hinting at him and Hai Yue. He walked to her side and put his big hand on her head. He rubbed her long hair and said, "GO BACK TO SLEEP! "

"Okay, you go to sleep early too! " Sha Zhixing smiled and held Luo xichen's arm as they walked towards their own villa.

Hai Yue went back to her own house and took a hot bath. She was too sleepy when she came out, so she did not change into her pajamas. She wrapped herself in a towel and climbed onto the bed.

She had forgotten to lock the main and small doors of the villa.

In fact, the group of people from absolute night also played a large part in her carefree personality. Although Mo Yichen was like a brother to her, they would pay attention to places that they should pay attention to They would not casually walk into her room at inappropriate occasions.

It was precisely because they paid attention to these things that Hai Yue's personality had developed until now.