Chapter 1221 accident

The forest was very foggy. The two of them walked out one after the other without saying a word.

Shi Qinuo thought about what had just happened and his gaze was deep.

Hai Yue's mind was filled with the reason why he had suddenly treated her like this.

She had known Shi Qinuo for so many years. He didn't give her the feeling that he would do anything to women. He had personally witnessed all the good things he had done to Sha Zhixing, Hai Yue. Such a man couldn't be a casual person.

But why would he be casual when it came to her?

Hai Yue didn't understand.

What she didn't understand the most was why he would treat other women like this when he clearly liked zhixing?

She followed him out of the forest and got into the car in front of him. She sat in the driver's seat.

Shi Qinuo glanced at her from the corner of his eyes and sat helplessly in the passenger seat.

The two of them didn't speak. Hai Yue waited for him to fasten his seatbelt before driving back the way they came.

Her car was driving very fast. The mountain road was a little bumpy. When she got into the car earlier, Shi Qinuo's car was more stable. Hai Yue didn't feel much, but after she changed to drive, it became more bumpy. The sound of slapping could often be heard from below.

"Let me do it! " Shi qinuo despised her driving skills, afraid that she would have problems driving. His hand landed on the steering wheel, wanting to push her hand away, but Hai Yue waved his hand away. "I'll do it myself. "

"The mountain road is steep, slow down a little. " Shi Qinuo didn't argue with her on such a matter. He withdrew his hand and reminded her.

Hai Yue ignored him, and the car continued to drive fast. Until there was a sudden sound under the car, and the car that was about to rush out of the muddy ground suddenly stopped.

Dead Silence.

Hai Yue sat in the car with her back stiff. She looked straight at the misty mountains in front of her. After a few seconds of daze, she slowly turned to look at Shi Qinuo who was beside her.

Shi Qinuo's expression could be described as cold as ice. His hands kept rubbing his temples. There were a few blue veins protruding on his forehead.

He had broken down!

He had encountered such a thing!

"I'll go down and take a look at the situation. " Hai Yue knew how to clean up her own mess. She looked away from him, pushed open the car door and got out.

Shi Qinuo sat in the car. He wanted to take out his phone to call someone to deal with it, but he accidentally found his phone... ... It was out of battery ...

He turned his head and wanted to flip over Hai Yue, but he didn't even find her phone.

Shi Qinuo frowned and got out of the car. He came to her side, bent down to check the car. Without asking her, he touched her body. His actions were natural.

Hai Yue was shocked by his sudden hand. She took a few steps back and frantically swatted his hand away. "Shi Qinuo, what are you doing? "

Shi Qinuo closed his eyes and slowly said, "did you bring your phone? ''

Hai Yue was stunned and shook her head lightly.

He had woken her up early in the morning. After Waking Up, she was still in a daze and followed him out. How could she remember to bring that?

Hai Yue's personality was also carefree. She wouldn't think too much when she went out.

Shi Qinuo didn't have much hope for someone like her. He rubbed his forehead with a headache and turned around. With his back against the car, he looked around.

The two of them were on a winding mountain road. The surrounding mountains were surrounded by mist. As Shi Qinuo looked around, he suddenly realized that the scenery here was actually quite beautiful.