Chapter 10 gay is so magnanimous, and he even offered himself to her?

He Wenqing asked immediately, completely ignoring the fact that He Lanjin was "injured."

Last night at the hospital, He Lanjin saw reports featuring her accident. She did not expect her parents to be so focused on He Ruoxue that they totally missed the news that He Lanjin was badly injured.

"I... I... I almost died in a car accident last night." He Lanjin burst into sobs as the medical record she was holding fell to the floor.

"Lu Zifan... he was with Ruoxue. Mom, didn't you see the news? They betrayed me."

"Ah Jin," Tang Zhilin said in a worried voice as she walked toward He Lanjin. The old woman saw the "blood" oozing out from He Lanjin's "serious injury." Tang Zhilin's heart ached as she hugged Lanjin and asked, "Why do you have so many injuries?"

He Wenqing picked the medical record up from the floor. Ever the businessman, he got angry so angry reading about He Lanjin's injuries that he wanted to slap her. After all, he could not make a profit out of an injured girl. He asked angrily, "After what happened, you still dare to drink alcohol and harm yourself?"

He then turned to He Ruoxue and asked, "And you, what exactly are your intentions? Didn't you say that Lanjin misunderstood you and Lu Zifan last night and ran away to fool around with another man in revenge? Look at her! Does she look like someone who would do that?" He Wenqing said as he threw the medical record on He Ruoxue.

He Ruoxue was scolded so badly that she stopped crying. Earlier she was able to sell her story and win the old folks' sympathy with her tears. But He Lanjin unexpectedly came home with injuries, ruining He Ruoxue's plan. He Ruoxue felt indignant and looked at He Lanjin hatefully.

Why was He Lanjin the little princess and she, Roxue, was living under someone else's roof? Why did she have to bear with these people's drama? And despite everything, why was He Lanjin still more important to these old folks?

"Ah Jin, I thought you had gone to do something stupid. I was worried the entire night. You misunderstood me and brother Zifan. There was really nothing between us." He Ruoxue looked at He Lanjin with a pitiful expression and suddenly burst into tears.

"Liar! I saw the photos last night. I was going to fulfill your wish and let you marry Lu Zifan instead, but here you are, telling my parents that I was fooling around with a man! Ruoxue, you are really my good sister," He Lanjin said in disbelief.

"You were my best friend and my sister! Didn't you think of that when you and Lu Zifan were messing around in the nightclub toilet? What would the people of Jiang City think of the He family now?" He Lanjin asked as stepped forward to slap He Ruoxue.

He Lanjin grabbed He Ruoxue's neck. He Ruoxue's eyes rolled back as she struggled.

"Sister, you misunderstood. I was with my boyfriend last night, not brother Zifan..." He Ruoxue explained, seeing that He Lanjin's expression was not right.

Tang Zhilin and He Wenqing stepped forward to pull the sisters apart.

But no matter how they tried, they could not pry He Ruoxue from He Lanjin's grip. Having graduated from a military academy, He Lanjin knew how to control her strength and use it to her advantage. He Ruoxue felt helpless, unable to free herself.

"Xiaoxue." Out of nowhere, a figure rushed in and pushed He Lanjin away from He Ruoxue.

Thinking on her feet, He Lanjin took advantage of the situation and feigned weakness by falling on the sofa. Blood seeped through the gauze on her arms, dyeing her clothes red.

"Ah Jin, Ah Jin, how are you?" Tang Zhilin asked as she let go of the hand that was holding He Ruoxue. The worried old woman quickly helped He Lanjin to her feet.

He Wenqing frowned in disgust when he recognized who pushed He Lanjin. He was so angry that he kicked the intruder. "Get out! This is the He family's territory. You are not welcome here."

"Zhao Yuyi, why did you come just now? Sister wants to kill me. She wants to kill me," He Ruoxue sobbed pitifully as she hid in Zhao Yuyi's arms, her hair a mess.

Zhao Yuyi appeared just in the nick of time to help He Ruoxue. The plan she made with Lu Zifan at the police station was working.

Zhao Yuyi would pretend to be He Ruoxue's boyfriend to help Lu Zifan clear his name. This would allow Lu Zifan to settle the relationship between the Lu and He families and proceed with the engagement. After taking down the He family as planned, Lu Zifan would send Zhao Yuyi away with a big sum of money.

But what was this? He Ruoxue knew that He Lanjin had always looked down on Lu Zifan, saying that he had no substance. Since last night, He Ruoxue had been thinking that He Lanjin was orchestrated the scandal. But He Ruoxue was not so sure now, after seeing He Lanjin so sad and miserable to the point of madness.

"Miss He, you have misunderstood Xiaoxue," said Zhao Yuyi as he let go of He Ruoxue and stepped forward. He knelt in front of the He elders to ask for forgiveness and to explain what happened in the nightclub. "It was I who was with Xiaoxue, not young Master Lu! It's all my fault for being drunk. Please, allow me to take all the blame. Don't make things difficult for He Ruoxue."

He Lanjin could not help but be shocked. How could this man be so magnanimous? How could he come here to rescue and protect He Ruoxue? Had he forgotten that He Ruoxue and his man had sex in front of him?

Just how good was Lu Zifan in bed that both men and women were covering up for him?

Despite He Ruoxue's betrayal, He Lanjin suddenly felt bad for her sister. She wondered what He Ruoxue would do after finding out the Lu Zifan and Zhao Yuyi were really lovers.

PS: Peony new article, August 24th, 2018. There will be a lucky draw, so the article will be released one day in advance. Qq reader and hand q can draw, the prizes are: A LCD TV, a QQ reading mobile phone, Dior Lipstick, snack big gift pack, Custom Cup, custom pillow. Vote recommendation tickets, leave a message, tomorrow can draw the lucky draw, Mwah.