Chapter 4 F * Ck, when did I become a mother?

Lu Zifan watched He Lanjin closely. He was not worried about Lanjin learning about his relationship with He Ruoxue. He was only concerned about finding out who was plotting against them tonight. Besides his business enemies, the only person he could think of was He Lanjin.

"Miss He, you seem to have drunk too much. Be careful, please."

He Lanjin ignored the waiter and walked toward the police car. Staggering, she almost fell in front of He Ruoxue. He Lanjin reached out to steady herself and, in the process, accidentally lifted up the loose fabric that covered He Ruoxue's nakedness, revealing mottled bite marks throughout Ruoxue's body. He Lanjin gave He Ruoxue a questioning look, then turned to look at Lu Zifan, whose neck was smeared with lipstick marks.

"Sister, let me explain. I..." Seeing He Lanjin's expression, He Ruoxue grew nervous, afraid that Lanjin would misunderstand.

But He Lanjin did not give He Ruoxue a chance to explain the so-called truth at all. She pushed He Ruoxue away, her face a mixture of sorrow and disappointment.

He Lanjin turned to Lu Zifan with hatred and disgust. "Lu Zifan, how could you let me down? "

Without waiting for Lu Zifan's explanation, He Lanjin quickly pounced on him and slapped him across the face. She was so fast and fierce that Lu Zifan was stunned.

"He Lanjin, have you gone crazy?" Lu Zifan tasted blood from the corner of his mouth. How dare she hit him!

He Lanjin secretly smiled upon hearing the anger in Lu Zifan's voice, but she pretended not to hear him. Instead, she looked at Lu Zifan and He Ruoxue with despair.

"Zifan, Ruoxue, are you really together? Where does that put me? Why must the two people I trust the most break my heart?"

He Lanjin wailed as she questioned them. She seemed to have gone mad with despair, the weight of the betrayal sitting heavily on her chest. She caught everyone's attention, her cries drowning Lu Zifan's and He Ruoxue's explanations. He Lanjin's keening even attracted the attention of the other guests in the nightclub. She wept openly, sobbing as if her heart would explode. Everyone who heard her looked disdainfully at Lu Zifan and He Ruoxue.

He Lanjin deliberately did not give anyone time to react. With despair in her face, she suddenly stood up and looked at Lu Zifan before addressing He Ruoxue. "If you truly love him, I, your sister, will fulfill your wish."

He Lanjin covered her mouth to suppress her sobs and ran away from the crowd who pitied her as an abandoned woman in the depths of despair.

Reporters who followed He Lanjin saw her fall several times before she got to her car and sped off. Riding the hype, the entertainment reporters present at the scene disclosed that the young master of the Lu family had gone too far, potentially driving the young miss from the He family to commit suicide.

Lu Zifan was in a daze, unable to believe what had just happened. The police forced him into the patrol car as everyone looked at him with disdain.

The news spread like wildfire. The story of He Lanjin, who had lost all hope after her fiancé and her younger sister betrayed her, quickly became a trending topic.

He Lanjin sped away from the nightclub to avoid the paparazzi. While she replayed the events in her mind, her phone rang.

He Lanjin put the phone to her ear. "Hello, mom," said a voice, which then grew silent. “F*ck, when did I become a mother?" He Lanjin replied. Before she could recover from the shock, the other party hung up.

The strange male voice woke her up from her thoughts. He Lanjin was about to call the number back when she realized that the phone screen had turned black. But what was this? This wasn't her phone! Whose was this, then, and where was her phone?

What was she going to do? The only proof she had was in her phone. She was planning to show the video to her parents to show them Lu Zifan's and He Ruoxue's true colors.

But without the video, how could He Lanjin prove her claim that Lu Zifan had been scheming against the He family for a long time? The video was her only card against the Lu family.

He Lanjin must return to the nightclub. Her phone must have fallen somewhere. Didn't she bump into someone on her way out of the surveillance room? She must have picked up the wrong phone!

But the nightclub was heavily guarded. The police and some reporters might even still be there. It would be impossible to go back now. She tracked the location of her phone with her iPad and was surprised to learn that it was not in the nightclub. "Why would my phone be in the suburbs?" He Lanjin wondered out loud.

She could not figure out how her phone would end in the suburbs, but she had no other choice. Using her GPS, He Lanjin sped to the location.

She raised her head and looked around the dark and remote place. She could not believe that her phone was actually inside an old abandoned house. She thought of the evidence on the phone. What choice did she have?

Taking a deep breath, He Lanjin straightened her back and strode forward without hesitation. She pushed open the heavy gate and walked in.

The cold winter wind blew, sending a flurry of leaves spinning in the messy inner courtyard of the abandoned house. The moonlight shone on He Lanjin's lone figure, casting a shadow on the ground.

She walked forward, dried leaves crackling with each step.

She had only taken a few steps when she felt someone's eyes on her. He Lanjin looked up to see the faint outline of a tall figure.