Chapter 37 was about to slap him in the face

"What's with your expression? Don't you want to see He Ruoxue? She's your girlfriend, right?" He Lanjin deliberately lowered her voice as curiosity showed on her delicate little face. "Are you and He Ruoxue a fake couple?"

Zhao Yuyi hated He Ruoxue so much. She was clearly a mistress who forcefully interfered between him and Lu Zifan. She even wanted to marry into the Lu family and take Lu Zifan away from him. If it weren't for Lu Zifan, Zhao Yuyi would not swallow his pride and pretend to be in love with a woman.

"Fake? She and I are truly in love. It's just that the timing isn't right," Zhao Yuyi said.

He Lanjin gritted her teeth and took two steps forward. "Well, maybe we can make things right if you come tonight. I'll help you. But right now, help me carry my things. It's inconvenient for me to walk with a broken foot."

Bracing himself, Zhao Yuyi agreed.

He Lanjin took Zhao Yuyi once around the city. They arrived at the He residence at eight in the evening.

Outside, He Ruoxue's coquettish voice could be faintly heard. "Brother-in-law, I am graduating from university in half a year. Can you arrange a job for me?" She said as she hugged Lu Zifan's arm.

He Ruoxue rubbed her sexy body against Lu Zifan, touching and teasing him a few times. She did this while Tang Zhilin was busy cooking.

Lu Zifan's fingertips trembled as he held a cigarette in his hand. Aroused, he panted heavily. "Don't make a scene," he told He Ruoxue as he held her hand.

Lu Zifan wanted to tell He Ruoxue off because the video she posted the previous night had stirred up the public opinion again. Although the public was now attacking He Lanjin, it would be a lot better for the news to die down completely. Now the people were saying that He Lanjin was a scheming b*tch who used her best friend as a shield after the incident. Others were of the opinion that He Lanjin was the mastermind behind the incident.

"Then will you give me what I want," He Ruoxue said in a low voice.

Lu Zifan grunted and took one long drag at his cigarette. He Ruoxue wrapped herself around his body like a python coiling around its prey. With her lips on Lu Zifan's ear, He Ruoxue seductively said, "Hubby, let's go upstairs."

Lu Zifan's breathing quickened, not expecting He Ruoxue to openly touch him in the hall while Tang Zhilin was cooking in the kitchen and He Wenqing was on the phone. Lu Zifan grabbed He Ruoxue's hand and pulled it out of his pants. "Control yourself," he said through gritted teeth.

"Don't you want me?" He Ruoxue said, nibbling on Lu Zifan's ear.

He Lanjin and Zhao Yuyi came in without ceremony. Lu Zifan jumped to his feet, shaking He Ruoxue off. He turned his back to the newcomers and quickly zipped his pants. He shot He Ruoxue a look of warning that told her not to act recklessly.

He Ruoxue was taken aback by Lu Zifan pushing her away; she had an awkward expression in her face. But she quickly recovered and threw herself at Zhao Yuyi. He Ruoxue hugged her pretend boyfriend, saying coquettishly, "Why didn't you say anything about coming over? I missed you so much."

Zhao Yuyi's body stiffened at He Ruoxue's touch.

He Lanjin limped over and said annoyingly, "Look at the two of you, stuck like glue. Looks like something good is about to happen."

Lu Zifan took a deep breath to regain his composure. "Is that so?" He said as he poured He Lanjin a cup of tea. He acted like a gentleman towards He Lanjin, but his gaze was fixed on Zhao Yuyi and He Ruoxue. He Ruoxue's hand was just in his pants, and now...

"How's your injury?" Lu Zifan asked He Lanjin, his voice tinged with feigned concern. "Uncle and I have discussed our wedding..."

He Lanjin ignored Lu Zifan and sipped her tea. There was no emotion on her delicate face. She took out her phone and tapped on it a few times. What she saw brought a smile to her face.

Without warning, He Lanjin threw her teacup on Lu Zifan. It hit him on the face with a clang, making him groan.

He Lanjin looked at Lu Zifan and then at He Huoxue. "You went to get a room yesterday, didn't you?" He Lanjin asked in an accusing tone.