Chapter 52-what if it's long

With a slap, He Lanjin sent her attacker flying half a meter away.

The attacker fell to the ground just as a bicycle was passing by. Shocked, the rider was unable to stop the bicycle, which fell on the attacker's body.

"Aaaah, my chest, my chest! It hurts." He Ruoxue screamed in pain as her hands covered her chest. The uncle on the bicycle was so scared that he pedalled away as fast as he could instead of stopping by as he originally wanted to do.

The man was not really scared that he hurt the person on the ground. He was more worried about whether or not the person's chest was real or fake. If it were fake, how much would he need to pay for the repairs?

He Lanjin went over to check what happened, surprised to hear a familiar voice. Lying on the road was He Ruoxue. Her face was swollen like a pig's head, and one of her eyes looked like a panda's.

"You?" He Lanjin said in a low voice. She stood over He Ruoxue like a noble queen looking down on a peasant, staring at the marks that the bicycle tires left on He Ruoxue's chest. "I don't blame you for what happened at the nightclub, but were you planning to kill me just now?"

He Lanjin pretended to be clueless, wanting to see how He Ruoxue would continue her act. He Lanjin needed more information, so she would not do anything for the time being. If she did go on the offensive now, He Ruoxue would just alert the enemy, and the loss would not be worth it.

"Sister, how can you think of me like this? Don't forget that when we were young, I took a knife for you and almost died." He Ruoxue's eyes were full of tears. She sobbed softly, stood up and reached out to hug He Lanjin.

He Lanjin stepped backward to avoid He Ruoxue's arms. "Don't cry," He Lanjin said in a slightly cold voice. "People will think that your chest has exploded."

"Pfft, Ah Jin, you're really bad. " He Ruoxue giggled as she heard this and then suddenly burst into tears. "You have to believe me. All the people in this world can hurt you; I'm the only one who won't."

"I saved your life. You're my life." He Ruoxue sounded so sincere that He Lanjin almost believed her. Unfortunately, He Lanjin knew about the dirty things He Ruoxue had done; He Lanjin would not be swayed by her tears.

Not wanting to be around He Ruoxue, He Lanjin looked impatiently at her wristwatch and said, "I still have something to do. I'll go ahead."

"Ah Jin, Ah Jin." He Ruoxue called out. Lookiing at He Lanjin's retreating figure, He Ruoxue felt resentful. Why did He Lanjin have to better at everything? He Lanjin was 170 cm tall, while she, He Ruoxue, was only 160 cm. Not only did He Lanjin have a good figure, but she also had long legs. He Ruoxue was driving herself crazy with envy.

Engrossed in her thoughts, He Ruoxue did not notice He Lanjin bending down to pick up a stone. He Ruoxue felt a sudden pain in her leg, so excruciating that she fell forward and hit her chest on the ground.

"Wherever you fall, that is where you will get up. I want you to always remember this pain," He Lanjin said coldly. She wanted He Ruoxue to know how being lied to felt. He Lanjin walked away, not bothering to look back at He Ruoxue.

He Ruoxue saved He Lanjin once, which was why the He family took He Ruoxue in. He Lanjin wanted He Ruoxue to live a better life and gave her the best things. She did not expect He Ruoxue to be an ingrate and to do all the things that she was doing now.

Therefore, He Lanjin had no reason to be soft-hearted. He Ruoxue had pushed her to this point. He Lanjin was not the docile little girl everyone thought she was; they could not treat her this way.

He Lanjin knew it was no use lingering on bad thoughts, so she calmed her emotions. However, before she could hail a cab, she heard someone shouting, "Miss He, Miss He!"

"Huh?" He Lanjin was puzzled. She did not know anyone around here, or did she?

She turned around and saw a young man running towards her with a bouquet of 99 roses and a box of chocolates. Before the lad could reach He Lanjin, a gangster rushed by and tripped him.

The thug walked extremely fast. He was wearing a black hoodie and a hat that concealed his face.

The gangster passed by He Lanjin and suddenly stopped by the side to hang a sign.

He Lanjin curiously followed the thug to the side, but he was gone when she got there. What she saw was a male beggar squatting on the ground. On the beggar's neck hung a sign that read, "My name is He Lanjin."