Chapter 79.. Find someone to kill her?

He Lanjin stood on the balcony and listened to the conversation between Tang Zhilin and He Ruoxue.

"Let's talk about this later. For now, you must rest," Tang Zhilin said before she left the room.

He Ruoxue watched Tang Zhilin leave. He Ruoxue's face was full of tears, but there was disgust on her face. Sitting up on her bed, she said, "He Lanjin, I'm afraid you'll never be able to come back in this life."

He Ruoxue reached under her pillow and took out a document. She looked through it carefully before stuffing it into her bag.

Leaning against the bed, He Ruoxue made a call. She lifted up her skirt and ran her hand on her fair legs. Looking at her snow-white feet, she raised her head confidently and said, "Hubby, I got what you wanted. Don't rush."

"I miss you," He Ruoxue hinted in a delicate voice.

She stroked her neck as she seductively said, "Well, you better get a good room at the Century Hotel. I'll be there soon."

After the call, He Ruoxue took another look at the sexy outfit that she prepared and walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

He Lanjin lazily leaned against the wall and laughed out loud. She sneaked into He Ruoxue's room while He Ruoxue was showering and looked through the document He Ruoxue was hiding. While the file contained internal information about the He Corporation, the information was not classified as confidential.

He Lanjin did not really expect He Ruoxue to think that this was what Lu Zifan wanted. Did He Ruoxue think this information was highly confidential?

He Lanjin's eyes darted craftily. She quickly printed another set of documents, stuffed them into He Ruoxue's document bag, and quietly left.

On her way downstairs, He Lanjin heard a sound coming from the study room next to her parents' bedroom. She approached curiously.

"Do you think Shen Biqiong said something to her? If she didn't, why would stupid Ah Jin move out?" Tang Zhilin asked nervously. Tang Zhilin had no idea that He Wenqing planned to sell He Lanjin to CEO Huang.

He Wenqing knew that He Lanjin moved out because of what he did, but he did not think his wife needed to know that. "Probably. Who else could influence He Lanjin that way? If they didn't drive me out of my home, I wouldn't even be in this situation."

"Or, or... find someone to kill her? Anyway, the old man is far from the emperor, so he probably won't find out about us..." Tang Zhilin had always been meek and cowardly, so hearing her say these words was shocking. He Lanjin must have misheard the words.

Before the two could figure out what was going on, they heard a knock on the door. They stopped talking.

He Lanjin was puzzled. Why were they so afraid of Shen Biqiong getting close to her? Could they have a secret and were afraid that Shen Biqiong would spill the truth? Were they responsible for the accident at the highway junction today?

And do they have anything to do with the death of He Ruoxue's parents? How were they related to He Lanjin's kidnappers back then?

Addicted to gambling and drinking, He Wenqing had always been weak and incompetent in He Lanjin's eyes. But she did not expect the seemingly unremarkable He family to have issues that were more terrifying than palace scandals. Her family life was calm and peaceful on the surface, but turbulent underneath.

He Lanjin left the He residence and drove to Century Hotel. As expected, Lu Zifan was there.

"Ah Jin? Why are you here?" Lu Zifan asked, shocked at seeing He Lanjin. He came in a hurry and looked rather disheveled. Under the lights of the hotel, she looked as charming as a delicate fairy who would not hurt a fly.

Lu Zifan, however, looked at her warily. The last time they saw each other, Lu Zifan sensed that something was not right with He Lanjin. He had to be on guard.

"It's too cold outside. I came in to warm myself a bit," He Lanjin said as she rubbed her small hands together. She tilted her head, smiled and said, "I'm hungry. Why don't you treat me to a meal?"

Lu Zifan did not know what to make of He Lanjin. He tried to size her up, but he just could not see through her.

"Why don't we do it another day?" Lu Zifan said, suspicious of He Lanjin's motives. Besides, he was here to meet up with He Ruoxue. There would be big trouble should He Lanjin see He Ruoxue here.

A whistle interrupted Lu Zifan's thoughts. "Little baby!" shouted a handsome man; he was walking toward He Lanjin.