Chapter 94. The wedding night

"His tolerance for you is obviously based on some kind of transaction," Qiao Hanye continued.

As He Lanjin thought about what Qiao Hanye said, an idea flashed through her mind. She stayed silent, keeping the idea to herself.

"Got it," He Lanjin said. "Let me think about it."

She lay down and realized that Qiao Hanye still on her bed. She hit him with a pillow and said, "We're done talking. You can go now."

But instead of standing up, Qiao Hanye made himself comfortable on He Lanjin's bed.

"Qiao Hanye, why are you on my bed?" He Lanjin said as she kicked him.

Qiao Hanye caught He Lanjin's leg, causing her to fall into his arms. She wiggled to free herself from his arms, but he was strong. "Be good and don't move," said Qiao Hanye. "Go to sleep."

"You, you, you!" He Lanjin could feel heat emanating from Qiao Hanye's body. He panted as he kept He Lanjin from struggling.

He Lanjin stopped struggling for fear that her movement would cause something else to move. She relaxed in Qiao Hanye's arms. They stayed in that position for some time, neither of them saying anything. Soon she felt Qiao Hanye's breathing normally again. "Qiao Hanye," she asked. "Why did you choose me?"

"My lips are sealed," Qiao Hanye said in a hoarse voice. "I'm not telling you anything."

Feeling Qiao Hanye relax, He Lanjin elbowed herself free from his arms and pressed down on him with her body. She then sat on his waist and pressed his shoulders with her hands. She looked down at him threateningly. "Are you going to tell me or not?"

In one swift movement, Qiao Hanye turned over and pinned He Lanjin to the bed with his body. He put his thin lips fell against her ear and said in a low voice, "Don't move. It will be very dangerous."

He Lanjin was trapped and could not move. She felt the man's hot breath on her neck. She inhaled sharply as if Qiao Hanye was sucking all the air around her.

"Because no one else would do. I want only you." Qiao Hanye said in answer to her question.

Unable to break free from Qiao Hanye's embrace, He Lanjin lay under him as still as a mouse. Exhausted from all the work she had been doing in the past few days, she fell asleep.

While He Lanjin slept, Qiao Hanye suffered all night long. His proximity to He Lanjin has awakened his desire, causing his body to heat up.

The long night passed, and with it went Qiao Hanye's desire. However, just as the flames had died down, He Lanjin started stirring. She turned away from Qiao Hanye and her perky buttocks brushed against his sensitive crotch.

Qiao Hanye hissed as he felt himself getting horny again. His eyes were filled with anguish and pain. He clenched his fists and tightened his arms around He Lanjin, willing the wave to pass.

"Stop moving. I did not get enough sleep," said Qiao Hanye. But He Lanjin was still in a daze and did not hear anything save for a magnetic voice that whispered "wife" in her ear. A soft moan escaped her lips as she changed position and faced Qiao Hanye.

As He Lanjin turned, Qiao Hanye locked his lips with hers. His kiss was hungry and sensual, waking He Lanjin up from her sleep.

"Qiao... mmm... Qiao..." He Lanjin wanted to speak, but he would not let her.

He Lanjin felt her body heating up, making her very uncomfortable. She wanted, needed release. This was the first time she felt like this in all 23 years of her life.

He Lanjin's shirt slid down her sexy shoulders. She felt Qiao Hanye's fingers through her hair as they kissed, their bodies inseparable. He pressed his body against her and suddenly stopped.

"Xiao Jin," Qiao Hanye whispered affectionately. 'What a pleasant sound to hear in the morning,' He Lanjin thought.

Another low moan escaped He Lanjin's lips. Her brain was reeling, the events of the previous night coming back to her. Qiao Hanye traced her to the studio, risked his life to get her a peach blossom, and cornered her into marrying him. He spent the night on her bed and was now kissing her.

But he did not seem to be finished. He was on to something else, and He Lanjin looked forward to it with a mixture of fear and excitement.

Qiao Hanye started kissing He Lanjin all over her body, making her lightheaded. "Qiao Hanye, don't. Get up," she said, but she did not really have the strength nor the will to push him away.

But before Qiao Hanye could give in to what he had been wanting to do since the previous night, a knock came on the door. It was Han Beicheng, calling out in a grave voice. "Master, master..."