Wouldn't chapter 126 be even more explosive if it was photoshopped?

As Qiao Hanye approached, He Lanjin pulled him closer.

"What do you think?" He Lanjin asked as she played a video on her phone for him. "Ain't I good? This looks like a master videographer has taken it. Look at how well I found this angle."

Qiao Hanye looked at the video and could not help but laugh out loud.

This little girl actually did a stakeout and even filmed the moment when He Ruoxue seduced the old man. And now she was asking him to watch it with her.

Did this mean she was inviting him to watch a pornographic film with her?

"Do you think it would be more scandalous if I swapped his face with Lu Zifan's?" He Lanjin was like a naughty little child, her mind filled with crazy ideas.

Qiao Hanye took her phone, pulled her up from the chair, and said, "Don't soil your eyes."

"Mrs. Qiao, if you want to see something like this, you should see mine," Qiao Hanye said in a domineering way. Detecting the stench of blood in the room, he walked out and said into the darkness, "Search the place thoroughly before burning it."

Several secret guards came into view moved quickly to do Qiao Hanye's bidding.

"See yours?" He Lanjin grabbed her phone from Qiao Hanye's hand. "Hurry up, take it off! My camera is ready," she said excitedly.

Qiao Hanye shook his head as he bit the inside of his cheek to hide his smile. "You'll have a chance to see it," he said in a low voice.

"Pfft, spoilsport!" He Lanjin had no choice but to put her phone away.

Seeing these agile secret guards made Qiao Hanye's background even more mysterious to He Lanjin's eyes. She was reminded of the house on the outskirts of Jiang City, and she could not even begin to imagine how powerful the Qiao family was back then.

He Lanjin knew that rich people did not have secret guards. The most powerful leaders in Jiangcheng had bodyguards or thugs serving them.

But these men? The way they acted was proof that they were definitely secret guards. She had never seen such a group of men before.

"Do you feel like doing something?" He Lanjin suddenly asked. Qiao Hanye looked at the way He Lanjin's eyes twinkled and knew that she was up to something. "Why. what would you have me do? Please tell me clearly, Mrs. Qiao."

He Lanjin patted Qiao Hanye's shoulder and said, "Run an errand for me. Help me find out where He Ruoxue is currently staying. I'm starting to miss her."

A secret guard passed by and heard their conversation. He was so shocked to hear this woman telling the master to run errands for her that he bumped into a wall, causing his head to bleed.

Their young master was a high and mighty figure! How could he take orders from a little girl?

"Please go back to your room and wait for the news, Mrs. Qiao," Qiao Hanye said.

He Lanjin nodded and left with a wave of her hand. She was not worried at all.

"Mrs. Qiao, aren't you afraid that someone else will take your man away?" Qiao Hanye asked her retreating figure.

"Is your taste that bad?" the heartless woman said, not a trace of doubt or worry in her face.

Qiao Hanye could not help but shake his head at He Lanjin's reply. He noticed the guard with the bleeding nose, looking completely dumbfounded. Qiao Hanye glared, which was enough to bring the guard back to his senses and to run away and look for Nan Feng.

There was an extra spring in He Lanjin's step as she walked back to her temporary shelter. She rang An Nuan.

"Help me find out what kind of people He Ruoxue has access to," He Lanjin said. She had underestimated He Ruoxue, not expecting that the He family outsider would actually be able to find out who was hiding here.

An Nuan was playing a video game, but she immediately stopped when her phone rang and displayed He Lanjin's number. "Did something happen?" An Nuan asked.

He Lanjin's voice was very low, afraid that someone would hear her. "We were very careless; we overlooked many problems. He Ruoxue is not as simple as she looks."

How could a ten-year-old child eavesdrop on ***** conversation and make use of it? Now He Lanjin knew how shrewd He Ruoxue was.

"I understand," An Nuan said. Before He Lanjin could hang up, An Nuan just had to ask. "Which **** video did you watch that night? Did you feel excited? Did it break that first night? How many times did you do it in that night? Tell me about it."

He Lanjin's head hurt as An Nuan droned on with her questions.

"How many positions did you use? Did you go up and down on him, or did he go up and down on you? Did you go right and left?" An Nuan was a romantic, but her words were dirty.

He Lanjin got to her temporary shelter and pushed the door open. She smiled and said to An Nuan, "You want to know? Go and try it yourself."