Chapter 144 Qiao Hanye actually wanted to buy this for her?

The hawker's voice rang loud and clear. As he spoke, he held up a brightly-colored pair of underwear to attract people to buy. The tactic seemed to work, as a few men rushed over to buy some, stuffing their purchases in their pockets as they left.

Lost in her thoughts, He Lanjin walked slowly with her head down. She was surprised when she bumped onto Qiao Hanye, who abruptly stopped walking. "What's wrong?" she asked warily, thinking that something bad happened.

"With this pair, your wife wouldn't need to worry about being flirtatious. With this pair, you don't need to worry about not being thoughtful enough! For only 9.99 yuan, a bachelor can take the wife home," He Lanjin heard the hawker shout.

He Lanjin was unable to keep herself from blushing, and more so when she saw Qiao Hanye walking over to the hawker.

"Qiao Hanye, what are you doing?" He Lanjin anxiously grabbed the man's arm to pull him away.

"I'm going to buy something for you," Qiao Hanye answered matter-of-factly.

He Lanjin's ears grew hot. She felt as if her face were on fire as she saw the peddler waving a pair of underwear in the air as if it were a flag of some sort. She saw a hole in the middle of the underwear and blurted out, "I'm not wearing that!"

This pair of underpants changed He Lanjin's view of the world. Why put on underwear if there is no difference between having it on and having it off?

"Huh?" Qiao Hanye frowned in confusion. He pried He Lanjin's hand off his arm and said in a low voice, "Wait for me here. I'll be back after I buy it."

Unable to stop Qiao Hanye, He Lanjin watched helplessly as he walked toward the peddler. The peddler grinned as he held out a pair of red underpants for Qiao Hanye to see. He Lanjin hurried after Qiao Hanye and said, "Buy that for me and I'll beat you up."

Qiao Hanye ignored her, bent down to level with the peddler, and bought some fruit from another peddler. Qiao Hanye then got up looking confused as he asked, "Xiao Jin doesn't like fruit? It's dry up here in the mountains. Eating fruit is good for your body."

He Lanjin cleared her throat and scratched her neck in embarrassment.

All along she thought Qiao Hanye was going to buy her underwear! How could she think such a thing?

"Uh... eat fruit. Of course, I like fruit," He Lanjin said as she grabbed the bag of fruit Qiao Hanye was holding. She was prepared to escape before he caught on, but Qiao Hanye caught her by the wrist and pointed at the underwear the peddler was waving.

"Could little Jin possibly want this?" Qiao Hanye asked thoughtfully.

Seeing Qiao Hanye looking at his ware, the peddler hurried over. "Handsome, why not buy a pair for your wife? This hole is very fashionable."

He Lanjin quickly turned around to leave when she saw the peddler showing Qiao Hanye the underwear.

Noticing how fast she took off, Qiao Hanye quickly followed behind He Lanjin. He looked at her flushed face, amused to see that she could not look at him.

Qiao Hanye laughed out loud, turning He Lanjin's embarrassment into anger. She stomped her feet and said, "You're laughing at me. Why are you laughing? Did I make you laugh?"

"I'm not laughing," Qiao Hanye said, his face instantly serious.

He Lanjin looked at Qiao Hanye's handsome face, skin as flawless as stainless steel. His high nose bridge, his thin lips, and the perfect contour of his face made her want to scream. She gave him a cold glance and turned to leave.

She could not understand what happened to her just now. Was she possessed? How could she think that he was going to buy her underwear?

He Lanjin was really embarrassed. How could she think of Qiao Hanye doing something so forward when they have not even gone beyond kissing?

Walking back to the dorm with her head down, He Lanjin suddenly heard someone call out. "Student He!" She turned to see her instructor from the military academy. He looked very serious as he walked towards her. "We just received a complaint from your parents reporting that you buried your sister alive in the disaster area. Is that true?"