"I... First, I want you to know that I really love you" I said.

"Primo, just tell me!"

"I-I h-had an....affair with your..."

"With Angeline-" That shocked me that she knows.

"I'm sorry"

"Your a coward for keeping this your a coward, maybe- maybe Dads right i Shouldn't have dated you because your not that loyal to be start with, your life is wrecked, now I know that I can never ever fix you or your life, because you know what, you are not who you are today if-.....I-I have to go" She said while leaving.

"Baby, a long time ago, please forgive me" I said going on my knees.

I held her tight afraid that I will loose another important person on my life.

"Let. Me. Go" She said calmly.

"I have no reasons to" I said still standing on my ground, I know its very selfish of me for doing this but I can't afford of My soon to be Wife running away from me.

"I'm so sorry...I got so guilty all this years I didn't have the courage to say it to you to confess, your right I'm such a coward for not telling you confessing my unrightful now I'm kneeling in front of you to ask for your forgiveness"

"Isn't it enough reason cheated on me, Primo, huh?!, as in seriously Primo!!?!. Its late for your sorry's & forgiveness.....You've hurt me so much" trying to escape of my hold.

"That's why I'm begging you"

"You could have a lot of girls to choose from.....but why my sister?!', Its too late to beg its too late to forgive" Her eyes full of anger.....disgust.

She said and leave and at the same time my single hope of happiness leaped through the door away from me .

My world crumbled into pieces, my heart breaks that I blew up the single chance I got to be happy.

I know I have no right to be like this...but I can't help it I don't even know anymore what to do and go, now that my compass and my predictor is gone.

I blew it up, its my fault that I will never be happy....never.

"Bud, what happened?"

All of the boys came well except for the others.

"All of the members of 'Luce del sole' had gone to Hera's house"

By that I told them everything that had happened starting from Hera's Dad to my confession.

"Just always remember were always here for you no matter what, Bud" Cooper said.

"We can always find a way to help you" Kayden suggested.

"What?" I'm confused, how will they help me.

"What are Luibelle for?" Sawyer this time.

''Luibelle??" We said except for Evan, Sawyer and Kayden.

"Luigi and Ysabelle!, You dumb assess'' Evan said.

"What a name?" Cooper said.

"Oh don't start a fight!, as you all know I'm the President of the club" Sawyer said.

"And I'm the founder" Evan.

"Kayden the great the investor" Kayden said while bowing.

"Stupid its a club not a business" James said and hit Kayden's head.

"Owww, at least I'm not- I'm not...."

"hmm" Jameson hummed tired of waiting Kayden to think. "I just met the dumbest person alive" He said bored.

"Come on Guys we have to formulate a plan" Cooper gathered us and formulate a plan.

But seeing James not moving "Come on honeybee do we need to kiss you to move" and all of us chuckled which makes James to move, pissed.

"So there's names now" James said.

"Yeah, Honeybee is you, Darling is Luigi, Sweetest is Kayden, Sweetie Pie is Cooper, Cinnamon is Evan" Sawyer said.

"And you are Dearest" Jameson said to Sawyer.

"Okay, honeybee come on let's plan"