
A groggy feeling enveloped John as the manual and his anticipation kept him away from the Sandman. Just before his yawn, a soothing sensation engulfed his mind as fond memories surfaced.

'The delicate touch of death as he took his first's human life, the warm sensation splashed all over his face that soon descended in his heart, feeding the flame.'

'The wails of his muscles shut down by his vital energy, solidifying them at the same them.'

'Intoxicating a wyvern with the white tiger's reserve and riding it with the team.'

'The constant progress observable through his drawings, slowly encroaching every corner of his body.'

'His life-force changing on a fundamental level, like a divine gift, just before his seventh birthday allowing him to endure.'

'Hi there, have a nice day! -Lucius Nightmares'

The jovial memories soon ended as he heard the greeting from a certain Lucius... After a moment, he concluded the wake-up he just experienced was the same described by Erik. He remembered a certain drug reputed to display evoke nostalgia which compared to his recent experience.

The dealers dealing in the region where John lived went overboard, converting even the children, so the white tigers in conjunction with other forces stepped in to eradicate the ants before their gluttony consumed the forest. However, the backing of these dealers wasn't so simple.

This forced the group to invite core disciples from reputable sects who were their trainees during their youth before the selection gave them wings. Before wiping out the dealers, they negotiated with the drug cartel to avoid any conflict of interest. After a strict opposition to any removal of the drug, the concession ended with the white tigers leading themselves the distribution as they see fit as long their profit was sustainable. The white tigers then imposed strict restrictions so the drug would be accessible but wouldn't ruin the city's workflow.

This event let a mark on John as he previously thought the white tigers were all chivalrous and always fighting against any justice. As John harassed general Li about this matter, after one month of nagging, he took one of the famous 'joy' and shot it in the little kid's mouth who looked betrayed. Of course, Li wouldn't have done that if there were any side effects.

Only repetitive abuse of the substance would damage the spirit as the ingredients were mild compared to other illicit substances. As he waited for thirty minutes, John woke up all serene. Seeing this, Li explained that they would better keep this drug, which wasn't costly and insidious, circulating than allow those poor souls to gravitate towards worse alternatives.

He even told him this product was like the calming pills used by various people, it just had the addictive factor added in it. This caused John to change his radical perception about matters and allowed nuances. However, Li warned that if he ever saw John with any drug, he would properly train him in the 'backyard'. John shivered at this warning as he heard the legends surrounding Li's interrogatory. To this day, John never touched another drug. However, he still missed the feeling, and he was glad to experience this for the next years.

His reminiscence stopped as a creepy laughed resounded in the room. He looked at his left where his long-eared roommate laid. His eyes were firmly closed as his 'sentinel' was on guard. Sensing the glare, the elf abruptly turned to face him with his crazed eyes. Dubious about the elf's state of mind, John subtly moved to the door the elf's hands, sporadically moving, suddenly latched onto his sleeves. Without hesitation, he tore his shirt and dashed towards the door as an immaterial resistance restrained him from moving forward and fondled his hairs. He pushed against the force, decreasing up the more he moved away from the elf.

Freaked out, he dashed outside the room, not even caring about his appearance. As he arrived at the guide, he saw many of his fellows formed a line. The fellows in question turned their head towards to the hurried steps and put their hands on their chest, near the heart - A tear ran over John's cheek as an ethereal chain bonded him with the rest. His burden eased as the group encircled him, solacement embracing him with a warm hug. Solemnity reign in the air as no word could describe what they experienced.

While the group, like monks, freed their minds from all unnecessary thoughts, senior students and teachers talked among themselves spectating the scene.

"Look at that scenery, isn't it beautiful? That's the only use creeps like you have."

"Oh, shut up! Didn't I apologize?"

"So, Aryl Julio couldn't come this year... Who is here to capture the scenery then?"

"Oh, since we couldn't any famous painters this time around, we organized a little competition for the students to join. The one who, in our opinion, captures the essence of their unity the best will earn some rewards."

"That's great! I think it is better that way."

*Sniff sniff*

"The 'unfortunates' of this year are boring... There isn't anyone who came late with blank eyes..."

"I know right, such tasty despair. Whenever I feel down, the gallery is always me to comfort me."

The guide, while giving clothes to the partially naked men, changed their rooms and told them the servants would transfer their items to their new location. Glad, John saluted themselves and departed to his respective classes. On-site, Erik stood like an impassable tree with his sort of cushion around his fists. John, who came just in time, suspiciously look at Erik's attire and a promise resounded in his head.

'Engrave... Engrave... Engrave...'

This nagging feeling bloomed in his heart, often feeling this sensation when dangerous situations arise, he subtly returned towards the door, but his strategic retreat ended as the door closed itself. Not letting go of the occasion, he began to rampage on the door which laughed off his efforts. He could already feel a certain smile burn on his back as he looked around, searching for anything that would help him.

A few of his comrades, including Fumir, looked at his demented actions while discussing his mental capabilities. John took a wooden sword lying around and ran towards the golden-molded window and thrust the sword with enough Life Qi filling his arm that his heartbeat could be heard from his visible bulge radiating a green luster.

A spark of lighting sent John rolling on the ground. Yet to recover, he could only grasp a portion of Erik's speech but that didn't matter, as he the man deliberately advance at a slow pace as his disciples who scoured the corners of the enclosure. A few brave ones armed themselves with the equipment lying around - They were the firsts to drop dead. It didn't take long to hear a cacophony:

Screams, groans, bones clacking and wails of despair, a cocktail right to the devil's taste. John just stayed on the ground, faking foam out of his mouth to avoid the beast's rampage.

It didn't take long before the beast finished feasting upon its prey. Listening to Erik walking towards the door, John was glad of his judicious choice and was patting himself mentally. A team of healers came to the rescue as the traumatized students didn't look at the person attending them. John felt someone place his hands on his back as energy traveled his body and healed the imperceptible wounds he received from the window's defense.

To avoid the wrath of his fellows in the room and Erik's 'greeting', he slowly lifted himself from the ground, a painful look on his face and he expressed his gratitude to his healer. The healer took a long look at him. John, looking downward according to his act, didn't see the man's expression as he patted him on his shoulder.

"Don't worry boy, you are not the only one."

'I feel bad to receive his sympathy... He probably lived the same experience.'

Once the healers left, the instructor invited them to use their usual cultivation if they could do it while simultaneously listening to his class.

"Let's talk about the origin of Qi. This is a force, imbuing everything that we have discovered until now, even the laws or similar phenomenon are just using Qi in a specific way. It is said formation's grandmasters could even recreate laws with their formation. However, even if they could recreate a law doesn't mean they could use it as it is still not a full comprehension. That's way harder to accomplish. There is only one thing not affected by Qi: Divine matter. At least, centuries have passed by and nobody has achieved this feat. Of course, don't limit yourself to this version, maybe it's just the ultimate form of Qi, but that's a discussion for another time as many debates and theories are going on for centuries. Nobody knows and shared their knowledge about it. Anyway, the co..."

As his comprehension of Qi increased, he constantly tried to separate Qi from his vital energy. He only interrupted his attempts when the counselor stood in the doorway.

"Hey Jack, testing the newbies, huh?"

"Yeah, as usual. Alright, you are the first."

As Jake pointed the girl, she left with him as Erik ensured her she wouldn't miss anything as she could review the class with her jade. He pointed out the encrusted crystals all around the room and explained to everyone that everything is recorded. This caused discomfort to the girls as they expanded their use to 'other' activities. Erik already knew, and he promised they monitored every room and other places to avoid any violation of privacy. However, he warned them to always inspect the inn's chambers and hot springs just to be sure.

The boys were very glad about their gender as they wouldn't encounter such problems. Of course, how could Erik let them on the go? He especially remarked that a certain trend emerged as 'yaoi' artists needed material to inspire them. Many, including John, glared at each other, confused. The girls, however, were glad as they wouldn't be the only ones with this burden and certain of them were in delight and blushing.

"Enough with pleasantries, let me show you how to use Qi, first, you need..."

The lessons continued as Jack inspected them one by one.

Finally, it was John's turn as he joined Jack who led him to an adjacent office. John noted the diverse equipment specialized in strength training, many items that could perfectly fit his hand, a chair with multiple arrays, the desk had many apparatus he couldn't determine the use for.

"Hello, John, was it? Hand me your jade, please."

John took the jade he, fortunately, kept in his pant pocket and not his shirt. Giving it to Jack who put the jade on a little array on his desk while he explained what they would do. After the explanation, John lifted some weights, tried to lift small objects with his mind following Jack's instruction, cracked the more puzzles he could in the array's book and did several other tests.

Then, he went on the chair which sent pulses in his body while Jack used all the material on his desk to check-up John; he sent light in his eye with a small tube, weirdly murmured near his ear in an unknown language, knock several joints and many other experiences. While he performed the physical examination, he returned to the jade many times, noting the measures.

"Alright John, we completed everything. For now, fight this mannequin over there until I say to stop."

The mannequin didn't wait for John's consent and constantly attacked him, tiring John who experienced some difficulties with the inorganic ways the mannequin could use to evade his defense.

"That's enough for now."

John crumbled on the ground, wet like a dirty rag.

"John, explain to me in detail how you cultivated throughout the years."

"So, before I was seven years old, I cultivated this... then, I found a book in our raid against a bandit's camp. This book contained... and explained.... with the inspiration that I got from it, I tried all my possible to know and use my whole body. To do that, I circulated my Qi and explored in new ways while multiple precautions to avoid any pitfall like the one described in most popular books. With that knowledge, I assembled everything inside me in my vital force, which I think you call Life Qi, which led me to believe my talent wasn't great. Anyway, I did..."

"That's impressive, I can understand why your foundation is superb. With all your efforts, I think all you need to do is to strengthen your meridians, which especially need Qi to reinforce themselves. Fortunately, your vital force created pressure on them which still allowed them to develop, else you would have some re-establishment to do. Now, let me guide you towards the area lacking in your expertise. First,... I think you are good to go, but before, take these books and focus primarily on separating your Qi from your life force."

Grabbing the books, he bowed to Jack and returned to the class's nearing the end.

"Well, don't worry, the next class will be packed with action. I usually take random people to be my training partner."

Their memories still fresh, they all shivered.

"But, you see, a mere window's protection knocked a young man out so... I think he would need a year or two of 'rehabilitation' to 'catch up' his lacking endurance, anyone to contest?"

The group shook their heads and silently thanked the dismayed John in their hearts.

'You are not the only one... you are not the only one... you ar...'

'Oh... I see. A pat of pity.'