Author Information

So Ladies and Gentleman welcome to this short info chapter.

This one is just to inform you about some aspects or questions that may come up.

For that reason I will just briefly about this.


The reason for this is the fact that I write this fanfic while still being at school and as such have limited possibilities to write.

Second: I will release chapters whenever I'm done with them so that I can check everything with the plot etc. ----> low propability of mass releases so stop asking

I also offer up my free time for this so I can and will not slave away for this fanfic as that would rob me of all my creativity and would destroy all the fun of writing.

Third: I am not a native speaker and as such I will generously allow all the grammar nazis out there to comment and correct everything.

Forth: This is my first fanfic so it might be possible that I screw this up completely and have to change some things.

Lastly I wish every last one of you a lot of fun reading, commenting and everything else you might enjoy.