
H: [Fine. Just as I finished the first step. As soon as I'm out there I can start on 'customizing' myself but for now I have to mentally prepare for this ordeal]

Suddenly he felt pain and pressure from almost all directions. Then he felt his head going through a tiny opening awfully similar to being squeezed through a bottleneck. However the outside was extremely cold and bad when compared to the comfortable warmth inside but no matter what he tried he just couldn't resist. From outside you could see a pair of doctors and nurses aiding a sweating and moaning painfully as she gave birth to a healthy young boy. As everyone but the new mother looked happy Hermann had only one thought in mind.

H: [Damn, that hurt. Next time I have to do something like this I will buy painkillers or something]

Almost immediately Hermann felt better. Although it still hurt like crazy it wasn't as bad anymore. Until someone thought it was a good idea to smack his tender posterior. In protest and pain Hermann cried out. Then he was cleaned and wrapped into a warm cloth and put inside a small bed. From his side he heard a man ask:

Man: "What will be his name?"

and then a voice he recognized as his mothers answered:

Mother: "Kaiser but before you think about listing me as his mother, I don't intend to keep him"

Man: "Are you sure about that? This is not some simple decision that can be taken lightly. Should I come back at a later date? What is your reason for this?"

Mother. "No. He was an accident but I couldn't bring it over me to end this life so I decided to send him to a good orphanage."

Man. "Understood. I will inform all the necessary institutions about this.��

They talked for a while longer but it wasn't about important things anymore so I decided to take on the second step of my training, the intake of external energy and matter to enhance my body. This will give me a good foundation for my growth as well as train my control and will.

H: [But before that, system show me my status]

Name: Kaiser (Formerly known as: Hermann Kaiser)

Age: 1 hour since birth

VIT: 1

STR: 1

DEF: 1

INT: 1

WIL: 1

STA: 1

LUK: 1

- ??? Energy&Matter Manual (Stage 2: Basic Internal)

- Energy&Matter Creation

- Energy&Matter Control

- Adapt&Improve

- Multidimensional Travel

- (NEW) Observation (internal) Lv.5

- (NEW) Pain Resistance Lv.2

H: [Thank you. From now on only show my stats, and my skills only when I ask.]

H: [And how can I understand Japanese when I've never learned it before in my entire life?]