I will transform you

H: [A lottery ticket? Where did that come from? I didn't wish for a lottery ability if I recall?!]

H: [I prefer being prepared and being able to make further plans without depending on luck or some kind of random plot armor.]

H: [Until what exactly?]

H: [OK. Let's leave it at that and get back to business. Does this quest have any time limit?]

H: [Good. Then let's focus on getting stronger for now until we can raid that damn bar. And I need to grow and get a working body. I mean I can't even sit up. This is just pathetic.]

After that discussion Hermann refocused on his body and started his enhancement training once more.

With the energy he had previously gathered he slowly tempered his nervous system.

Originally he wanted to start with his bones but as he was not familiar with matter creation yet he started by improving cells whose job was to transfer electric energy impulses from one part of the body to another. As a side effect he could also train his Internal Observation Skill.

After he had grown familiar with the concept of enhancing a cells natural ability and observing the matter involved he switched to the training of his creation skill. He started by creating calcium in the cells forming his skeletal structure. Additionally he tried to observe his genetic code hidden in the nuclei of his cells.

But as his Internal Observation Skill was still on a lower level it was still impossible for him. So instead he focused on scanning atoms and molecules and replicated those he deemed necessary for his growth.

As he did this for a few hours his Internal Observation Skill advanced to Lv. 8, his Creation Skill to Lv.2 and his Control Skill to Lv. 3.

While he was happy and exited about his gains in meditation every other personal in the hospital responsible for him was worried as since the beginning of his meditation shortly after the discussion between his mother and the unknown man which was approximately 14 hours ago he had not eaten even once.

He himself felt no hunger as his body naturally either absorbed Energy from the outside or later created Energy after his training advanced.

This was a passive ability his body developed due to him training his creation skill manually. But as no one else knew about it they were worried and even tried to diagnose potential illnesses that suppressed his hunger.

Luckily he 'woke up' in time and used his new ability baby ability cry (it was super effective) to get the staff to notice him and bring him to his mother to be fed.