The Candyman (I)

He stretched out his hand and the truck impacted his palm.

Against his expectations, as he still considered his strength within the realm of human limits and the approaching truck an almighty weapon of the gods, the front of the truck started to fold itself around his palm as it's impulse forced it to move forward.

Meanwhile, although the asphalt cracked under his feet due to the force of impact, Hermann stood completely still and tried to comprehend the situation. Although he knew he was strong in all his raids he sneaked around in the shadows and took out all of the gangs assassin style.

H: [...I guess that this wasn't the real one? I though that truck-sama worked as some sort of counterforce in this world to remove dangerous entities from the world...guess I'm wrong]

Whilst he stood there lost in thought everyone around him was close to freaking out. Chaos broke out as people started shouting.

Mob1: "Quick, call an ambulance!"

Mob2: "Call the police!"

Slowly the police and an ambulance together with some firefighters arrived in the company of a few heroes. Efficiently the police together with the heroes closed off the site of the accident and went to the side to question eyewitnesses and make space for the ambulance and the firefighters to inspect the situation and rescue the poor driver. The firefighters quickly cut the man out of the deformed vehicle (as it's form could no longer be automatically recognized after the accident) and he was moved to the hospital with multiple fractures and broken bones.

Hermann used this time to observe the status of the heroes. Their overall status was around 40 to 60 for each attribute. As such Hermann, who was many years younger was as strong and in some cases even stronger when compared to them. However the ones he was seeing didn't seem to be that strong.

H: [Probably somewhere at the lower end]

As a comparison he observed a civilian at the side. His stats were only between 10 and 20. with that being the case he assumed that stat points had no linear growth and was more of an exponential growth. (A person with 40 stat points is stronger than the strength of a person with 20 stat points doubled).

After everything was in order and the driver was taken away and was out of danger, a policeman with a hero that seemed to supervise the hero squad approached him.

Policeman: "Hey there kid..."

H: [And another annoying adult that will most likely not take me seriously…]

Policeman: "...and as such I'm taking you with me."

H: "Huh? Did you say anything?"

On the side the hero tried hard to stop herself from laughing while the policeman seemed as though he would explode with veins popping out all over his face.

H: "I'm sorry mister but you should calm down. Being angry is bad for your health you know?"

This sentence only served to further annoy the policeman and caused the hero to erupt with enormous laughter.

Hero: "That was a good one kid! Now let's go to the police station and inform your parents about this."

H: "Do you have candy?"

The policeman grabbed into a pocket of his vest that contained candies to calm down panicked kids during missions.

H: "Then I'm not allowed to go with you as my caretakers often told me not to go into cars with strange men that give you candy to accompany them."

With that sentence he was grabbed and pushed into the car by the policeman and the hero who were fed up with him all while Hermann screamed about being abducted. With that the doors of the car closed and they left the scene. Suddenly he remembered about the promise he made to the adults and Midoriya. After they turned around and picked him up with Hermann almost managing to run away while they were busy with locating Midoriya, they arrived at the police station.

--- New Status ---

Name: Kaiser (Formerly known as: Hermann Kaiser)

Titles: Assassin, Craftsman (Beginner)

Age: 6 years

VIT: 71 (+10)

STR: 52 (+5)

DEF: 54 (+5)

INT: 48

WIL: 42

STA: 65 (+15)

LUK: 18

System points: 635 372

Unused Rewards: -

Open Quests: Destroy Gang Headquarters (repeatable) = Destroy a base of operation

Spartan Training (repeatable) = Train your body to your limit for a day

Inventory: Sword of the Beginning (equipped)

- ??? Energy&Matter Manual (Stage 3: Basic External)

- Energy&Matter Creation Lv.19

- Energy&Matter Control Lv.18

- Adapt&Improve Lv.MAX

- Multidimensional Travel LV.MAX

- Observation (internal) Lv.18

- Observation (external) Lv.19

- Pain Resistance Lv.6

- Sneak Lv.15

- Energy Enhancement (internal) Lv.12

- Energy Coating Lv.6

- Bone Enhancement Lv.14

- Muscle Enhancement Lv.14

- Nerve Enhancement Lv.14

- Ligament Enhancement Lv.14

- Energy&Matter Creation Lv.13

- Martial Arts Lv.15

- Knife Mastery Lv.7

- Punching Lv.21

- Kicking Lv.21

- Running Lv.26

- Climbing Lv.14

- Tailor Lv.6