What a troublesome boy

After along period of silence Mrs. Alby breathed out and with a sad voice she replied to the request of Mr. Yamamoto.

Mrs. Alby: "It seems that there is nothing I could do to stop you. I knew the day would come when he would leave but I didn't expect it to be so suddenly. I will permit the adoption but I have one last request for you all."

Allmight: "Speak. If I am able to fulfill it I will do my very best to grant it."

Mrs. Alby: "I want him to come visit at least three times a week to continue his lessons. It is always wonderful to have him here especially since he is a quiet boy unlike most kids."

Mr. Yamamoto: "What is it that you have still left to teach him?"

Mrs. Alby: "I have taught him almost everything about the english language and theory. What is left is mostly practice such as dancing etc were we will be going parties of the high society."

After a short round of discussion they came to an agreement and permitted the visits of festivities within the confines of the law. Followed by the signing of all necessary documents Hermann became the adopted son of the most famous hero in the whole country. As soon as the discussions were finished Hermann went to his room and packed everything important into boxes he had gotten from the people responsible for the supplies of the orphanage. As adoptions were common the personal always had some prepared.

As he didn't have many personal belongings it didn't take long to pack everything, in under twenty minutes everything was ready. When he walked to the cafeteria with the boxes stacked on top of each other in his arms he met no one else. Strange. Normally everyone would still be walking around to prepare for school or work. Intrigued he entered the cafeteria only to meet Almight, the other unknown hero, Mr. Yamamoto and the principal. Welcoming him with smiles the group took him in their midst and they walked towards the exit. When they stepped through the door and looked at the driveway that lead towards the street lined with blossoming plum trees. Under this example of the fleeting beauty of nature stood all members of the orphanage in orderly lines. People known and unknown to him wished him farewell and a happy future. As he walked through the small path between both lines surrounded by his group towards the big car that would bring him to a new home he couldn't help but think about what the future might bring.

H: [New knowledge? Exciting adventures? Greater strength? Fun?]

In a warm breeze that carried countless petals of the nearby trees with it he decided to worry about the future later and simply shape the present carefully according to his desires.

After everyone in the group had entered the car besides the principal they waved their hands at all the people that had gathered in order to see them off. A last hug between Hermann and the principal later, the trio took of with Mr. Yamamoto at the steering wheel. After they had driven for a while Allmight asked:

Allmight: "Do you have any questions young Kaiser?"

Hermann couldn't hold himself back and he began to laugh loudly.

Allmight: "What is the matter young one?"

Wiping the small tears that had rolled out at his laughing he replied:

H: "You sound like a servant in front of his master. When I was little the principal taught me the meaning of my name..."

H: [I already knew it from my past life but I can't tell him that. Despite that, it wasn't a lie.]

H: "is Emperor. If you still want to call me like that I won't mind. If you would treat me accordingly I wouldn't mind as well."

Allmight: [Why did I have to adopt this troublesome boy...I already know that he will cause me quite a few headaches.]