Orion and his adventure with the strange pale creatures

The first thing Hermann felt the next day was a weird wet 'thing' touching his forehead over and over again. When he opened his eyes he saw that Orion had climbed on his head and had licked him awake. After picking him up and setting him on the floor next to his bed Hermann looked back at his bed. Apparently Orion had busied himself with the task of licking him awake as the pillow besides the place his head had rested on was still wet and covered in saliva.

H: "Why Orion? Why did you have to do that?"

Shoving the overly excited puppy out of his room Hermann changed his clothes, the covers and the pillow to clean everything up. As soon as he was finished he opened the door once more only for Orion to rush into the room, barking excitedly. Trotting towards the dining room he was overtaken by a speeding puppy that hurried towards Allmight who was already seated and was reading a newspaper. Curiously Allmight looked down at the small dog who jumped up towards Allmight yapping happily.

Allmight: "What is it Orion? Is the sleepy head awake?"

H: "I'm right here...I'm sure the dog won't answer you"

Allmight: "Who knows...I mean we have a mouse as the president of our national hero school."

H: "True. Maybe we have to wait for a few years to see if he has a quirk. Anything new in the news?"

Turning back to his newspaper Allmight replied slowly while reading some more.

Allmight: "There is always something and if there isn't anything important they just make news. But there is nothing really important today."

H: "Got any plan's for today?"

Allmight: "I think I'll just go patrolling around the city. You?"

H: "I'll go to the park with this energy bundle you got me. I hope that these annoying reporters are gone. If not could you bring me somewhere where no one is, preferably a park?"

Allmight: "Sure. Just tell me when you're ready."

After a long and delicious breakfast both stood up and made themselves ready. After a lot of coaxing and threatening Hermann managed to put leash on Orion's collar. Tanking the elevator to the lobby they saw a large mob of reporters just outside the building through the large windows close to the exit.

H: "I think it would be best to take the car. I'm not going out there. Not voluntarily."

Allmight: "Good idea. Let's take the car."

Orion: "Wuff! Wuff!"

H: "Exactly"

Walking down the flight of stairs towards the underground parking area they entered Allmight's black car.

- P.O.V Orion -

Getting into the car Orion curiously explored the new environment. Although he had already seen everything the day before it was still fascinating. The smells, the strange corners and the vibrations that suddenly erupted once the bigger of the pale creatures sat in the large box and performed strange movements. Suddenly just like the day before the box began to rumble and from his position on the legs of the smaller pale creature he could see through the strange hard air on the sides that everything seemed to be moving. The day before he had determined that this strange hard-air that blocked even normal moving air from influencing the big box seemed to be coming from the pale creatures.

Suddenly he saw the small pale creature push a part of the wall in the box. Strangely the hard-air seemed to disappear at the top and moving air came inside the box. This only further cemented the thought in his mind. When he had been in the den of the pale creatures they had been able to catch the cold-clear-wetness in the hard-air. The pale creature are truly mysterious. Enjoying the moving air that caressed his hair Orion closed his eyes and the comfortable warmth of the legs he was lying on.

That was until all of the sudden the box stopped vibrating with the same intensity and his body was forced forward a bit. The small pale creature pushed another bigger part of the wall that looked like a thick vine and the box was ripped apart. Shocked Orion looked at the pale creature. Why did it have to destroy the comfortable box? It was so warm! Perhaps it was hungry? He had seen the pale creature eat some plants in milk. That wouldn't still it's hunger! Yes, that must be it!

Strangely the pale creature grabbed him and put him outside before exiting the box by itself. Looking around he saw large green grass and trees, further convincing him that the pale creature wanted food. His mother had told him that many creatures went to such places to hunt food. Hearing a loud slamming sound he turned back only to see that the pale creature had mysteriously closed the big tear in the box. Not even fractures were seen on the box. The pale creatures seemed to be mighty. They could do many things Orion had never even heard of. When he saw the small creature move towards the hunting grounds he heard the box vibrate once more. Peeking towards it he could see it moving away many times faster than he could run. Scared and impressed of the boxes he moved closer towards the pale creature. Perhaps the box was alive?

When they went further into the hunting grounds he tasted the air and smelled many small creatures. Some two legged creatures with long hair that allowed them to move through the air above the fields. Small four legged creatures with a long fluffy tail that jumped through the trees and scurried around on the ground. When he tried to sneak towards them he noticed that a long vine stopped his movement when he wanted to walk to far away from the pale creature. When the pale creature had put it around his neck and body hadn't paid it any mind but now it was annoying. When he tried to pull stronger he felt that the pale creature pulled stronger and seemingly wanted him to come closer.

Why would it want that? Could it be that the pale creature didn't want to hunt? The day before it had already wanted him to do a few strange things. First he was supposed to walk and then he was supposed to stop. It clearly didn't know what it wanted. After a short while he met another one of his kind accompanied by another pale creature although this one seemed to be older and had a gray pelt on his head. Curiously he approached the other one of his kind.

Orion: "Hey!Are you also here to hunt?"

Dog: "Hunt? No, this one is here to enjoy the green fields. Nothing more."

With a sad expression Orion replied:

Orion: "Really? That doesn't sound fun at all."

Then he felt a pull on his vine and the other on of his kin was also pulled away. Staring up to his pale creature he began to wonder. Where they really not here to hunt? If not then why were they here. Suddenly he heard a humming and in the distance he could see two weird moving thin things that carried one pale creature each. Their pelt seemed to be similar to the one the box had. Maybe they were related to the boxes? Perhaps children? All of the sudden he heard his pale creature yell something.

H: "Sit!"

He couldn't understand it so he sat in a piece of the green fields that he had been walking in to observe the strange beings. Like the pale creatures and the box-creatures they seemed to love running on the gray fields. He personally disliked them and preferred walking on the green and brown fields. His pale creature seemed pleased with his action and gave him a small piece of tasty food. Maybe that was why the pale creature didn't want to hunt yet. Perhaps it's entire pelt was still filled with food that it had to eat before it went bad and it just wanted to find out where it can find new food once it has nothing left. When they walked a bit more my creature once more called out to me once more.

H: "Sit!"

Intrigued and confused he looked at the pale creature in wonder. What did it want this time? Remembering what had happened previously he remembered my actions. Perhaps it wanted him to observe his surroundings carefully? After thinking about it for a while he sat down to look around only to be rewarded with food. Happy about this discovery he committed the weird sound to his memory. In the language of the pale creatures it meant to watch out and observe while sitting and thinking. His pale creature also seemed to be very pleased. It seemingly wanted him to learn more words. Strangely it took of the vine that had bound him to the pale creature.

H: "Stay!"

Followed by that strange sound the pale creature moved away. Curiously Orion stood up and followed only for the pale creature to come back and say:

H: "Bad! Sit!"

It seemed as though he hadn't done what the pale creature wanted. Still curious he sat back down expecting more food. Strangely the pale creature didn't give him food and only said

H: "Stay!"

Did he do something wrong? The pale creature began to move away again while he pondered over the meaning of the words. What did it want? Then the creature stopped and turned around shouting

H: "Come!"

Maybe it wanted me to follow it now? Running towards the pale creature he looked at it expectedly. In wonder he looked at the paw of the pale creature. It held more food this time compared to the last time he had watched carefully. It seemed as though the sounds the creature made were the sounds for follow and stop. He looked at the weird and pitiful pale creature before him. Not only did they not have a beautiful long pelt and a wonderful tail, they were also unable to learn the sounds of other creatures.

When they got closer to a tree the pale creature picked up a piece of it and showed it to me.

Orion: "Strange pale creature. I know what this is. Don't worry, you can have it. I've seen it often. Although it is impressive what your paw can do I don't need it."

The pale creature only laughed and waved it around. Truly sad that the pale creature couldn't understand him and had no tail that could help with communication. Suddenly the creature opened it's paw and the tree piece flew away. It looked at it flying away towards a few more trees that stood together. What a clumsy creature. It could be sad that it threw this piece away. Happily he ran after it to help the pale creature. Before going he shouted:

Orion: "Don't worry! As the good and friendly creature I am I will help you get that tree piece back."

Running towards the trees he picked up the tree piece and brought it back only for the creature the pale creature gave him some food but only hurled the wood piece away once more. Curious he ran towards it once more and brought it back again only for the creature to throw it towards the woods once more. Then he stood there and started to think. Why was the pale creature doing this? Did it want to tell him something? And why didn't it give him more food? Perhaps it had no more food left!

Now Orion seemed to have found the reason for the pale creature to throw pieces of wood towards the forest! It wanted him to hunt more food! But why didn't it hunt for food by itself? Perhaps it was tired or lazy? That must be it!

Excitedly barking Orion ran into the woods to hunt for food. It didn't take long for him to find a young creature of the four legged with fluffy tails. Jumping on it from behind he took it up in his mouth while it was still in shock, careful to not kill it. Maybe the pale creature would be happy if he brought it back alive. Maybe he would get more food if it was fresh without to many injuries. More food was always good. It was the best thing in the world.