Birthday present

As the years passed Hermann prepared himself for the fight against All for One with an ever growing intensity. Serious Training had replaced silly games. After Hermann had recognized the intelligence of his companions that he had raised even more by inserting his own genome into their bloodstream he had included them in his training plans. Sadly almost all of his abilities were unusable for them and were discarded by their Adapt&Improve or were bound to his soul and could not be transferred. The only things they had gained were enhanced physical and mental states.

With Orion and Gaia the squirrel he practiced chasing, attacks on multiple different opponents and more but even though they had excellent tactics both creatures lacked firepower and so once he turned nine years old Hermann decided to ask Allmight for permission to fight villains together. Even though he was hesitant Allmight finally allowed it under the condition that Hermann would only do it under his supervision. But as Allmight still thought that it was to early for him, he decided to not gift Hermann anything to express his displeasure.

Despite being upset about this silly gesture Hermann was excited for his first legal villain smacking. It had been a long time since had gotten to enjoy the small rush each fight gave him and with each fight he felt the foggy and intangible wall that separated himself from his emotions thinning out, allowing him glimpses at what laid beyond. As Allmight prepared himself Hermann stood back and waited.

Allmight: "What are you waiting for? The villains won't come to you to let themselves get caught!"

H: "I'll just make sure that Orion and Gaia are Allright and have everything they need."

A bit more than a year ago Allmight had come back earlier from his patrol and while Hermann had been watching Netflix while petting Orion had found Gaia feasting on various nuts with countless ripped open empty packages while she sat on the enormous mountain of nuts. Confused Allmight had asked Hermann about her who had casually replied that he had found her while training and could communicate with her. Astounded by the amount of gifts Hermann had received in the form of his quirks Allmight had surrendered his sanity and limits of possible quirks. Most had only one but to his knowledge Hermann had a physical enhancement, could survive years without food and now speak with animals. Shortly after Gaia had been accepted into the family.

Accepting Hermann's reason he opened the door to leave. Just before the door closed he shouted:

Allmight: "Do your thing but please stop making these jokes about my name. I's time to stop!"

Just as Hermann prepared a fitting answer the door closed before him and his chance was gone. Disappointed in himself he called out for his companions.

H: "Come guys, it's time for an adventure!"

Suddenly he could hear claws skittering over the floor. Shortly after the two arrived before him.

Orion: "What are we doing today? It's been a while since we did anything fun! Are we going hunting?"

Gaia: "An adventure? Are we going to search for legendary nuts?"

H: "Wrong! Both of you! We are…."

Orion/Gaia: "We are not interested."

H: "Well, it isn't exactly hunting but we will catch villains that will surely run away. Is that good enough? And we have no more nuts so we need to buy new ones after Gaia over here ate everything yesterday evening."

With that reasoning they were on board even if they weren't fully satisfied. After Hermann had stored both of their souls in his Soul Storage and their bodies in his inventory he put on his shoes and his jacket he exited the apartment and made his way to the lobby were Allmight was already waiting for him impatiently and a serious expression on his face.

Allmight: "Good. Get over her, I have something for you."

As Hermann was coming closer Allmight extended his hand and presented him a headset he had been holding in his hand.

Allmight: "Put it on. I've already gotten word about a villain a few blocks away that is currently robbing a bank and has taken some hostages. Although it's not the best case to take you will take part as a helper. Despite the situation you could be rather useful as this particular villain has the ability to control snakes. Somehow he got his hands on the most poisonous ones and uses them to keep the hostages in check while he steals the money. Once we get there we will receive more information from the heroes and police forces located there."

Without wasting more time he turned towards the doors without waiting for Hermann's reply. Quickly Hermann ran after him, only stopping after both had arrived at a blockade around the building.