Happy Grandpa

Author's Note: This is a small warning that our world and the world of "My Hero Academia" are not identical and as such a few things in geography etc. may differ slightly. This may also apply to the other worlds he may visit in the future.

When Hermann and Allmight exited the plane they found themselves on a small and empty runway surrounded by desert. Carried by a slight breeze yellow sand flew over the dunes and began to slowly cover up the runway. After they had taken everything they needed with them they walked towards a Jeep parked next to the runway while a small crew of mechanics and other personal transported the jet into a nearby hangar to protect it from the sand.

When they arrived at the Jeep and sat in the back seats they were greeted by an older man with already grayed out hair that wore a friendly smile on his face and despite his age still possessed eyes that gleamed with curiosity. To solve the language barrier between their countries they talked in English which everyone present could speak more or less fluently. As they introduced themselves the old man seemed to be bubbling with excitement. Contrary to Hermanns expectations the old man was a researcher at the laboratory and was an excellent conversationalist. He knew when to make a few jokes and he gladly talked about his work and his coworkers. Hermann had expected the researchers to be much more serious, mature and a lot more secretive but this man reminded him more of a child on a sugar rush that had just played in the park with his friends and intended to tell his parents about everything that had happened.

When they told the researcher that it had been Hermann that had specifically requested to visit this facility the old mans excitement intensified even more and his smile grew so wide that Hermann feared the old man would seriously hurt himself if he would smile just a bit more. Until they arrived at a small small mountain in which the research team had build their base the old man could barely focus on the things in front of the car and Hermann was really glad that they drove far away from human civilization else the man would have been responsible for countless countless traffic accidents along the way with how often he had turned around in the driver seat to be able to talk to them better. When they finally arrived at the mountain Hermann decided to finally ask the question that had plagued him for a long time.

H: "Why did you even decide to build this thing inside the desert? Aren't there better places?"

The old man laughed at that and with a wink he replied:

Old man: "There are many benefits. First of all there is a lot of space and we can build our things as low as we want. Additionally no one meddles with our research and the we can do what is necessary with out anyone breathing down our necks all the time. These bureaucrats are nasty buggers sometimes I tell you."

After parking the Jeep into a garage they had dug inside the mountainside they entered the Research and Preservation center. When they exited the corridor that connected the garage to the rest they entered a large white cylindrical shaped room. Above them seemed to be only a few floors as it seemed that each floor had a gallery around the room while below them were countless floors and on the bottom he could see green plants growing. On top of the room some see through dome made of a glass like substance that allowed for light to spread inside the facility. Contrary to his expectations the facility was rather cool despite the sun shining warmly through the dome and the hot desert outside. When he asked the old man about it he told him that the glass window had been an artificially created material that couldn't be harmed by the sand outside and because the facility had been dug deep inside the mountain where the air cooled down extremely they circulated the air from this warmer room down to the lowest floor and back to warm everything up for the night were everything would cool down.

As they walked around the large building and visited countless rooms each serving specific purposes the old man patiently explained to them everything there was to know about the facility. Additionally the old man happily introduced them to his coworkers that were almost as excited as the old man to meet new people. The long isolation with a few others must really stress them. On the top floors many laboratories were situated, in the middle area many living quarters etc. could be found while storage rooms and the habitats of the creatures were located at the bottom layer, far away from any entrance that would allow intruders to capture them. It truly was a fascinating experience and although they were not allowed to take out things from the storage they were allowed to look at everything for as long as they wanted. This of course was no hindrance for Hermann as he could simply use his Creation Skill to copy everything he came across. Plant matter, frozen animal cells and much more landed in his inventory.

At the end of the day they visited the animal habitats. Because his extraordinary strength, defense and the ability to communicate with the animals he was allowed inside under the condition that he would not harm them. After many hours of cuddling, playing and some playful fighting with the animals they slept in the quest quarters of the institute before making their way back the next day. After a friendly goodbye where everyone asked them to come again some day to visit they flew back to Japan. On the flight back Allmight seemed to have finished everything that had occupied him on the flight to China so he attempted some conversation to busy himself.

Allmight: "So, how was it?"

H: "Interesting. They were really friendly and everything they do they do for a good cause."

Allmight let a small laugh and replied:

Allmight: "They're also getting paid really well but they still are really friendly. What did you like the most?"

H: "What I came to see there for. The animals and plants."

After a long silence before Allmight began to talk again with a deep sigh.

Allmight: "I don't understand why you don't want my power even when it could help you in becoming a great hero. Hell I'm not even sure if you want to become a hero anymore. If you decide to become a researcher instead I won't complain but no matter what you do do it only because you enjoy it and not out of a mere sense of duty, you understand boy?"

With a smile on his face Hermann replied:

H: "Sure dad. I'll just do that. You'll see eventually."

H: [Although you may not agree with my decisions]

Turning away to look out of the window Hermann once again entered his meditation.