It's a brand new world

Author's Note: Hello there Ladies and Gentleman! Before we start I would like to inform you that in this chapter I tried a new writing style in which I decided to integrate the spoken words more deeply into the narrative. Please tell me your thoughts on this.

When they stood before the shining pulsating orb the System as promised began to oversee the mediation between both parties

Knowing that this discussion would decide over the quality of his stay Hermann was prepared to be as friendly as possible. With a wide smile he replied: [I thank you for accepting my wish to bargain.]

The system began to reply to him, translating the messages of the world will to Hermann.

With an even wider smile Hermann answered: [As you seem like a world will that seems pleased by experiencing entertainment I thought that it might be more interesting for me to watch my actions without knowing me fully to find the maximum entertainment in watching my actions. Is that not the case?]

When the system relayed the message to the world will the orb seemed to glow even more brightly, sending even stronger pulsating waves throughout the room. Finally the System decided to translate back to Hermann.

Only at that moment did Hermann realize that he no longer had a body and was instead a vaguely humanoid shape of light which housed many smaller shapes inside him. It seemed as though the three shapes inside roughly occupied a third of his soul. He decided on asking the system about the current status. [Hey system why am I only present in the form of a soul? And the fact that three souls cover a third does that mean that I can contract only 9 beasts?]

[True. What about my second question?]

[Sounds painful.]

[Sure. I'm not THAT stupid. Now let us focus on the terms necessary for my stay in this world.]

[What about my passive creation skill which is not only present inside me but also inside my companions?]

[Is this a hotline?]

[Good. I will accept these conditions as long as you agree to mine.]

[First of all, all of my familiars will be reborn in the strongest possible form for them. Should that not be immediately possible then give them something that will allow them to reach that point. Additionally I want all information about the energy present in this world and how to manipulate it as well as a sample. Before I state my third condition I need to ask a few questions.]

[Is your world of magical nature or does it simply possesses technology as the only thing to alter the power of individuals]

[Which means it is impossible to ask for an ability which will allow my companions to alter their size from their current and possible future larger forms to a smaller form that they possessed when they were little?]

At this Hermann grimaced and replied:

[Then I simply want all knowledge about the technology of this world from it's very beginning until the present day]

Suddenly Hermann began to laugh and through the chuckles he mentally replied to his system

[There is always something to gain. Even in my two previous worlds I was unable to learn most of it so I only have something to gain.]

[Can you even grant me that?]

is only so much I am allowed to do and knowing future events is not in my power. I could however give you a continuous update on development if that is what you seek?>

Suddenly the system paused the discussion to explain the reason for this as that was it's purpose. To answer the questions of it's user and support him in all matters to the best of it's ability.

[Thank you.]

Now the system continued with the translated message.

< only so much I am allowed to do and knowing future events is not in my power. I could, however give you a continuous update on development if that is what you seek?>

[That is fine by me. Anything else?]

[You mean Energy Enhancement and my Energy Coating Skill?]

[I want to enter this world at the age of ten at the very least]

Once more it seemed as though the system had other plans

[Fine. Eight years.]

Now the world will wanted in on this.

[Six. I won't go much lower.]

[Fine. At this age I can at least do something without constant supervision.]

Skeptical Hermann narrowed his eyes at the glowing orb in front of him.

[Special event?]

[OK. Whatever. Let's do this.]


With that Hermann vanished from the room and his sight blurred and became black.