We're in the Zone

Before they had started the trip the teachers had taught them about the different zones present inside District 11. Most people lived in Zone B2 except for a few peacekeepers and the mayor who lived in Zone B1 where the city hall as well as a few warehouses were located. Zone A1 housed the a few power buildings as well as most other important buildings that were necessary to ensure the status quo and support the entire district. The train station and most of the warehouses were located within Zone C1.

If one were to look at the district from above it would remind one of a game of tick tack toe with large walls and other fortifications forming the lines separating the individual fields. Kaiser and almost all of his classmates lived in the lower left corner of Zone B2 while the school was located closer towards the center. Their gate towards the orchards was actually just a small entrance to lessen the travel time between home and work.

Zone A2 was completely covered in orchards while Zone A3 housed the large berry producing fields.

Zone B3 housed most of the dairy cattle and large fields where grass and other plants for feeding the cattle was being grown.

Zone C3 was densely covered with fields producing many different kinds of grain and other plants which produced edible seeds.

Zone C2 produced most of the vegetables consumed in the Capitol and the Districts.

Through all Zones lead a long road which lead from Zone A1 through A2, A3, B3, C3, C2, all the way to Zone C1 where most things were being stored and later loaded onto the train and transported towards the Capitol or other Districts. In addition there were also the "Cross Streets" which lead from Zone B1 down towards B3 and from A2 to C2. There was no other large road which connected the Zones with each other. This ensured that capturing all three important places one after another was difficult as there was only a small exception to that rule, this being a small underground corridor connecting the train station to the city hall which had been built for the tributes, VIP visitors or, so the rumors said, to smuggle illegal goods for the mayor and higher ranking peacekeepers.

Now Kaiser and his classmates had arrived in front of the large main gates which lead from one Zone B2 towards Zone C2. As everyone pushed and shoved each other to get a decent look out of the window Kaiser simply remained seated and closed his eyes. Inside his mind his mental avatar exited the field which symbolized his mind, a large empty plane with a big cuboid structure which housed all of his memories and moved towards Aeolus's newly added area.

While the rest of the areas which stood for his other familiars were blurry and faded the birds territory was shining brightly. His territory was shaped like a large nest upon a long branch which extended from mist or clouds below, warmed by bright sunlight.

When his avatar arrived at the border Aeolus's avatar welcomed him and allowed him to cross the border between the individual minds. Once that threshold had been crossed Kaisers avatar fused with the one belonging to Aeolus.

When Kaiser next opened his eyes his surroundings had completely changed. As he looked around he saw the buses from outside and the walls, the gate and other fortifications appeared much more clearly. Extending his wings he flew upwards and took a closer look. Although Kaiser appeared to be in control it were actually Aeolus's own actions but their synchronization was so perfect that they felt like their individual wills were actually one, just like their bodies. After Kaiser had seen enough and enjoyed the sensation of flying he returned to his own body.

The principal had apparently already talked to the guards, presented the necessary documents and received the allowance to pass the gates. A few minutes later they once more started their journey around the district.

As they drove away from Zone B2 where Kaiser had spent most of his life, which he had few clear memories of, and he looked back he saw quite a few holes that were being patched up. Apparently the attackers had deposited a few explosives around there to avoid having to go through the heavily protected gates. However, now that they had exited the city, the buses accelerated once more, leaving the large walls of the Zones behind. The teachers announced that their next stop would be in the corner of this district, close to Zone C1. Regretfully, due to the recent attacks they would be unable to enter all Zones labeled 1 due to their importance to the district.

As soon as the announcement had finished Kaiser continued to study the scenery. Although the many different field I which vegetables grew were quite pretty to look at he soon lost interest and pulled out a few pages of old used paper which he had managed to acquire from a teacher as well as a pencil and began to draw.

Slowly, as he reviewed what he had learned from all the gathered knowledge of this world he began to draw possible improvements for his jet. Lowered fuel consumption, easier maneuvering, improved ammunition and many other things came to mind and were engraved into the paper. Slowly he began to create an entirely new model although it still used his jet as a base.

[This is how my aircraft has to be like. This is how I am going to build it.]

Smiling he stuffed the paper back inside his bag and began to draw other things. Orion, Tiamat, Gaia and Aeolus. All of them were drawn in many different stiles and poses. Some jumping, resting, flying, slithering. The covered almost all of his pages. As he drew time passed by quickly and before he knew it they had arrived close to the forest while having driven on a small dirt path.

They all exited the bus and after a bit of pushing and shoving close to the exit they all stood outside underneath the warm sun. Luckily it hadn't rained else they would have stood up to their ankles in mud. Aeolus, who had hitched a ride on the roof of the bus, fluttered down and seated himself on Kaiser's shoulder as the teachers began their explanation on why they had stopped exactly here.