Life is a highway? The opposite

*A few weeks later*

Within the mayor's office besides the mayor a peacekeeper as well as a well dressed gentleman were present. The well dressed gentleman, who sat in a nice and comfortable chair, seemed to be from the capitol as he talked in a strangely as well as possessed an altered appearance which differed from normal humans through blueish-white scale like skin around his eyes, pointy ears and several other features which were hidden underneath his long robe. Currently they seemed to be deep in thought until the mayor broke the silence between them. "Have you come to a conclusion? What do you think would be suitable for him?"

The peacekeeper, who stood next to the mayors desk, answered without a change in his strict expression: "I think allowing him to simply keep the boar was already enough. No need for any additions Mr. Cream."

Nodding towards the peacekeeper the mayor replied: "Then I thank you for your evaluation. However I would like for you to watch this." With that he pressed a small button at the side of his desk which activated a built-in Hologram Projector. "This is the footage we have of him. I ask for your serious evaluation. I believe he has great potential." Without adding anything anymore he started the video.

On it Kaisers return from the woods, the reactions of his classmates, Kaisers cold demeanor as well as footage from the interrogation of the children after the incident could be seen. As soon as the video finished the mayor turned off the projection before speaking again. "Sir. Ice I would propose to train him as a champion for the Hunger Games. I know that you have great connections in the capitol and could get an allowance for him to train just like the tributes in the career districts. You could probably show him off and parade him around to promote your products etc. This would help you immensely." Turning towards the peacekeeper once more he raised a brow questioningly: "If it's alright on your side Chocolate."

The peacekeeper simply nodded before resuming his statue-like posture next to the desk.

The gentleman whom the mayor had called Sir. Ice smiled lightly before talking in his strange voice: "Oh? We've known each other for a long time and although we are distantly related you never called me without a valid reason especially after THAT incident." The mayors hand began to tremble ever so slightly which didn't go unnoticed by Sir. Ice who continued regardless: "It is quite impressive that you went to such great lengths for that boy. Although I've thought about it I still can't see your reasoning. Besides that your idea seems quite intriguing and I will take your proposition into consideration. But now if you'll excuse me I have a company to run." After that all of them stood up, the two man bowed before him and wished safe travels before Sir. Ice left through a secret tunnel for his train back to the Capitol.

*Meanwhile on the flat roof of the school*

Although the summer hadn't come to an end yet and it was still quite pleasantly warm cold winds stole most of the warmth, making it a popular spot in the midst of summer but by now it had already become to unpleasant for most who chose to spend their break with their friends closer to the ground on one of the many benches in the school's yard. They were especially strong since the school was located on top of a slight elevation which added to the schools great height compared to other buildings in their surroundings.

Contrary to them however Kaiser rather liked it today. He enjoyed the great view and the quiet atmosphere where he didn't need to talk to people or answer silly questions which didn't interest him in the slightest. With a warm cup of tee in hand and warmed by his new coat he had no reason to freeze in the winds. Additionally it was Aeolus's favorite spot who loved to showcase his aerial maneuverability to Kaiser. Leaning his back against the wall, watching Aeolus he smiled. He was exited about the future meeting with his other companions. Did they miss him already?

Tiamat would for sure as he had provided her with warmth and food, things she now would need to care for herself.

Gaia would probably miss her grooming sessions as well as the food.

Orion would probably be busy looking for everyone as well as miss good food.

As a conclusion...Everyone would miss him because of the food with a bit of extra. Although that sounded slightly depressing he didn't really care. They provided him with much more fun compared to anything humans could provide him especially since they were of a different species, could still speak to him, would never betray him and would always accompany him to different worlds.

Human friends would always be temporary as their lifespan was rather short compared to his eternal life (at least body wise) as well as their capability to accompany him which was nonexistent. So why shouldn't he instead bond with those that were like him especially since they were his eternal responsibility and they were forever inseparable without hurting one other by ripping their souls apart.

Soon after Kaiser closed his eyes after Aeolus had told him that he would fly home and grab a few snacks which Kaisers mother always offered to him in a bird feeder which Aeolus furiously defended from other birds. Due to their contract Kaiser had seen Aeolus's route quite often through their connection. It wasn't far or complicated so Kaiser wasn't worried in the slightest. By now they had been connected so often that entering Aeolus's mind and body had become as easy and natural as breathing. They flew high in the sky and flew towards the ground along the elevation leading towards the city. Flying between the streets of the city they evaded loose cables, people, other animals and messed with a few stall owners by messing up their wares. Still exhilarated they flew away from the busy street towards their house. Kaiser slowly exited and prepared to rest until Aeolus would return.

That was until he received strong signals of surprise, then shock. Reestablishing the connection Kaiser once again shared their senses. Memories of what had happened seconds ago streamed through his mind. The sound of a large horn. The shock of the impact on a window and finally the image of the back of a harvest truck after they had been pushed over the top of the vehicle. Then pain, a last breath and then the connection was forcefully canceled, pushing Kaisers mind back inside his own sweating body. Struggling to breath Kaiser slumped the wall completely until he regained the mental strength to reenter the plane which connected him and his companions. Still shocked he looked at Aeolus's realm only to find the once vibrant and colorful plane which belonged to Aeolus devoid of color, gray just like all of the others.

"Curse you damn truck!" was all he could think of.