Wind of Change

Hello there Ladies and Gentlemen!

I'm sure you were surprised when I din't update yesterday. In fact I was baking a lot yesterday and we had a guest so I was busy until the evening. In exchange you get the chapter today so we still have the same 1 chapter per week. Enjoy!

--- End of Autho's Note ---

Inside the comfortable chair the being made of light relaxed, enjoying what he saw with a small smile on his face. The man in a suit who was standing behind him wasn't as relaxed and seemingly impatient.

"How can you watch this?" He shouted finally when he couldn't contain his dissatisfaction anymore. "Last time you directly messed with the fate of a world to entertain you even more but now? Nothing really interesting happened while we were watching for all this time. Don't you have better things to do like judging other souls?"

The being made of light simply laughed before replying: "Patience was something you always lacked, my friend. The first instance was merely there to give a good start, but now? Don't you find it fascinating to watch someone who possessed godlike powers struggle with the simplest things? The annoyance, the frustration he must feel. It will let him grow from his former, simple form into something beautiful.

But let us talk about your second input. Time? What is time to us? For us, especially in this realm, does time even have meaning? One seconds in others can be eternity here, one second in here can be eternity outside? Time has been and always will be relative. Don't worry about such simple things. I can always judge souls, be it in the past, the present or the future. After all, this is my role and it is who I am. So let us stop with this nonsense and continue shall we? If you don't want to look after your territory. You are the overseer of Heaven's dimension after all."

The suited man simply scoffed before turning around towards the walls of the room where a doorway had suddenly appeared. "Do whatever you fancy," he said before opening the door and leaving. "Who am I to judge you anyways. I do not see why you are interested in him but don't loose track of your responsibilities Master."

With that the door closed and vanished. The being simply smiled and focused back on the screen in front of him. "That guy… always so concerned about rules and regulations. What would he understand. I haven't had a break in a long while. There are few ways to enjoy myself so this is excellent."

*Meanwhile inside the Schools Headmaster office*

Before Kaiser could even listen to the replies of the people who sat across of him his system interrupted him.

Surprised and confused about why the system chose exactly this moment to talk to him he asked

[And why did you have to mention it now? I'm kind of in the middle of something you know?]

[Fine, fine! Now please don't interrupt me for such things right now, as long as they can wait. Should something be overly important then alright, ok?]

With that the introductions resumed. Expecting them to introduce themselves he was surprised when the mayor took on the role of presenting their case.

"Good morning Kaiser. As you know I'm the mayor of this district Mr Cream," he began. "Next to me is an important businessman Sir. Ice who came here to speak to you. Mr. Chip next to me is here to assure our safety and he will be relevant in our later discussion."

Raising a brow Kaiser leaned back and made himself even more comfortable in the headmasters chair. "What is it that you would like to discuss with me? As far as I know I haven't done anything worthy of receiving visitors from the capitol. You most certainly have my attention."

Surprised by Kaisers attitude and his relaxed posture he continued. "Well… I am glad to hear that. As you know you saved my daughter and a few other students that had accompanied them from wild boars. I am a man that believes in justice and the law just like Mr. Chip over there. Because of that I decided to repay you with what you deserve. You were allowed to keep the boars carcass which you have slain in exchange for saving the other children but now I will repay you for saving my daughter. Sir. Ice here is one of my acquaintances and has agreed to help me. Everything clear up to this point?"

Kaiser simply nodded and smiled. He would be eve more uncaring if such an important businessman from the capitol had sat across of him. Perhaps he would be able to make great connections through him.

Seeing that Kaiser had understood Mr. Cream began to speak again. "After some discussions Sir. Ice has agreed to sponsor and support you. With his support you will be trained by Mr. Chip here until you have come of age, are ready to fight and can participate in the Hunger Games. There he will sponsor him as well but in return you will endorse his products during and after the games through various means. "

This time it was Kaiser's turn to be surprised. What an unexpected development. All in all it was a pretty good deal. "What are his products?," asked Kaiser. "What does he sell?"

The mayor smiled slightly, knowing that the deal had now almost concluded and replied: "As his name suggests he is most actively involved in the frozen sector. Almost everything that is sold in a frozen state is produced by his companies as well as machines to freeze objects o creatures." He laughed slightly. "There is a great variety to choose from so you can test a lot of things."

Seeing that the business sounded acceptable Kaiser asked for the contract. Using his Observation Skill to check for hidden lines and analyzing strangely worded sentences he only had to ask for a few minor changes seeing as the rest was acceptable and quite fair to him. A few minutes later Kaiser had gotten a pass for the most important gates as well as an ID-Card and an appointment with Mr. Chip every day for four hours after school.