500 Miles and more

Author's Note: Hello there Ladies and Gentlemen!

I've come here to ask about your oppinion. Should I do more chapters in which only Kaisers animal companions are featured in a single person view (They would only be short)? Or should I simply continue his side of the story without showing anything else?

The next morning he was awakened by the sounds of knocking on his door as well as the quiet noises and slight shaking of the still moving train. Hearing Asmodeus shouting from outside that they would meet in the table in twenty minutes to eat and that he would leave now to wake up the others Kaiser remained in bed for an additional three minutes to enjoy the comfort of the bed. When he felt like he would need to get up else he could never bring himself to leave he unwillingly left the comfort of his bed to get ready. Rinsing his face and picking new cloths from the wardrobe which were in a similar color scheme as well as the same materials he left the room shortly after checking on his box, making sure that everything was in order. Although his father had only found an old lock for it it was still quite secure. At least that's what he hoped to be the case.

Slipping the key in the pockets of his new trousers he left. When he arrived at the table both ladies as well as Asmodeus were already present. A few minutes later Chaff came stumbling inside the room. Still sleepy he fell onto the chair and refused to speak a word without having a few cups of hot coffee. Meanwhile Aster and Kaiser were sampling all kinds of juices and beverages that didn't contain alcohol. Due to the nature of the deal between both mentors all alcohol had been removed from the train, leaving no option for temptation. After a silent meal which only served the purpose of stuffing both of the tributes with as much food as possible.

Finally when everyone was filled to the brim they switched to the living room to rest on the couches there. Here Chaff decided to begin their questioning after he had made himself comfortable. "Alright. Now that we have eaten enough for a while…" before he could even finish an Avox appeared to place down various trays stacked with delicious sweets as well as a pot of tea and cups. Surprised by the interruption he continued one the man had finished arranging everything. "As I was saying now that everyone is full we can continue with our evaluation. Yesterday we tested your character as well as your mind. Today we will ask a few more specific questions which will help us in judging how much training you will need from us and in which areas. First of all we'll come back to your talents and hobbies. First of all Aster." When her name was mentioned she blinked for a while, seemingly surprised that they had said their name. Perhaps she had thought about different things at the moment. "Yes? What do you want to know" was all she managed to say before falling silent once more.

"You told us that you like sewing and art, is that correct?" She smiled before nodding. "Then we might have an idea what you can do and train for the arena. Do you want me to speak out loud or do you want to discuss in private?" She remained silent for a moment, her eyes never staying in one spot before finally glancing towards Kaiser and replying: "I want it to remain a secret. I want to surprise everyone." Although Kaiser hadn't expected that he would accept her decision. It just meant that he couldn't fully trust her in the arena should they decide to fight as a team as long as he didn't know what she had been training.

"Very well," was all both mentor said before turning towards Kaiser. "What about you? You like botany and have worked on the fields and with animals previously, you like and practice art, dancing, play instruments and much more. Is there anything else you want to add? How much do you know about plants and animal species?"

Kaiser smiled before replying. "I don't have much to add besides liking carving especially. I'd also say that I know quite a lot about animals and even more about various plants, natural and domesticated. Is there anything else you want to ask?" Both took a deep breath before Seeder decided to speak for both of them. "There is one more question we need to ask you. It is for the both of you and it is the most important in our opinion. Have you killed before?"

Aster quickly shook her head while looking at the ground, even glancing away from everyone. Kaiser meanwhile simply nodded his head while remaining a neutral expression. Both mentors looked at each other before deciding to split up. Chaff would take Kaiser while Seeder would take Aster with her. Although Kaiser was curious about what Aster would train in at the moment he saw no way to find out. At least he was sure that it would somehow relate to her abilities and hobbies.

After about half an hour of discussion the lights were turned on and the world outside faded to black. They had probably entered the tunnel through the Rocky Mountains leading to the capitol. As soon as that happened they made their way back to the living room to meet up with the others. Although the light was a bit dim Kaiser could still see the traces of nervousness on Aster's face. Grabbing her shoulder softly he prepared himself as well for his first view of the Capitol.

Soon they leave the tunnel, presenting the Capitol in all it's glory. Although Kaiser had had a few expectations and knew all the blueprints for all buildings present within he was still shocked. Towering skyscrapers, elegant cars glistening underneath the sun in all colors of the rainbow, the strange crowd in between, dressed up like guests to a masked ball and the sight of the enormous mountains next to it. Some seemed to have discovered our train, stopping what they were doing to wave at the tributes, causing more and more to turn around towards them and mimic the others behavior and wave as well. Increasing his grip on Aster's shoulder slightly he smiled and waved back at everyone with a large smile at his face. Soon after they arrived at the station and are escorted to the remake center shortly after in a large and comfortable car.