The Show must go on

When they awoke the next day, after a pleasant breakfast both tributes, their mentors as well as their stylists and their teams begin to discuss today's agenda. As they would have the interviews on the next day today would be filled with preparation. They decided that in the beginning they would establish general rules and topics they would talk about as well as things they would avoid entirely before splitting up to prepare individually. They decided to meet in the living room area about 30 minutes later to give everyone a chance to take care of a few important things they still had to do before they could start.

Exactly 25 minutes later all of them had arrived and taken care of everything they needed to do. Seeing that no one wanted to wait they decided to start early. Chaff was the first one to start on their lesson. "Good. Since everyone is ready we should start now. First off I clear up one fact that everyone should know before we can get into this discussion. This is all a show. If you want to survive and take a shot at winning this getting people to like you to gain gifts during the game is important. You don't have to be experts but since you had a better education compared to previous ones we tutored I'm sure it will be easier with you."

"First off to get people interested in you you need to be different and special. You have already a good start with your dance during the opening ceremony, the great outfits your stylists designed as well as your high scores on the test." After a short round of clapping from the stylist teams that interrupted his speech he continued. "Additionally you have displayed an air of mystery and distance that makes people curious. Both of you are just so full of secrets. Keep it that way. These secrets are your currency so don't waste them. Drop a few hints here and there so that people want to keep you in the game to find out everything."

Looking at both of them intensely he continued. "And most of all. Don't break up your duality part. From the start you have been acting as a pair so stay that way at least until the game is nearly up. It will add a bit of romance, a touch forbidden love perhaps and give the audience something to be invested in. The large questions of whether you are lovers, close friends or simply indebted to each other will drive them insane and greedy for more. You are all so wrapped up in a net of conflicting and confusing strings of fate that they will thoroughly enjoy your performance if you play your cards right."

Thinking for a moment before taking a large sip of water from a glass that had been conveniently placed on a table nearby by one of the Avox servants Chaff finally said: "I think now we have discussed almost everything I wanted to say about the general situation and how you gave us some great stuff to work with compared to the usual boring stuff. Is there something anyone would like to add?"

After a few looks around Aurumi Kaiser's stylist raised her hand. Motioning for her to speak up Chaff leaned back to see what she wanted to present. "Ahem!" After clearing her throat Aurumia liked her lips as she was seemingly to excited to present something to them. "I just wanted to tell you that we finished your costumes for the interview. As all of you will be discussing your individual performance we decided to to tell you about the costumes you'll be wearing since they will influence your viewers. It would be best if your content either fits with your costumes or they contrast it extremely almost in a comedic sense."

"Good thought process! We should keep her as the stylist for the tributes next year. We can work perfectly together!" Was all Chaff had to add in his usual loud and rough mannerism. Which was rather interesting since his though process was so analytical and on point like a master puppeteer. Truly an interesting character. "Now let's split up. I'll talk with Kaiser while Seeder as usual will talk with Aster. Aurumia will accompany our team while Qarimir will go with the girls. What about you Asmodeus?"

It was only now that Kaiser really noticed that guys presence since he hadn't said a word since the beginning. "I'll have to mix with my people. I've already informed about potential sponsors and you just need to sign the deals. Today I promised a few that are still undecided that I'd meet them in a club not that far from here. Of course I won't tell any confidential information that have been discussed in here." Looking at his pocket watch before snapping it shut he picked up his jacket and his iconic fedora before wishing a nice evening, leaving the floor.

Soon after while munching a few tasty snacks in Kaisers room the team sat together discussing his strategy which, should it work, be able to fully capture the hearts of the capitol.