
Author's Note:Hello there Ladies and Gentlemen! I hope you're enjoying yourselves. Because I have a lot of time at my hands I wrote this 3k+ chapter. If you've already reached this chapter then comment below as I 'd like to see that for once. Besides that comment and meme as much as you want or even leave powerstones or reviews.


Meanwhile during the long pause both Kaiser and Gaia had to take due to the rain he decided to tie himself to the branch so he couldn't fall down, close his eyes and search through the memories he had gained about this world once more. His progress of archiving everything he had gained into sections according to their related subjects was going great. By now he had already managed to create an automatic search function for most of his memories which was now relatively useful since he had managed to figure out quite a lot about this arena and it's inhabitants. Activating it he had it create a separate room within his memory complex where memories should be placed according to his specifications.

Search: Sort by most recently created. Arenas made in Panem. Multiple sections. Jungle, desert, plains, mountains, water.

Slowly the shelves began to fill themselves. Since only those who possessed all mentioned traits where shown it weren't as many. Still finding it a bother to go through all of it he had another idea.

[Since all arenas are only used once why can't I just search for this one?]

Change search: Arena built for the 72 Hunger Games in Panem.

The shelf in front of him shrunk once more, now containing only about 10 memory orbs.

Slowly taking them from the shelf one after the other he gained a massive amount of knowledge. The topography of the entire arena, the many kinds of monsters that inhabited the arena as well as the location of all the traps and cameras that the Gamemakers had placed were visible to him. Facepalming because of his own ignorance and overthinking Kaiser began to focus on the creatures that he would face in his region. Besides the common creatures that were present here there were also other enhanced species he had met and some he hadn't. Among them were the Tongs which were the weird frog like creatures that had climbed the trees during the rain, the Swarms which were the same species Gaia belonged to, the Nightcrawlers which were the large black apes he had caught in his traps, the Glowybuggers aka the glowing mosquitoes as well as the Owlers which were large owl like creatures that used the Glowybuggers to find their prey.

Next he decided to look for a way out. Using the map he had been given as well as his location he soon found a suitable path which they should take. They simply needed to continue walking against the current of the river for a while longer before they had to turn right and head directly towards the mountains. There they would be able to climb the foot hills and didn't need to swim through the large body of water on the other side.

While he wanted to continue to delve into other aspects he hadn't explored yet he could feel something slightly tapping on his throat. Sighing, thinking that he probably hadn't secured the tarp properly he left his memories and opened his eyes only to see Gaia's worried expression.

"The feeling has returned. It's still some distance away and has stopped moving but I'm not feeling well. We should leave right after the rain stops. Drink water and refill our bottle. And then leave. Quickly!"

"Are you really sure you're not just paranoid? But I think it's a good idea. I now know where we need to go in order to leave this place and climb the foothills."

"Good. Then we won't have long. The rain should stop soon which you probably didn't notice since you spent a few hours relaxing while I had to watch our surroundings because of that shitty feeling."

Feeling her unrest Kaiser picked her up and caressed her thick golden fur in order to calm her down.

"We'll make it Gaia. Our journey isn't finished yet. We'll make it."

And so, together in the rain underneath a large tarp both sat consuming meat, nuts and berries as they waited for the rain to stop, since they knew that once that happened they would need to be quick.

Soon the rain slowly begun to recede, the large clouds that had covered the sky had shifted, allowing for the evening sun to shin for a few more hours. Quickly they scurried up the tree and drank from the water that had gathered on top of the tarp in large gulps. Quickly filling his bottle Kaiser packed everything before pouring out the water from the tarp before tying it together hastily and shoving it into his backpack. As soon as they had finished they began to climb down the trees. Due to the recent rain the bark was even more slippery than normal and Kaiser had almost fallen down a few times before he managed to get a good grip on the branches again.

A few minutes of struggling later both managed to reach the still wet and muddy jungle floor without falling down from too high up. Kaiser had gotten a few scratches from the times when he hadn't managed to get a proper grip on the branches but besides that he was alright. Because of his Perfect Body Skill they would heal soon anyway.

"Hurry!" Gaia exclaimed. "I can feel it's presence approaching."

"Where is it? How much distance is between us?"

"Not much. At first it was a bit slow but now it's coming fast. I'll climb the trees, you run on the ground OK? GO!!!"

As both began to run away towards the direction of the path they would need to take in order to climb the mountains although they didn't have the luxury of slowly wandering along the riverside and had to take the direct route which was a bit more difficult to navigate. Especially if one was being chased by some weird creature.

[Whatever. I'm a BIT BUSY RIGHT NOW.]

Looking back to see what could only be called a nightmare Kaiser accelerated once more.

[I hate you! Stop!]

[The I dislike you for using this. Now let me concentrate!]

Seeing this as no time to argue Kaiser decided to focus back on running the heck away from the creature. From what he had seen during the short moment he had looked back the creature was big, a bit taller than him and definitely wider. It was walking on two legs and had two pairs of arms in the front, the middle ones featuring eagle like claws while the first pair had scythe-like bladed arms. The scariest thing was its head however. A long head with a dog like snout but instead of a real mouth fitting for a dog it had the mandibles of an insect. And in the dim jungle it seemed especially terrifying.

[Never! This is nightmare fuel and not in the least beautiful but a complete freak of nature. It don't even know what weird species it is. Reptile? Insect? Mammal?]

[But she's cute and fluffy. This thing definitely isn't.]

Continuing to run through the dense forest Kaiser desperately looked for a place where he could slow down the creature as she somehow seemed to be faster than him, even if only slightly. Unable to think of or see anything useful Kaiser continued to run. After about 30 minutes of running Kaiser noticed that despite his great physique and passive Energy Creation he was getting tired after some time.

[System check. Why is my body getting tired?]

[Then stop the process and focus all energy on running instead.]

Now with the other half of his energy returned Kaiser continued to run further with the monster behind him slowly but surely catching up to him. After another 30 minutes only about half a kilometer away from their passageway that would allow them to climb the mountains he could already feel it breathing down his neck. From behind he could almost feel it grasping towards him with it's lower pair of arms. Jumping low to the side he almost managed to evade the grasp although the eagle claws had gotten a hold of a part of his backpack. Swinging his knife towards it's arm the creature began to shake his backpack, throwing off his aim, causing him to miss and stumble around.

Before the creature could follow up with an attack Kaiser sheathed his weapon before grabbing hold of the creatures arm and kicking against it's upper body. Although he couldn't see much from his position it must have been somewhat painful as the creature had let go. Retreating a few steps from the creature he managed to get his first really good look at it.

A scaly body reminiscent of a Pangolin and a thick, seemingly stiff tail with a large bony ball at the end. The rest of the body he had seen didn't make it any better.

[No. I won't tame that. Way to ugly and creepy.]

Slowly the creature began to move towards the direction Kaiser intended on fleeing to before turning back towards him.

[So it has a good functioning head despite its strange exterior. The question is: Do they hunt in packs? System how about you check my memories for…]

Activating his External Observation he took a closer look at the creature.


VIT: higher ++

STR: higher +

DEF: higher

INT: average -

WIL: average

STA: higher ++

LUK: high +

[That's partially just op. How could anyone survive this? And why does it have higher luck than me?!]

[It's still ridiculous. And what about his speed? Why do I not see it? ]

[So it's just like I feared. I can't run away. How troublesome. If I have to fight it then o be it.]

Drawing his knife Kaiser relaxed. He decided to keep his backpack on as it could protect his back regardless of how effective it might be. Additionally he wouldn't need to search for it once he was finished with the fight. Casually approaching Kaiser began to take out his other smaller knifes which he placed on his belt. Looking into the eyes of the abomination he could see it studying him intensely.

"What a fascinating creature you are. No fur or scales, slow, no tail to speak of and simply helpless before my might. You truly are the easiest prey I have ever seen."

"Have you encountered more of my kind?"

"So you are capable of understanding my superior form of communication? You seem to be a slightly more capable bug compared to others. Your speed and endurance was also greater than others of your miserable kind. Although I have no obligation to answer the questions of insects I'll answer yours because you exceeded my meager expectations that I have of your kind and because of my greatness and benevolence. Indeed I have encountered others of your species although their performance was sub par and greatly disappointing."

"Then you have killed them all?"

"Are you questioning my abilities, prey? Of course I only consumed them partially before offering the rest to the creators that took them."

Kaiser smiled before asking innocently: "Who are the creators? Do you know them personally?"

The being laughed before replying: "How could I not know the gods? They are large shining creatures that have crafted themselves a mortal body made from shining and glittering stones. I'm sure you have heard of them? How could you not have?"

"Of course I know them. I am an emissary of them and have been granted power and authority to speak for them to all that reside within this realm."

"Laughable. Why would they send someone that they have specified to be prey? Your words lack reason, a foolish attempt to prolong your life bug."

"Is it now? I was sent here to evaluate your performance. How could it be tested better than in person, in the form of the creature they specified to be your prey?"

"Indeed your reasoning seems logical but I refuse to believe you. You have not shown any quality that could even come close to their power."

"How could I convince you then?"

"Show me power. An ability so otherworldly it could only belong to a being sent by the gods."

Kaiser laughed. "Very well. Since that is what you wish for I'll demonstrate something for you."

Placing his backpack and coat onto the ground he pulled back the sleeves of his shirt that were still covering his arms before stepping closer towards the being.

"What if I told you that I can create things? Would that be enough to prove my power to you?"

"It seems to barely reach the minimum requirement but since you are merely their emissary it is clear that you cannot compare to them only being above other mortals through their good will."

Seeing the creature agree with what they had proposed Kaiser slowly closed his empty fist before opening it once more, revealing a metal key. Looking up he saw the beast looking down upon his hand slightly dejectedly.

"Is this all you are capable of? Such a tiny object?"

"I could conjure much greater things but the creators have not permitted me to alter this realm greatly so I had to seal most of my power, otherwise I could have destroyed the mountains with a single command."

The beast grumbled before leaning forwards, placing a lot of it's weight onto it's lower pair of arms and it's legs before bowing it's head. Spotting Gaia in a tree behind it he told her telepathically to remain still and wait for a moment. At this moment the monster began to speak.

"Very well. Then as I promised I will not harm you and even help you in your quest, whatever it may be. It seems to be in the directions of the mountains but it would be helpful if you were to specify your purpose in wandering there."

"I have been tasked with scaling the mountains until I reach the highest peak where I will receive my next orders as the Creators of the Sky have sent me here. This region is now mostly under the control of the Creators of the Sky as it is their duty to oversee their creations while the ones that shape the Earth only care about creating new creatures and life forms."

The creature blinked before looking intensely into Kaiser's eyes. Only now did Kaiser realize it had slit shaped pupils like a cat. "Very well. Then were do you plan on going?"

"You have seen the route I had planned to take. There we will find a path that will allow me to climb the foothills of the mountain. But before we leave we'll have to pick up one of my companions."

Walking around the being Kaiser stood underneath the large tree. Curious about the companion of the emissary the creature turned around and on two legs it walked behind Kaiser. Soon it saw a creature that belonged to the packs of the small golden creatures that inhabited the trees. Although it seemed scared as it observed him like all others of his kind this one soon climbed down and climbed on the shoulder of the emissary. "I was scared about you master." it said. "why do you take everything so serious and don't use the powers you have been gifted with from the start?"

The emissary smiled gently upon it, gently scratching the golden creature behind the ears. "It is a task from the creators. How could I not take it seriously?" is what he asked. Soon Kaiser turned back around before picking up the things he had placed down including his outer skin and a bundle of other skin that it managed to put back onto his skin. Seeing that the emissary had prepared himself the creature bowed down once more.

"Please climb up. Through my aura I will be able to scare away the nuisances that may come and approach you. Though you are a lower life form the fact of being an emissary makes you worthy enough to ride on my back."

Kaiser turned his head to look at Gaia. "Are you fine with this arrangement?" She merely nodded her head before she quickly disappearing in his hood.

With his coat on and the backpack on his back he placed his hands on the lower pair of shoulders before swinging himself onto the back of the abomination. Once he had gotten on the creature stood back up and began to clean its arms and claws. As soon as he sat comfortably the lower pair of arms gently grabbed hold of his legs with the eagle claws. Soon the head turned around 180° like an owl as the creature began to explain.

"Do not worry emissary. This is merely for your own safety as I fear you might fall off once I begin to hurry forwards. Should you wish to tell me anything just lean forward and tell me, my hearing is quite good so it will be no problem."

Turning his head back towards the front the creature began to move in the same direction the head been heading towards previously. As they hurried towards the mountains even during the night the creature was still capable of rushing forwards without colliding with a tree that stood in the way. From time to time Kaiser observed the map he had found within his memories to check if they were still on track and occasionally relayed course corrections to their new temporary mount. Once they arrived in the near vicinity of where they should start scaling the mountains Kaiser decided to rest before they continued the next day. As their mount complied they feasted on grilled meat, berries and nuts just like they had on the tree. Sadly by now almost all of their water was gone and they would need to wait for the next day to get more. After a good meal all went to sleep with the aura of the mount keeping the other beasts at bay it was very calm and relaxing. A few Glowybuggers were the only ones that bothered them but they were quickly eliminated when Gaia woke up from time to time as she didn't need much sleep.