You are under arrest!

Ducking down he avoided another peck before standing back up and leaning forwards to avoid the incoming spear which pierced towards where his head had previously been. Wanting to grab the spear and yank it away he is forced to jump and let go of it as he avoids a kick from the bird. As the bird finally enters the part of the path which is already under water to get even closer Kaiser is getting pressured even more. As Kaiser avoids more and more attacks his shuffling feet uproot and destroy more and more of the grass under his feet which had given him a firm stance on the small pile of dirt and mud. The splashed water from the kicks of the bird had only made it more slippery. As he ducks down and wants to use his left hand to support his upper body it slips and impacts the water with a loud splash.

Standing back up, continuing to evade while trying to get a hold of the spear of the male tribute he hears a quiet hissing from behind where his hand had hit the water. Glancing at the location between his attempts at avoiding the incoming attacks he manages to spot long slender bodies slithering around each other right where his hand had fell. Seeing the pile of bodies the bird tries to peck at them while still keeping Kaiser away. After a quick peck he holds a large eel like creature with a great circular mouth with countless teeth, no eyes and dozens of small hook-like legs along the sides of his body. Screeching for a moment it soon silenced when the bird rips off it's head before swallowing the rest.

While Kaiser is still thinking about the strange creatures the other tributes sees his chance and fiercely stabs at Kaiser. Unable to evade the sudden attack he decides to take it, as he still wears his black unitard underneath his thick leather coat. Although he prepares to take it he is knocked off into the water as by now he was only standing on a wet muddy dirt pile. As he falls into the morass feet first he keep calm. Although the weird creatures swarm him and try to bite through his clothes they put up quite a nice resistance. When they use their hooked legs to climb him he manages to fend them off, only causing him to sink in faster.

--- PoV Diar ---

Seeing Kaiser's struggle in the morass surrounded by many of the strange creatures caused him to sigh in relief. Despite the previous failed attempt at killing Kaiser, who at the moment is still busy with ridding himself of the strange creatures, now would be the best time to try again. Glancing to the side he saw that the bird was still busy looking for the other eels. God must really love him. With this great chance to gain a kill which would get him great gifts from sponsors all over the capitol, especially since Kaiser had scored so high in training, he could only cry happily.

When he left his mother and sister had been crying so much that he had to change his shirt although he had to admit that more than half of the tears had been his own. Why out of all people had he been chosen? Why was he the one that needed to die out of hundreds of other people? Now he knew. He wasn't sent here to die but to live and win. To move into a nice house in the victors village where he could happily life with the rest of his family. This situation was proof enough. When the creatures finally cut through Kaiser's cloak and reveal the clothes he wore underneath his long leather cloak he knew the time had arrived. With tears in his eyes he hurled the spear with all his might towards the chest of the occupied Kaiser. Watching the spear fly in a perfect small arch he smiled. All of his training hadn't been for nothing. Fate had already chosen him as the true victor. That smile soon vanishes as the spear that was supposed to spear Kaiser through suddenly disappeared as soon as it touched him.

--- End of Diar PoV ---

All of the sudden Kaiser pauses, his face becoming even more grim and serious than it had been before. Grabbing onto the muddy path he pulls himself out of the morass and back onto the dirt pile he had previously been standing on. As soon as he stood straight all of his clothes disappear for a moment, leaving only his black unitard for others to see, causing all of the eels to fall off of him, onto the path and from there back into the water. Not even after a second his clothes are back on and as new and fresh as when the games had started, free from mud and water.

Sighing Kaiser looks at the boy. "Well...I guess the cat's out of the bag now."

Turning to the still busy bird he grasps to his side where the boy's spear appears, falling right into Kaiser's palm. Getting into proper position he hurls the spear to the chest of the bird, penetrating about 20 cm into the bird chest. The bird first looks at Kaiser before beginning to spasm and run around. Before the bird can even move more than a few meters Kaiser grasps a tail feather, causing the entire bird to disappear. Turning back Kaiser sees the boy still paralyzed and in shock, trying to make sense out of what had just occurred. Not wanting to talk any further Kaiser merely extends his empty right hand once more before the spear appears in it once more. Hearing a faint but ever increasing noise of something hurrying towards them Kaiser decided to finish everything off quickly before dealing with the new issue.

Carefully skipping from one dirt mound to the next he quickly arrives before the tribute. By now the boy had snapped out of his stupor and with shaky hands had begun to pull out a knife he had kept with him, trying to keep Kaiser away with it.

Smirking slightly at the scene Kaiser says: "How the tables turn. Ironic isn't it? In mere seconds the whole scenario has been flipped around. The only difference is…" Piercing the spear forwards he penetrates the chest of the boy. "...I can kill you."

Before Kaiser even manages to pull the spear back out two deep black horns penetrates out the front of the boys chest, the impact pushing the boy forwards while coughing blood all over the path. Quickly the horns were removed, causing the boy to limply fall onto the ground. Behind him, now visible because of his fall stands Cirb with Gaia on her back. Removing his spear as he calms down he can notice the bond between them clearly, now that he doesn't need to concentrate on fighting.

"Why are you so reckless, Master?"

Looking up he glances at Cirb's face, seeing only worry and confusion. "If you would just relax then we would all take care of you and serve you victory without any trouble. There is no need to put yourself in danger like that Master."

Kaiser sighed before storing the spear back in the inventory. "If you were to serve it to me then it would be no real victory. Merely a meaningless achievement. How could you fight for me if I was a useless master? Besides, I needed to test my own capabilities. What if a situation were to occur in which all of you were absent I needed to fight for my life? I need to be capable enough to at least protect myself."

"If a situation were to occur in which you have to fight on your very own then it would be due to our negligence. From now on one of us will always accompany you since we can't trust you to stay out of trouble. You are our lifeline and therefore too important for us to go of on your own."

"Are you threatening me, Cirb?"

"If that is what it takes then yes."

After a short moment of silence during which the low boom of a canon is heard, confirming the death of the tribute lying next to them, Kaiser smiles, deciding to continue with the ongoing discussion. "And what does Gaia have to say about it? She hasn't said a word until now."

The small golden squirrel merely glanced at him before lazily replying: "Because there was no need to, Master. She speaks for all of us. From now on until the end of time you are under our care and supervision."

Shaking his head Kaiser finally replied. "Where is Aeolus then? Does he not agree with your decision?"

Both shook their heads. "He's above us, looking for aerial threats above the mist," said Gaia. Now let's return to the cave. We need to plan out our future strategy.

Although Kaiser was a bit displeased about their decision he knew they only cared for him and wished for his best. As they continued to relax on the large plot of land for a while after the fight they heard a loud howl in the distance.

Grinning Kaiser stood up. "Let us go that way. I have a good feeling about this. I bet we'll find Orion there."

Walking away they didn't even spare a glance for the hovercraft that had silently appeared to retreive the body of the dead tribute.

--- Meanwhile in the Control Center ---

The old man had left his viewing seat and walked towards the recording team. Most of them were still staring dumbly at the screen, unable to wrap their head around what had happened. Of course they would try to cut out the footage since it was to bizarre and cause unrest among the public. One of the few unaffected men was busy showing footage of other interesting scenes.

Stepping before a man, who's forehead was almost as wrinkled as his brain as he stared at the screen in front of him, he clapped his hands loudly. "Mister Woodsman! What is the meaning of this? This is outrageous! Simply unfair to all other tributes! What item was sent to him that allows for this? I have no knowledge of anything like that even existing!"

Spooked the man looked the old man for a second before bowing. "I'm sorry sir but we have no idea what just happened."

The old man nodded before turning towards a young woman that was operating a small projector. "Pull up the end of the fight scene. I want to see it in detail once more. What happened…truly a mystery."

Watching the video over and over again they still found no clue on what caused the phenomenon. The old man stroked his beard. "Perhaps we need to remove him from the games. We cannot control him and his abilities are to strange. Our researchers might be able to find out what is causing this if we manage to capture him."

Mr. Woodsman remained skeptical. "Something like this has never happened before. The greatest problem we have is that most in the capitol favor him and he has a good chance of winning."

The old man smiled. "And who controls the video feed? Change it to view different tributes. The career tributes for example. No one will notice."

Mr. Woodsman still seemed hesitant. "But that legal?"

The old man laughed. "I'll make it so. In a few minutes I'll surely receive confirmation of this whole operation from the President. We only need to show this clip as well as our assessment of the situation. "

Mr. Woodsman just sighed tiredly. "Very well sir. If the President approves I'll do my part and only allow the view from people in different regions. I'm sure we'll find something entertaining."

Seeing his colleague agree the old man looked back at the end of the fight scene which was still going in an endless loop. "It's settled then. It is critical we sent a group there immediately. Before he gains even more assets. Give the order. In thirty minutes we'll have him secured."