A Teddy Bear

(September, 2076)

Tyler sighed to himself, normally he would be walking the halls with his friends. Sharing some laughs, cracking a joke here and there. However, today he was in the nurse's office, with dimmed lights and an ice pack on his head.

"A migraine", the nurse diagnosed as she gave him some medicine that he ended up throwing up seconds after he consumed the small white tablets. "They're not uncommon with fever, body aches, so on. You could also be having another growth spurt, child" The nurse had laughed, it was a withered laugh that had to have been musical at one time. "I've grown enough." Tyler sighed before he could think of a better retort, "Growth spurts can be for many things besides getting taller, child." The nurse murmured ominously.

Before Tyler could say anything else, the nurse had left the room for one reason or another. He closed his eyes with a sigh.

Tyler could hear the whispered voices of the few students in the office with him as well as those in the hallways. Lately his hearing has become more and more sensitive. His anger is also becoming an issue in that he's exploding more and the explosions are becoming more violent with each episode.

His parents were concerned since Tyler was more of a teddy bear than the grizzly he was gradually morphing into.

Tyler didn't know what was going on with him, he found himself growing more and more alert as time passed, he was growing more and more protective, assertive.

'its this strange feeling. I must protect my mom and dad. I feel like something bad is coming for them... or is it coming for me?'

Tyler thought back to the past couple of months... it's been scary, terrifying to be honest. His father actually had to restrain him on an occasion or two which only made Tyler more determined, as he was plagued with the consuming thought: 'I have to best my father. I must show him that I am worthy.'

He had this nagging sensation at the pit of his stomach... and he couldn't say what it was. His weekly schedule changed from football games, dances, and random social events to Doctors. Every week was a new doctor who had more questions than answers after examining Tyler. The constant visits were tiresome... They took measurements, asked their probing questions, and they took blood. Lots and lots of blood... to always come up with nothing. No callbacks, certainly no clarification as to what was happening to him... nothing.

One day, His parents suddenly stopped taking him to doctors. Tyler pursed his lips at the thought. 'On that day is when they pulled me from football, my friends, everything. They dont even want me to come to school anymore.' Since the episode in which he made his mother bleed, every time he went home his mother would greet him as if she was worrying all day. About what, Tyler could never guess.

'I just wish they would tell me the secret…'

It was mostly quiet until he heard the panting and shuffling of two girls that fumbled into the nurses' office. Tyler could feel himself growing annoyed. They had to be social butterflies, similar to the cheerleaders that liked to flock around himself and his friends. He kept the ice pack over his head in hopes of not being seen.

"Um Hello, My friend sprained her Ankle..." 'Wait a minute…' that voice wasn't of one of the girls that attended his school, their voices were shrill, loud and obnoxious. Even the quieter girls, their voices resembled honey. However this voice was musical, gentle and seamed to soothe the 'migraine' that was plaguing him. Also this girl smelt like flowers opposed to the overwhelming artificial perfume. The second girl as well, she smelt warm. Like cinnamon...

'These girls don't go to this school'... the thought had him on edge, the application and registration for this school took a month at least. Everyone knew when new students were coming... especially him... 'so why don't i know about these two?'

"Lay her here dearie." The nurse, an old wrinkled woman cooed. Tyler blinked under his ice pack. He hadn't heard word or sound of the old woman since she left him and wondered off. He listened as two girls struggled to get onto the empty bed beside the quiet boy who lifted the icepack on his head, then sat up with a sigh. "Here let me help." He offered as he effortlessly picked up the hobbling girl, who was about to fall and take her brunette friend with her, and placed her on the empty bed next to the one he was laying on.

"Oh, thank you." The brunette sang with a sigh of relief. "To think, they said chivalry in the south was dead." Tyler looked the the girl, with round honey brown eyes and wavy brown hair. She looked like a rounded athlete, with a generous bust and slim figure. Then he looked at the girl that was just in his arms, she had long black hair and genie like lavender eyes that drew him in. Her pink lips were in a gentle smile and Tyler felt his cheeks flame red. "Uh-th- Thank you, Ma'am." He stammered, the girls that flocked him were pretty. These girls before him were on a whole other level of beauty. In his eyes, they were beyond words....

"We should be thanking you, after all you saved my friend and I from embarrassing ourselves any further." The lavender eyed girl spoke in a soft, whispery tone. Her voice was musical, soothing. When she touched his shoulder as he put her onto the second bed, he felt his headache completely disappear. "We're new here, and you saved us from making further fools of ourselves" The brunette chirped as she extended her hand. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Tyler looked at the offered hand, this girl spoke beyond her years... "Excuse my friend, she's socially awkward when she's around new people that spark her interest."

The lavender eyed girl murmured as the nurse started to wrap her ankle. With an understanding nod, Tyler slowly took the extended hand. Blue eyes locked with honey brown and he noticed her pupil dilate, then his world went black.


Myriah watched the boy fall into a heap on the floor and the nurse moved to tend him when Atoli gently caught the old woman and gazed into her eyes, "We will tend to the boy, Why don't you forget you saw the three of us and go and rest?" The nurse nodded, went to the first bed and laid down. Before Myriah could release the breath she was holding, the woman was asleep. The once teenager proceeded to burn the wrapping off of her ankle and she healed the sprained appendage. Atoli whistled low, "I still can't believe you actually sprained your ankle." Myriah rolled her eyes, "That's what happens when a green eyed imp pushes you down the stairs." Atoli bit her lip to keep from laughing, lest she worsen Myriah's already foul mood, "One of these days..." The lavender eyed girl muttered threats under her breath as she hopped off the bed she was sitting on.

"I wish I could do what you do." Myriah sighed, "you make it look so natural." Atoli giggled and pulled out her cellphone. "You're becoming smooth with your powers as well. I wish I could heal myself and others on the spot without people noticing." She shot a text to Axel then looked at Myriah, completely serious. "Alright. You can do this." Myriah nodded and she took a deep, calming breath. She spread her arms and closed her eyes and she hummed a spell, then Tyler disappeared.

In that moment, Atoli's phone chimed, and Atoli grinned when she read the message.

"Great work, Myriah." Myriah nodded with a strained smile.

"Now let's blow this popsicle stand."

Though light spells and simple healing, this was the longest Myriah had used her powers since coming into Axel and Atoli's care... though simple, it was different than telekinesis.