His Eyes

**(August 2074):

"Hello, my name is Atoli." The brunette haired, amber eyed girl murmured as she extended her hand, "I'm Myriah..." Myriah said taking Atoli's hand and shaking it. Atoll was slender with a generous bust. Her wavy burgundy hair was tied into a loose French braid that cascaded just past her shoulder. Her peach colored skin glowed with innocent, kind beauty. Myriah admired the girls well fitted top that was in a square cut. It left just enough cleavage for one to wonder. Her shirt was rimmed in lace, it looked as if it was made specifically for her, she also wore a pair of black skinny jeans and some blood red wedges that gave her outfit a very nice touch. 'She's so beautiful…' Myriah thought with a blush.

Atoli beamed and hugged Myriah who held perfectly still, ever wary of sudden affection, she could never bring herself to delve far enough into her mind to figure out why...

"You're the new girl the boys told me about!" Atoli gasped, round honey brown eyes wide in excitement. "Boys?" Myriah asked, "Yes..." Aotli waved her hand dismissively as she dragged Myriah to their home room. "We have most of the same classes. Its nice to finally meet another smart girl who is pretty. You don't know how I've tried to befriend some of the popular girls here and they are...not all there." Myriah laughed at Atoli's rant as they walked into the classroom together.

Lost in her new friends words, Myriah bumped into a black wall. She gasped and could only watch as the papers she had picked up with her bubbly friend scattered about the hallway again.

Confused, Myriah poked at the wall. 'Funny... the walls of this school are a god awful green with a vomit yellow stripe across the middle… I have yet to see any black...'

"You really should pay more attention to your surroundings." A baritone voice ground out.. 'this isn't-' The lavender eyed girl stilled with her finger a hair away from the supposed wall which had just spoken.... 'If I recall correctly, walls don't talk…' Sheepish from embarrassment, Myriah slowly looked up into the greyest eyes she had ever seen. 'Oh…'

A jolt coursed through her body, 'his eyes are so deep.. so...consuming...

I can stare into those eyes for days and I will continue to learn from him....'

Those eyes told stories... Myriah had to fight to take in the rest of him... she slowly, begrudgingly tore her eyes from his to see the rest of the boy she bumped into.

He had short, neck length ice blonde hair and milky skin like Atoli who was once more on the floor picking up her papers, mumbling as she did. The boy in front of her was lean and muscular in his black T-shirt and faded blue jeans.

He had a strong jawline and high cheekbones a pointed nose that met with kissable pink lips. The thought brought a blush to Myriahs cheeks. Consuming grey eyes that were once narrowed in annoyance were now digging into hers, perplexed.

'Oh … he's staring too…'

Sure girls would flock around him and throw themselves in his path, but this girl didn't do that. She looked confused when she saw him, and then she looked like she was trying to read him. Her own unique lavender eyes seamed to see through him, through the narrowed glare he would give, she dared to try and read into his intimidation. 'This girl….' Their locked gaze became a silent battle of wills, a conversation of sorts...

"Axel, don't be mean." Atoli chided as she stood up and patted Myriah's shoulder pulling her from her daze. Atolls scolding tone brought them both back to reality with a quiet gasp from Myriah.

"This is Myriah, my new best friend." Atoli chirped as she wrapped her free arm around Myriah's shoulders and brought the blushing girl into her side. Axel sighed heavily and he gave Atoli a side hug as he moved around Myriah to continue toward his own class. He stopped suddenly, making Myriah gasp, quietly this time.

"Nice to meet you, Myriah." Axel murmured as he caught her finger tips with his own, Myriah felt her breath hitch as their eyes met again, "i-I'm sorry...for bumping into you," Axel, maneuvered his hand so that he was holding hers, "The fault is mine," he mumbled as he brought her knuckles to his lips.

"M-Myriah." She gasped when his lips touched her knuckles, "m-my na-name is.." 'this boy… is he even human?' she thought helplessly as the air seamed to leave her lungs as well as her brain, "Myriah." He finished her name with a second kiss to her knuckles.


(Late March, 2076)

Axel was woken by a gentle shaking of his shoulder. 'I was sleeping…' He blinked to see Atoli standing before him with a tray in her hands. "Hey… should I let you sleep instead?" Axel was about to nod and drift off again when the delicious aroma emitting from the tray reached his nose. His eyes widened and he slowly lifted himself from where he was resting. 'It seams I fell forward in my sleep…' he looked at his and Myriahs connected hands, 'I don't want to let go…' he slowly pulled his hand from hers, 'I'll eat then return…' he silently promised as he stood and stretched. Axel had to turn his whole body from Myriahs lest he return to his former position. 'Surely I'm coming down with something. I've never been this attached to any one. Not since…'


Atolis chocolate colored eyes brought him from the flames before he could even give them a glance this time. "Would you rather eat here?" Atoli asked. Axel nodded and moved to clear the side table next to Myriah. "I'll join you." Atoli murmured as Axel moved the side table to a more central space in the room and pulled up another chair. "You sit there." He murmured as he gestured for Atoli to sit in his previously occupied chair. Axel took the unoccupied chair and let his mind take him while he watched Atoli serve them a plate each from the tray that she brought.

"I'm sorry for wondering…" A raspy voice greeted. Axel looked into the golden eyes of the boy from the facility. 'How did I not hear him?' Atoli shot up and gestured to the tray of food, "you're finally awake!" She chirped, "come. Eat with us." Axel shook his head and decided to dig in. Making the amber eyed boy hesitate.

"Ignore him, he's a beast." Atoli murmured as she twirled over to the boy and dragged him to where they were sitting. "I'm Atoli. This is Axel, he's not a cruel as he looks." Axel rolled his eyes and opted to focus on his meal. Atoli blinked as she and their newest addition to their home watched him inhale his food. "Avar pala āṇṭukaḷāka cāppiṭavillai eṉṟu nīṅkaḷ niṉaippīrkaḷ... (You would think he hasn't eaten in years…)" Axel growled and Atoli proceeded to drag the second boy from the room with a nervous laugh, "let's go get the rest of dinner, huh?"