The Real Battle is Soon to Begin


'Burning....I'm burning...'

Tyler slowly opened his eyes. This wasn't his room...

'My body hurts.... did I practice too hard? Am I at another doctors?'

Tyler automatically knew that he was moving. He just didn't know how. The last thing he remembered was looking into honey brown eyes... With that thought, Tyler closed his eyes and did his best to even out his breathing. He could feel that his heart was racing. He could feel his body beginning to tremble. The aches were steadily getting worse...

'Was i kidnapped? Will I get to go home? What about my parents?'

Were they okay? Were they safe? Were they out looking for him?

Well if he was kidnapped, he had the element of surprise on his side.... He could pretend to be dead or sick...perhaps the aches and the burning would stop and he could fend the kidnapper off...

A stabbing pain made its self known as it collided with his brain. The pain seamed to cause a new burning to spread through his head, making Tyler wince as his breathing picked up again.

'Why does it hurt so much?'

He bit his lip to keep from crying out. He knew too little to trust giving anything away...

"I know that you are awake, Tyler." Came a musical voice, "Hopefully one day we can get you home, however as of now the less you know the easier this will be for you." Tyler's reply was a groan as he tugged at his clothes to find some sort of relief from the burning sensation that only seamed to grow with every passing second.

'What was she saying? The less i know?! Just what is going on? Wait... this is the girl from school... the girl with the lavender eyes...'

His eyes snapped open, but he couldn't seam to focus, his vision was blurry. The girl didn't have a clear shape, she was misty with an aura... a shimmering white aura. 'Is this part of having a migraine? is that what I'm feeling?'

"Atoli, we need to hurry, his temperature is spiking." The lavender eyed girl snapped. "We're almost there." He heard the bubbly brunette chirp. Was he being taken to a hospital? Was he sick? Was he going to die... Tyler blinked, trying to get a sense of what was going on, but his vision was playing tricks on him. He tried to sit up when a gentle touch effortlessly halted his movements. This served to confuse Tyler even more. This girl had to be what? 150lbs? And she was holding him, a 185lb almost 6 ft quarterback down as though he were a child... it had to be impossible right? He struggled in her grip, only to meet iron resistance.

"Don't move. You may feel fine, however you have a high fever. Right now, you should rest while you can." She mumbled as she continued to look him over. "Why?" Tyler thought he spoke loud and clear, but his question came out raspy and weak. "It will get worse before it gets better." The lavender eyed girl murmured in solemn tones. Her gentle gaze boring into his own made it difficult to be scared or worried about the situation that he was in. Tyler held onto her gaze as though it were his lifeline... perhaps it was...

"Sleep now. The real battle is soon to begin." She coaxed as his vision started to give out.

"Myriah are you sure you can do this?" Atoli asked wary, from the front seat while Kain did his best to hold the van steady. Part of her wondered why Axel wanted him to drive. Another part of her prayed they survived this rocky trip under Kain's unsteady hand.

"You've never used your powers for so long...". Jasmine looked up from her book as Myriah kept her eyes on Tyler. Who was starting to shiver and groan in his sleep, "I've chalked it up to a final growth spurt. Where the average human has sporadic spurts throughout their lives, for us it's relatively painless until now. In the height of our adolescence, we get the fever. Which burns away any human blood in our systems, it burns away any damage that the body has endured. And in that time our bodies finish developing." Myriah murmured, "I feel like Sometimes the blood is too diluted and the fever will burn and kill one from the inside out. Which I think that healing wise, I should follow the burn…" the lavender eyed girl rattled as she started to heal Tyler, foregoing Atoils question. As a shimmering light emitted from myriahs hands, Atoli tilted her head while Jasmine leaned forward in concern. The light was dimming and growing every other few moments... Brown met green and a concerning thought was shared: 'Myriah's powers were starting to fluctuate.' The power was strong and raw... however the body could only take so much... mortal or not, every body needed rest at some point.

"That is what a healer is for." Axel murmured as he looked at the sleeping boy. "In the past, the healer would keep the changeling alive, no matter the dilution of the blood. They would heal the body as the magic burned it. Exactly as you are doing now." He looked at Myriah who was looking at Tyler, completely focused. 'Heal the burning? I know I said to follow the burn but… can i really do that? I don't even know what the burning looks like, how am I - Am I strong enough?' Myriah brought both hands to get chest and tried to reign in her spiraling thoughts. "you may not know what the burning looks like." axel murmured with a gentle hand to her shoulder, "but you know what it feels like and you've studied the human body." Myriahs eyes widened, "I know it's easier said than done but grow on what you know." Axels words has Myriah tilting her head. 'grow on what I know...' she took a deep breath as she placed one hand on Tyler's chest and the other on his forehead. 'So first...I need to see' she thought as she tried to get the slightest visual. 'Axel is right: one thing I know is Human Anatomy.' she let her mind wonder to the many anatomy books she has read over her short life, 'Anatomy doesn't change regardless of race or species... however i need to know what needs to be healed. I need to see the damage that's already done.' Myriah willed herself to see Tyler, 'Come on Tyler... Show me your pain.' She coaxed. 'Let me save your life...'

Axel watched her closely, his concern growing as he felt her powers start to fluctuate even more. "Are you well enough to do this, Myriah? You're still healing yourself." He murmured. Myriah tilted her head. "If I do nothing, he will die." the once teenager whispered, "I must do this." She whispered, not letting up on her focus. "You've been up for three days Myriah..." Atoli murmured, concerned. "We are on a schedule. We still have to rescue the Mermaid?" Myriah murmured as she willed Tyler's temperature to go down. She watched him start to relax in his sleep. As his breathing begin to regulate, she stole a glance at Axel from beneath her lashes. 'thank you for saving me again...' She proceeded to use a cool cloth from beside her to wipe the sweat from Tylers forehead and neck. Myriah sighed and did her best to cure herself of her exhaustion. 'I will succeed in keeping this boy alive.'