Nicholas: The Oldest Vampire

Myriah shifted closer to Axel as the people around her whispered and gaped.

She looked at Tyler who was just as uncomfortable.

He stood protectively Infront of Mika eyeing the people around him warily. She could safely say it was similar to being a monkey in a circus.

"Remember," Axel murmured as he cradled Myriahs form. "You give them hope." He looked at Tyler, "you're the first to survive the fever in a very long time."

Tyler bowed his head. Myriah couldn't say if he sass trying to remain calm or if he was overwhelmed… either way, her heart went out to him.

She internally berated herself, she was his elder, she should have sacrificed herself and allowed him to stay home where he was still finding comfort Prather than force him into an entirely new and even more uncomfortable situation…

"The boy also survived." Angalo murmured, pulling Myriah from her thoughts. She watched as the other occupants save his brother, herself and Tyler bowed at the waist in greeting of the stranger.

'I wonder who he is…'

Myriah got a good look at the new stranger who entered the room, Probably the tallest in the room. Not only in physical height but in his presence. Myriah couldn't help but to lower her head, this males presence commanded respect. His aura was brimming with harnessed, radiating power. Myriah had to wonder just how old this man was.

She looked at Axel and shifted closer to him when the mans silver eyes bore into her own. Myriah tried to look away but found her body unresponsive to her minds commands. Ice cold fingers of anxiety started to wrap around her heart. Myriah could feel the sparkling knives of fear start to prick her lungs.

Her hand found Axels and she held fast lest this mans glare destroy her.

"I see, you've carried the darkness, young one." The man greeted, "and yet you are alive." His eyes locked on her and Axels intertwined hands and narrowed, Myriah wanted to hide behind Axel but his hand in hers held her in place.

"You siphoned the darkness from this girl, Axel?" The stranger asked. It sounded more like an assessment. Myriah tried to look at Axel, however he tore his eyes from the strangers, and completely avoided her gaze.

"And you are standing as well."

"Surely-" Angalo tried to interject, however the stranger was having none of it. In turn he glared at the elder of the two brothers, "It would seam some information was not included with the successful transformation of the boy and the survival of this girl."

"This is not our concern-" Angalo tried again. Myriah watched the strangers eyes turned to steel and she watched Axel and Angalo flinch. She immediately became guarded.

'Will he hurt Axel? Anglao?'

Wasn't this man supposed to be a friend?

Why were they scared if he was a friend?

Before she knew what she was doing, Myriah stepped in front of Axel with guarded lavender eyes. The strangers eyes widened a fraction and a small smile graced his pink lips. "You are very brave girl." He complimented, "Very brave, or very stupid." Myriah solidified her stance. "You won't hurt them." Myriah snapped, "I won't let you." at which Axel pulled her small form into his own and he caught her gaze. "This is Nicholas. The oldest of us." Axel murmured. Myriahs expression didn't change, even in the warmth of Axels arms, she glared at the stranger known as Nicholas who was now grinning at her.

"Zafrina seams to have been correct in the diagnosis of this child." The elder announced, "it's been many lifetimes since I've seen a Pure One. It is also the first time I have met one that was the result of the union of a human and a Pure One. Few ever survived the change."

Despite being wary, Myriah tilted her head.

"How can you tell?" Angalo asked.

"Her aura." Nicholas murmured, "It's so pure. Also recognition was foretold to be among the Pure Ones before they gave us life."

Myriah looked at Axel who was looking at Nicholas. His expression was unreadable until Nicholas captured her attention. "You know, Pure one, Vampires can siphon darkness but only from a life mate." Myriah felt her breath hitch, what was he saying? Darkness? "Some even feed on it and become the undead."


Nicholas had an arm around Myriahs waist and he held her close to himself.

"Like this." He whispered, making Myriah freeze, "Life mates share the purest, most addictive waves of passion." Myriah started to struggle to find herself met with iron resistance. "It's so easy to drown in it, that many have lost their way to the bloodlust and drank from their partner past the point of death" there was an edge in his voice that had Myriah trying to reach for Axel. But her arms were glued to her side. "The ones I would hunt would have siphoned the darkness from their mate, and gone mad." Myriahs curiosity was drowned by her anxiety, "Lifemates also share an emotional bond." Nicholas murmured. "As creatures of night we are naturally drawn to the darkness." Nicholas leaned into Myriah so their noses were touching.

The sight made Axel clench his fists so hard, his nails dug into his skin and his blood dripped onto the floor.

"It's a raw and tantalizing taste that makes one want more. Much like the blood of a Pure One. Isn't that right, Axel?"

Axel narrowed his eyes. "No." Nicholas scoffed, "you are among your people, there is no need to lie for the girls sake. Let her know what she is dealing with. The risks."

Nicholas glared into Myriahs eyes again, "the taste makes us want more and some have killed their mates for it." Myriah gasped, "without our mate, we go mad... imagine the knowing that your mate was killed by your own hand... and the burning craving for more of what you killed her for burns brighter than ever within you..."

'Axel…' Myriah started to struggle again.

"Stop traumatizing the poor girl, Nicholas."

Angalo stepped toward Nicholas to be dismissed with a icy glare. "Darkness doesn't breed in your heart unless you have been traumatized." Silver eyes caught Myriahs wide ones again. "Unless you're haunted…" the words were a hushed tone that was more taunting than naught. 'No… Axel…'

She started to struggle with new vigor, Nicholas was shocked when he saw Axels hand come between himself and the struggling girl like a knife slicing through melted butter. Myriah wasted no time in grabbing onto Axels shoulders and latching onto him.

Axels arms came around the small girl and he glared at the elder vampire before him. "If you know what she is.... bringing up her past in such a manner isn't how to assure her you mean well."

Nicholas glared at Axel, "you dare?" Axels response was to shove Myriah behind his form. "She is not here for your amusement. Even if I did siphon the darkness from her, she is alive and that is what matters."

"Such a fool." Nicholas ground out. "I can feel the darkness within you. It's almost admirable how you've kept it at bay." Axel growled, "you've seen the girl and the boy. Our business here is done."

Nicholas's growl matched Axels. Atoli quietly came and peeled Myriah from Axels form.

"If they fight you will get hurt."

Axel caught Myriahs worried gaze and nodded. "This will only be a moment." He assured at which Nicholas scoffed, "presumptive as ever." Axel unbuttoned his blazer and slowly peeled it off once Myriah was safely tucked between Angalo and Atoli. Nicholas did the same. He watched Myriah step forward to take Axels jacket while Haru shyly took his own. The two vampires growled at one another as they rolled up their sleeves and circled one another slowly, assessing.

"I have five on nick." Angalo whispered. "Ten on Axel." Myriah and Atoli replied together. Angalo eyed Myriah with a small smile on his lips.

"If Nick wins, you cook all of the meals for a month." Atoli blinked at Myriah who was looking at Axel. "Axel will win…" Myriah whispered as she laced her fingers together and brought them to her lips as if praying.

'Axel will always win…'